Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 981: , Shocked Anbu

The ominous hunch accumulates deeper and deeper in his heart, giving him an urge to rush to find out.

However, the various prohibitions of Anbu made him stop there.

But at this moment, a dark part with a cat's face on his head and wearing an dark costume suddenly appeared behind him.

"Number One, the time has come, it's time to change shifts." The dark part of the cat's face said casually, and it seemed to be very familiar. He wanted to put his hand on the shoulder of the dark part of the dog's face in front.

However, at this moment, the dark part of the dog's face, who had already changed shifts, dashed forward and rushed out of the tower.

Then, a slightly anxious voice came from the wind.

"You guard, I have something to investigate." The dark part of the dog's face said quickly.

Immediately, he stepped on the tower of the lighthouse and rushed downward.

Moreover, in order to speed up, after he rushed under the tower, he rushed towards the house where Zhang Xiang was.

However, when he rushed to Zhang Xiang's house, he hesitated slightly and jumped to the roof on the other side.

There, there are root members who are monitoring this house.

However, when his figure jumped above the roof, he was suddenly stunned.

Because, the two root members who originally stood on the roof of this room and took turns to rest and monitor like him are already lying on the ground and unconscious.

This made the dark part of the dog's face feel a tight heart, and he couldn't help becoming nervous.

Although in Konoha Ninja Village, Anbe and Root are the same in nature, and because of the two leaders, they seem to be in conflict. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

However, this does not allow the people of Anbu to deny the power of the root and its darkness.

The existence that can survive at the roots is at least struggling out of the **** storm.

And the members who can kill these two roots silently, no more than one palm in Konoha Ninja Village, and this is even counted in Tsunade and Danzo.

If you think about it further, in Konoha Ninja Village, the roots are synonymous with terror.

Daring to attack the existence of the roots, in Konoha Ninja Village, it is almost non-existent.

And now in front of him, there are already two roots that have been killed. That means there is a high probability that an outsider has invaded...

Thinking of this, the forehead on the dark part of the dog's face was already dripping with cold sweat.

At this moment, it seemed that something was wrong, and the whole person quickly flashed towards this side.

"What's wrong, Number One?" The dark part of the cat's face felt a little strange and wanted to ask.

However, when his figure flashed near here, he also found something wrong.

"The man at the root?" The dark part of the cat's face quickly flashed over, squatted down, and scanned the two root members who fell on the ground.

He stretched out his right hand and checked it carefully.

"I was hit by an illusion and a heavy blow, and passed out!" The dark part of the cat's face said his own examination results.

Listening to this result, the dark part of the dog's face was relieved.

Since the opponent did not kill the root members, the guess that it was the enemy personnel would have dropped a bit.

However, at this moment, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the back alley of Zhang Xiang's house.

"There is movement, go!" The cat snorted in the dark part of his face and rushed out first.

After that, the dark part of the dog's face also rushed up quickly after a daze.

However, his heart was tumbling.

‘Back alley, isn’t that where the other root members are? How could it be so coincidental that all the roots of this room were under attack. Was it aimed at the person in this house, or the person who attacked, it was him at all! In the dark part of the dog's face, a face suddenly flashed through his mind.

It was late last night, when Tsunade-sama gave him a surveillance and protection order, the figure on the ninja paper.

According to the information on the ninja information card, the man in the room is a quasi-shadow-level powerhouse. He not only helped Root complete some dangerous missions, he is still a member of the Anbu and has completed at least three. S-level tasks.

And, every time he suffered a few minor injuries at most, he successfully completed the mission.

The most powerful one was when their team received a team of Yunren squad consisting of Shangren. All the members of the dark part of the team died, leaving him alone, and successfully Killed all the members of Yunren team and completed the mission.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a trace of speculation in his heart.

‘Perhaps, it’s him who kills these roots silently! This thought suddenly flashed in the dark part of the dog's face.

And before they had time to think about it, they had already rushed to the back alley.

At this moment, the flashing light of thunder had just stopped.

This raised his heart to a level, because it meant that the battle was over, or nearly over.

If the root member wins, that's fine.

But if it's the attacker, then...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but grabbed the Shinobi on his back!

And in the next moment, he could see clearly what the "enemy" looked like!

It was a man of about 1.78 meters tall, wearing an Anbu costume, with short black hair, and a little handsome.

There was a slight smile on his face at this time.

However, the movements in his hands made him ominous.

Because, a burst of thunder was slowly converging from his hand.

And on the ground not far in front of him, there was a whole root squad lying there-one Shangren and two at least Zhongren.

And the time that the battle took place was only less than five seconds.

However, all this is over.

This made two dark parts, a layer of cold sweat appeared on their foreheads.

However, at this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in the dark part of the dog's face.

"You... are you the one being watched?!" The dark part of the dog's face suddenly recognized Zhang Xiang's identity...

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