As for Karna's double meaning, Qishi Raha wasn't worried. Although he couldn't beat Mo Yi, but after spending so many years with him, didn't he still know who he was?

Therefore, Qishi Raake is not worried at all. His only feeling now is that he once had such a beautiful youth!

It's all the fault of the righteous partners. I think back then I was one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Moon!

Back then, I should have blasted the Holy Grail's dog's head with one origin bomb, so that I wouldn't have lost the eldest lady, Alice Faith, and the second lady, Kuu Maiya.

But now, even his only daughter is about to leave him and be dragged into the arms of another man——

Life is so lonely as snow.

So, the moment Mo Yi walked into the living room, everyone's eyes fell on him instantly. If it weren't for Mo Yi's grandpa who had also seen big scenes and was used to chatting and laughing with big bosses like Sargeras, it would really be true. Yes, you will feel uncomfortable.

"Erina, has it been a long time since you came?"

Grandpa Mo Yi asked with a spring-like smile on his face, looking at Erina who looked impatient.

"I just came here not long ago——"

In front of outsiders, Erina naturally wanted to maintain her goddess image. She replied to Mo Yi without saying anything, and the atmosphere became cold again.

"Eating dumplings tonight——"

Mo Yi smiled very calmly:

"I'm going to prepare now."

After that, he slipped away to the kitchen as if nothing had happened.

Tohsaka Rin thought that he could see the plot of Shura Field, so that everyone present could clearly see Mo Yi's true eyesight, but he didn't expect that everyone present was so unreliable. No one actually launched a declaration of war, not at all. accurate.

"Yi, let me help you!"

Matou Sakura, the daily cook of the Emiya family, stood up directly and followed Mo Yi.

Tohsaka Rin: "..."


Sakura, why are your movements so skillful? How many times have you cooked at Emiya's house, Kouga!

"My Onii-chan really makes me, a younger sister, worried—"

Seeing the purple-haired passerby heroine who he had never paid much attention to follow so naturally, Sister Jiang must not be able to bear it anymore. How dare a mere passerby heroine be so arrogant?

After Erina sighed, she said:

"I'll go take a look."

After that, he slipped up.

Hum hum——

This goddess is thinking of performing a magical operation that reappeared yesterday, making dumplings with Mo Yi to awaken the memory of the other party and herself, and to remind the other party of her kindness. Although the plan is a little off, everything is still under control. .

Illya: "..."

Isn't this my home?

Why do they behave more casually than me, the master? This is not okay. It is time for you to understand whose territory this is.

So, after Ilia also said a few words, she ran to the kitchen to help.

"I think it's not a good habit to sit there and wait for food to be served. How about we help from the jungle?"

After Tohsaka Rin and the seemingly calm Xue Miao looked at each other, they couldn't help but say something.

Xue Miao nodded and said: "Well——"

So, the two of them also headed towards the kitchen of Emiya's house.

"Is this really okay, Master?"

Karna, who understands people's hearts, once again looked at Shredded Rake, who was calmly drinking sake, and complained:

"Those heroic spirits are also following me. What if there's a fight?"

The shredded rake poured down all the sake in his hand, looked in the direction of the kitchen, and said with a rare smile:

"They are all good kids——"

"Besides, isn't Mo Yi here?"

Karna: "..."

Okay, what you said makes sense. At this time, Little Yang finally remembered the memory of his half-brother Zhou Heiya being punched and groaned by Grandpa Mo Yi, who was then pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Why are you worried so much?

It's better to think about how to fight with Zhou Heiya in a father-son game before Mo Yi takes action in this Holy Grail War, and let the other party understand that African chieftains can also counterattack one day. Don't think that your father is Indra, the Emperor of Heaven. You can do whatever you want. In this age of mysterious retreat, I, Karna, don’t believe there is anyone who can help you!

Don't forget, we have the Buddha Mo Lai. Don't say your father is Indra. Even if you call the penguin father, it will be useless.

————The dividing line of the kitchen————

Looking at the girls and heroic spirits of various hair colors crowded in the kitchen, at this moment, Hero Wei Gong finally understood that Grandpa Mo Yi would spend money to upgrade and expand the kitchen a few years ago. , but it certainly cannot accommodate so many people.

As expected of Mo Yi, many years ago, he might have seen through the world's strategic vision and anticipated today's events, so he spent so much money to expand the Wei Gong family. Otherwise, how could he accommodate so many people in the future?

"Master Shirou, are you envious?"

Just as Hero Emiya was sighing, a gentle voice came from behind him, making Hero Emiya stiffen.

If the answer is correct, you will really die!

Emiya Shirou had such a premonition in his subconscious mind.

"how come?"

Hero Emiya Shunjiang changed his stiff facial expression back to his normal expression, turned to look at Medea, held her hand with hers, and smiled warmly:

"It's not good to be too lively. I really like to cook quietly with Medea."


Feeling the sincerity in Hero Emiya's eyes, Medea's content melted again, she held Hero Emiya's hand as if she was no one, and said gently:

"I also like cooking with you the most."

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