Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 996: , The root heir!

In an instant, the scene became calm in an instant. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

After Tsunade frowned slightly, he also spoke.

"I haven't officially issued the task yet, I'm just discussing it. So, it's not a violation of the order." Tsunade frowned slightly.

Her eyes looked at Danzo's direction, revealing that this is something you don't care about, I mean Hokage.

"Then, let's not talk about this matter. Since the Ninja Village, as an ally, has asked us for help, whether it is for the sake of clarity or for the current balance between Ninja Villages, we should also be Send a team to help complete the task." Danzo, leaning on his crutches, walked two steps forward, walked not far from Tsunade's table, and said to her.

After hearing Danzo's voice, Tsunade also frowned and nodded.

"I'm talking about this now." Tsunade said to Danzo.

"Well, the candidate for the team has been selected, let them follow him to complete the task, dark!" Dan Zang tapped the crutch in his hand and made a clear voice.

Behind him, there has been no sound since entering the door, and the root member in front of him wearing root clothing and with a monkey face quietly took a step forward.

"Yes!" Zhang Xiang took a step forward.

And watching Zhang Xiang, who was walking a step forward and wearing his root clothing, couldn't see his face, Tsunade couldn't help but frown slightly.

"What you said, is he who knows that organization well?" Tsunade frowned slightly and scanned Zhang Xiang's body, trying to see his true face clearly. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Because she was a little suspicious. After'dead' two years ago, she was nowhere to be found. Except for occasionally returning to the home where Bai and the others were, Zhang Xiang, who never appeared again, was the one in front of her. Alone.

It's just that, in the past two years, Zhang Xiang has not changed much in his body shape.

But his temperament has really changed a bit.

In addition, he deliberately reduced his breath, so Tsunade's behavior was destined to be a waste of energy.

"Yes, the information of Genbu was given to me after he sorted it out. Moreover, he was responsible for the intelligence part of the organization jointly established by Genbu and Anbu." Danzang said indifferently.

And listening to Danzo's words, Tsunade couldn't help looking at Zhang Xiang, who was wearing the root costume with a little surprise, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Because, according to the information she has.

The first-hand news that Root received was all sorted out by Danzo alone.

Because intelligence is the second life of the ninja, he does not want to miss any possible news.

But now, the intelligence department that he regarded as the second life was handed over to such a person by him. How could this not surprise her? !

‘Is he the next root heir chosen by Danzo? This thought suddenly flashed through Tsunade's mind.

Moreover, the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that this idea of ​​hers is likely to be true!

However, what she didn't know was.

The roots were already under his control after Zhang Xiang defeated Danzo, and controlled him with the "Gensokyo without God" written in a kaleidoscope.

Moreover, after two years of subtle changes, there have been various alternations of power.

'Dan Zang' already has the'dark' root army commander who lives in seclusion behind the scenes, and Zhang Xiang's incarnation has the meaning of faintly inheriting the roots.

As long as a while later, the roots will be completely digested by him.

"Then, such a dangerous task shouldn't be performed by him. As he handles so much intelligence in Ninja Village, if he is captured by the enemy, then some secrets about our Ninja Village will undoubtedly be known by the other party. So, what should I do then? It's better to change someone." Tsunade frowned slightly, and said to Danzo in front of him and the two consultants standing behind him.

This move of hers had another purpose besides the reasons she had stated on the face.

Then, she was testing Danzo, trying to find out if the person in front of her was Zhang Xiang.

Or, is it the heir of Danzo?

However, Tsunade did not expect that Danzo immediately returned her words.

"You don't have to worry about this matter. Every existence that enters the roots, even if they die, will not leak the information in their minds. Moreover, he is the strongest existence in our roots. If it were him, I would not worry that he would be caught by the enemy. Not to mention, getting close to this organization is a good way to understand the intelligence of this organization. This is what he personally requested, and so am I I agree." Danzo answered Tsunade's words without leaking.

Then, when Tsunade wanted to say something, he said again.

"Okay, we are not here to argue about this matter. He is my subordinate, and if he makes any mistakes, I will be responsible. Now, it should be ordered as soon as possible to rescue Fuekage from Sand Ninja Village. Time." Danzo said flatly.

After listening to Danzo's words, Naruto, who had just been suppressed by Kakashi and Sakura together, was afraid that he would say something inappropriate, also yelled.

"Yes, Grandma Tsunade, let's set off quickly!" Naruto said urgently.

And seeing Naruto who was so anxious, Tsunade nodded helplessly.

"Then, I will give the task now and order the seventh class to go and rescue the captured Fuukage." Tsunade patted the table and said gravely toward the seventh class in front of him.

"Yes!" Kakashi replied with a rare face.

Even Kakashi, who usually shows a pair of dead fish eyes, dare not make a mistake in this kind of occasion.

"Then, that'Dark' is also incorporated into your team and will perform tasks with you." Tsunade pointed to Zhang Xiang, who was standing next to him, and said to Naruto.

"Grandma Tsunade, that..." Naruto wanted to say something else.

"This is an exchange that allows you to return to Class 7 to perform this task. Don't forget, what status are you now!" Tsunade said harshly.

And after Tsunade showed off his power, Naruto had to accept this request with a wilting expression, and set off in the direction of Sand Ninja Village...

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