Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 997: , Akatsuki, gather together!

It was when Zhang Xiang and others officially set off toward Sand Ninja Village, in a cave hundreds of miles away. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Drops of water dripped from the mid-air, dripped toward the uneven ground, shattered into countless powder, and then merged into the ground.

And just in the depths of this cave, when I don’t know when, another huge body was buried on the ground, only the upper body and two hands were exposed, with nine eyes, and the skin seemed to be withered. Golem like a fallen tree.

That golem was nothing else, it was the former ten-tailed body that was summoned by "Zero" as the leader of the Akatsuki organization using the eyes of reincarnation, and it is also the current outer golem.

And just on the ten fingers on the two hands that stretched out to the ground, six figures slowly emerged.

"Isn't there yet?" The man standing on one of the fingers, wearing a black robe embroidered with red clouds, and carrying a sickle of illusory colored shadow, said with some impatientness.

"The one who should have come will naturally come back." Uchiha said lightly.

Half of his face was hidden under the black high collar, that thin face, and the traces of the corners of his eyes, all showed his indifferent personality.

"Really, I knew this a long time ago, so I won't come first. You know, I found a good prey, and I am going to sacrifice it to Lord Cthulhu!" Fei Duan curled his lips and said impatiently.

And at this moment, the huge rock blocking this cave suddenly moved away, revealing the two guys behind who were also wearing black robes embroidered with red clouds.

Those two people are not others, they are the Red Sand Scorpion who has just returned from the Sand Ninja Village, and his temporary companion Ghost Scorpion.

And just above the shark muscle that the ghost shark was carrying, there was a figure that didn't know the life or death.

That person is Gaara, who was defeated by the ghost shark in the sand ninja village.

"Are you coming?" The illusory colored shadow standing above the center suddenly opened his eyes.

It is a pair of eyes with a circle of ripples, with the "reincarnation eye" supported by the eyes of the fairy.

"Cut, is it finally here? You guys are too slow, too!" Feiduan said with some boredom.

"Because it was a strong attack, it took a little effort!" The ghost shark opened his mouth, revealing his shark-like teeth.

However, at this moment, the guy who stood in the center and was called'Zero' spoke again.

"Well, time is running out, let's get started!" He said in a flat voice.

Although his voice is very flat, there is no other feelings.

However, after hearing his voice, everyone in the room also closed their mouths.

At the same time, the red sand scorpion and ghost shark that walked in each jumped on a finger, and the huge stone behind them was automatically closing.

Gaara, who was originally carried by the ghost shark with shark muscles, was also thrown away.

Then, the eight people standing on the Golem of Outer Dao had already begun to produce a seal at the same time.

"Seal!" 8

With their low drink, and Chakra emerging from their bodies, the mouth of the Outer Golem spewed out a burst of inexplicable translucent power, toward that about to fall to the ground. Gaara shrouded his body and kept him in the air.

A yellow chakra originating from being sealed in Gaara’s body, a tailed beast guarding crane, came out of his mouth, as well as his eyes and ears, and swallowed into the outside golem. .

In the cave, he was plunged into peace again.


At this time, in the sand ninja village more than a hundred kilometers away.

Kankuro, who was accidentally poisoned by the poison on the tail of the red sand scorpion because of tracking the red sand scorpion, was also discovered by the people in the sand ninja village.

The consultant who lived in the sand ninja village, the country of wind sand ninja village, the super-first puppet master, the wife of the first generation Fukage, and her brother Hai Laozao were also invited out by the high level of the village and began to be arrested on behalf of them. Gaara is going to take care of the affairs.

And, if you are in a meeting, do you want to try your best to rescue Gaara back?

After all, even if Gaara became Fengying, the image he left to everyone before would not change so easily.

However, in the end, Gaara's sister angered and told her sincerely.

Everyone still agreed to rescue Fengying Gaara.

At the same time, more than 20 kilometers away on the other side, it was already close to the sand ninja village.

The four figures are advancing in the direction of Sand Ninja Village at a rapid speed.

Those four figures are no one else, they are the Kakashi team, and the root member'Dark' who temporarily joined their team, that is, Zhang Xiang who has hidden his identity.

Just on this road.

Because of Naruto's head and rush, everyone still hasn't said anything.

However, Kakashi, who was about to reach the Sand Ninja Village, focused on the team and had more experience in task execution, still spoke.

After all, he knew in this situation.

Knowing the enemy's intelligence, and not knowing the enemy's intelligence, will have completely different consequences.

"That, ‘dark’, right?" Kakashi stopped his body for a while, let himself fall behind, and stood at a place similar to Zhang Xiang.

"Well, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiang changed his voice, responding to Kakashi's words with a plain voice.

"Now, we are about to arrive at Sand Ninja Village. Can we share the information about that organization? We can make a more detailed and complete plan." Kakashina looked at the exposed right eye. Zhang Xiang glanced at Zhang Xiang and said.

In his eyes, Zhang Xiang was like a root of imitation. Not only did he not show any expression on his face, but even when he was talking, he did not show any emotions in his eyes, and was indifferent.

It's like an existence without emotion!

This feeling made him feel a little vigilant...

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