Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 982: , Before the root...

"Yes. Watching'hair, thread, Chinese, text, and net" Zhang Xiang said to the other party with a faint smile.

After all, the other party may be a colleague in the future.

However, after knowing that Zhang Xiang was the subject, the two dark parts did not relax at all, but became even more tense.

Because, in the Ninja Village who attacked the root members, it was no different than the Anbe members.

And the crime of assaulting members of Anbu can be the crime of'trespassing the village' at the highest!

And every member of the Ninja Village is obliged to take responsibility for the ninja who attacked the villagers.

Thinking of this, those two Anbu couldn't help but clenched the Anbu in his hand.

‘Take him! The two Anbu couldn't help but glance at each other, revealing a common decision in their eyes.

And these rules, before Zhang Xiang entered the Anbu, he already knew, how could he not know what the two Anbu thought?

At the moment they saw them staring at each other, Zhang Xiang already knew their decision.

"Do you want to take me down? I'm sorry, but I can't be caught by you now..." Zhang Xiang's voice sounded slowly.

And, quickly approaching them.

This made them want to dodge quickly and flee to both sides.

However, at such a time.

They felt that their heart beats suddenly, and time seemed to slow down thousands of times.

Then, they seemed to suddenly come to the wilderness of the night.

In the place where the moon was supposed to be, a pair of enlarged version of scarlet three-gou jade writing wheel eyes was slowly rotating. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

A burst of weird power radiated from the pair of scarlet three-gou jade writing wheel eyes, and it spread across the field, restraining their bodies and making them immobile.

Let them have a feeling of continual sinking, which is simply irresistible.

The last picture of memory in their minds is the endless wilderness.

Of course, there was a sound in their ears before they fell.

"I'm sorry... Tell Master Tsunade... I will solve the matter soon, and I will give her an explanation... Don't worry..." Zhang Xiang's faint voice sounded in their ears.

Then, they completely lost consciousness.

And in the real world, Zhang Xiang slowly retracted his three-god jade writing wheel eyes, and the bodies of the two dark parts also slowly limped onto the ground and fell into a coma. .

Of course, it is different from the root members who were stunned by Zhang Xiang and the root members who were stunned by him with electric shocks.

Due to the different methods used, the members of the dark parts who have received special training will wake up much sooner than those of the root members.

And to say those words to these two Anbu members is nothing more than two meanings.

One is to tell Tsunade that he will solve the goods he has ransacked by himself, so don't worry about him.

Of course, the meaning inside secretly also has the effect of giving the other party a reassurance.

I want Tsunade not to give up on him so quickly.

After all, although Tsunade loves silence, she is a Hokage first.

What Hokage thinks about and what he does is to put the interests of the village first.

And leaving Zhang Xiang alive in Konoha Ninja Village is undoubtedly not in the interest of the village.

And the other one is because even if these two Anbu wake up, they won't go after him for the first time.

Instead, he went to the Hokage Tower and reported it to Tsunade.

Let him have enough time to end all this!

After doing all this, Zhang Xiang's eyes turned to a certain direction of Konoha Ninja Village, and he took a step in that direction...


Half an hour later, Zhang Xiang came to the edge of Konoha Ninja Village, and in front of him there was a tunnel opening to the underground passage.

The rainwater of ‘tick, tick’ is constantly dripping from the tunnel entrance.

And if you look in from the tunnel entrance of that passage, the inside is all black holes, and there is no trace of human existence.

In addition, this is originally the edge of Konoha, and there is even a small forest located here, and a large number of vines have already covered most of this hole.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't hesitate at all, and walked inside.

Only when he walked to the entrance of the tunnel leading to the bottom passage.

In the silence, a dark shadow flashed by suddenly and quickly, smeared with unknown poison, and smeared with reflective materials. In the darkness, there was no Shinobi that reflected any light, but It was suddenly attacking Zhang Xiang's back.

During this period, the person who attacked didn't have any mood swings, as if the thing he stabbed at was lifeless, without any hesitation.

Because, he received the order to kill all those who entered this passage without permission.

Except for a few specific people and ninjas with commands, anyone who dares to enter will be killed!

Except at this time.

In front of the ninja sword smeared with unknown poison, a hand suddenly appeared, a right hand filled with thick thunder and lightning, like a purple-blue crystal jade.


There was a strange metal sound.

This is how Zhang Xiang's right hand directly grasped the extremely sharp and poisonous Shinobi.

Then, there was a ‘click’.

Zhang Xiang's right hand pressed hard, and the blade of the extremely sharp Shinobi suddenly turned into something like a twist.

Feeling this, the eyes of the sneak attacker suddenly widened.

However, his actions did not hesitate at all.

He suddenly gave up the Shinobi in his hand, and moved his feet quickly, trying to quickly open the distance from Zhang Xiang.

At the same time, his hands were clenched tightly, and the two still poisoned Kuwu.

Because, according to the information he just got against.

He has already judged that Zhang Xiang is a strong man, a strong man who has reached the pinnacle of physical skills.

However, he did not give up.

Assassins (ninjas) are never measured by hard power.

However, he did not think of a very important thing.

That is, when the difference in strength reaches a certain level, what will happen...

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