As for the fact that Mo Yi will be abducted by Erina, Illya has already given up on it. Onii-chan will take her with her even when she goes back to another world. What else does Illya have to worry about?

Chapter 304: Let’s make dumplings together

After Master Mo Yi's Thirty Forms of Dongxuanzi, Illya was naturally very satisfied and opened the door of Mo Yi's room with a little shaky steps.

Although until the end, Illya still did not tell Mo Yi about her fearful thoughts due to Erina's arrival, but due to Mo Yi's grandfather's insinuation, all of them were unknowingly known.

While he was heartbroken that Illya thought too much, Mo Yi did not hesitate to use various words and actions to prove it to the other party.


After Illya left, she took a deep breath. Mo Yi looked at the forum of Yakumo House again, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry.

Just as he thought, how could the veteran driver of Yakumo House not like three beautiful girls like Honoka?

There are endless barrage of weird comments like "My wife", "Children make choices, I use them all", "I will make the head".

Of course, although Yakumo House is one of the largest same-sex dating websites in the world, and the works of Shibaban are common, but as the Holy Light, there are no shortage of Dark Sky or Mosaic. Various comments and complaints above They are all very restrictive.

After all, many of the wives above were drawn by Mo Yi himself, just show them to them.

After taking a look and feeling reassured, Mo Yi turned off the computer and went to take a shower.

For some reason, the Hundred-School Exchange Competition was only for one day, but Mo Yi felt that this day was the most tiring day for him in more than ten years since his rebirth. He felt as if he had put the experiences of Sanqiu into one day.

————The dividing line leaving the room————

When Mo Yi came out of the shower and came to the living room, he found that the atmosphere was a bit strange. It turned out that Erina was already sitting there, drinking the tea that Hero Emiya poured for her.

Although there are many hills in the Emiya family, once a foreign enemy invades, such as the invasion of sister-chan, everyone immediately merges together to form the most extensive united front of the Emiya family, with Illya as the center, combined with Tohsaka Rin, Matou Sakura , Xue Miao and others stood opposite Erina, drinking tea in silence with her, occasionally confirming each other with their eyes.

Naturally, our hero Emiya was diligently pouring tea, asking everyone what snacks they needed, and whether they needed more tea, etc., to alleviate the Cold War atmosphere that although he couldn't understand, he could really feel it.

Sitting next to Yukinoshita Yukinya, ignoring Medea's vigilant gaze, she kept eating the Saber Arturia made by the Emiya Daishi, and after clearing the table as if no one was there, she prayed He looked at Hero Emiya and said with admiration:

"As expected of Shirou, I wish I had you by my side back then."


After feeling pinched by Medea, the caster next to him, Hero Emiya trembled. He first glanced at Medea, who had a kind smile on her face, and quickly said, "If you like, I can do it at any time." I swallowed my words for you and said humbly:

"Thank you for the compliment, Saber."

"One hundred more handicaps—"

Arturia asked seriously:

"This is a necessary daily energy supplement for knights, please!"

Emiya Shirou: "..."

Fortunately, my family owns a mine, and I often receive gifts from Erina, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to support a large number of people in my family.

This is probably why Emiya Shirou has been depressed these past few days.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that it’s great that my servant is Medea. She doesn’t eat much and knows how to help with housework. Otherwise, even if she is willful, she will be tortured to death by the people present.

You know, Illya has extremely high requirements for his academic performance and always uses——

"Ou Doudou, you can't even do such a simple calculus? You will become a useless adult, a scumbag who can't adapt to society."

"Well, if you had one-tenth of Onii-chan's power, sister, I wouldn't have to worry about you."

What can Hero Emiya do? He is also in despair!

He could only sit there and accept the instruction from Illya standing on the stool.

Sister, you are trying to embarrass me, the nuclear bomb sword fairy. I am a man who wants to become a chef. I have time to learn such inhuman things as advanced mathematics. And I am only a high school student. Why should I learn calculus? Something obviously out of the ordinary!

More importantly, can we not use other people's children to educate ourselves? Doesn't Ou Doudou have no dignity?

"Then I'll make some refreshments -"

Hero Emiya shook his head and forgot about those heartbreaking things for the time being. Although meeting Arturia was tiring, he could get more than ten times the satisfaction from ordinary people (after all, Arturia Ya's appetite is more than ten times that of ordinary people), this is recognition for a chef!

After that, Medea, who was always smiling kindly, dragged her to the kitchen to make tea.

"What a sin!"

The heroic spirit Emiya looked at the developments on the field with embarrassment. What happened to make the world distort like this?

His wife Tohsaka Rin has more weird hobbies, which he can accept.

But why did Emiya Shirou, who was originally going to be taught how to behave by himself, become like this?

Shouldn't his standard equipment be that of the All-A Cavaliers?

Why did he replace the famous teacher and save Medea who fell on the roadside?

I said, in the past, didn’t you know that Medea was a wife with a scumbag husband named Jason and even a child?

Why does this happen?

Wasn't my past self supposed to be an electrical repairman who had been working hard to become a partner of justice?

Why would you directly order a wife who has full cooking skills? !

Do you know that your future wife has very dangerous ideas? Hey!

At this time, Heroic Spirit Emiya suddenly remembered something that Otto, a friend he met online, always said to him -

"Love is a light, so green it makes me panic——"

This kind of future is not the future I want!

At this time, the heroic spirit Emiya once again missed his former self. How about he find an opportunity to reform Shirou Emiya in this world and let him return to the path of a righteous partner?

It's better than being teased by netizen Otto - "Come on, Hero Emiya!"

"Master, is it okay?"

The little Sun Karna, who was good at observing, could naturally see the strange situation at the scene. He looked at the shredded rake sitting motionless on the main feed and asked:

"That blonde woman gives me a very dangerous feeling——"

"It doesn't matter--"

Shredded Raking naturally knows Erina. Since Mo Yi is so mysterious and unpredictable, his sister cannot be simple. Otherwise, how could he be forced by the other party to flee to Fuyuki City, and then just meet him after fighting the Holy Grail War? ?

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