The black-haired girl in front of her stared at Xia You quietly with those beautiful colored eyes, with a faint anticipation in her eyes, like a little girl begging for candy.

  Simple and serious.


  Almost word by word, repeatedly confirming the words the girl said in her heart, Xia You felt a feeling of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

  what is this?

  It's like shooting mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns.

  The teenager was like seeing a sturdy army in full armor, hundreds of people with long guns and short sticks, ready to fight, but they just tightly surrounded a weak old man on the side of the road, and wanted to grab a dollar from him.

  It's ridiculous, you should have said it earlier if you wanted energy!Now it's messing around...

  "Let me go first!" Xia You struggled again and yelled anxiously, "Hurry up and let me go, otherwise how can I give you energy!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, he found that his body loosened, and finally recovered from that inexplicable frozen state.


  Seeing that the root style was so cooperative, Xia You was completely relieved.

  Holding his wrist, he quietly looked beside him during the free time when he was moving his body.

  The golden wolf was still holding his leg, but he just maintained that posture and stood still, like a sculpture, and even the expression in his pupils did not change at all.

  The time in its body seems to be stagnant.

  The unpredictable method of the root style made Xia You even more terrified, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  The matter can finally be resolved peacefully, although it is not very clear, but Xiao Jin should be fine...

  Putting down his worries about the golden wolf, he quickly looked around.

  I was too flustered just now, and Xia You didn't observe carefully, where did she transfer to now.

  With just a glance, his brows furrowed.

  Here is a dimly lit, eerie basement, with countless bugs in all directions, almost forming a terrifying wave.

  Fortunately, they were all stagnant, like fossils in amber, and could only stay motionless at a distance.

  "The scene seems familiar..."

  While thinking silently in his heart, he raised his head and looked upward.

  Opposite the door of the basement, there is a crooked old man with crutches in his hand. Because he is standing sideways, he can't see his face, but his body is...indescribably familiar.

  The old man was also implicated by Xia You, and maintained a retreating posture, frozen in place.

  Dark basements, bugs, old men, and...

  Quickly connecting all kinds of clues, Xia You remembered a certain loli who was still in her arms, and hurriedly looked down.

  The beautiful black-haired little girl was closing her eyes in horror at this time, her little face was pale, as if she was in a nightmare.

  As if she was defending herself, or trying to resist something, her two tender white hands clenched into fists, tightly surrounding her body.

  The degree of exertion, even some small blue veins on the arms are all highlighted.

  The little girl's cute little mouth opened slightly, as if she wanted to scream, but this halfway action, along with the little tears on her face, was frozen by an inexplicable force.

  There is no doubt that the loli in her arms is the heroine of the HF line in FATE - Matou Sakura.

  "Accidentally moved to Master Insect's basement and rescued Lori Sakura who was about to be invaded by insects. It's better to come early than to come by coincidence..."

  Thinking of what Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu once said, using a random teleportation scroll, there is a high chance that it will be transferred to the workshop of an unfamiliar magician, Xia You suddenly realized in his heart.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  What followed was a sense of satisfaction.

  After all, I saved a loli, and the scroll is worth it!

  In other words, after more than ten years, this loli's figure will become super good...

  As he was thinking about it in his heart, the black-haired girl opposite suddenly took a step forward, staring at him with crystal eyes like a gorgeous rainbow.


  Her tone was full of calmness, but with that ten-year-old petite figure and sweet voice, it always gave people a coquettish air.

  Realizing that she probably won't be able to lead a dog, Xia You's mentality gradually stabilized, and she no longer panicked.He hugged Lolita Sakura tightly in his hand, and opened his mouth to make the final confirmation:

  "After I give you the energy, will you stop bothering me?"


  The black-haired girl nodded slightly.

  "it is good!"

  If it was in the past, Xia You would definitely make a little flirt, such as "Find a hotel first, or make up for the devil on the spot", but at this time, he just wanted to quickly get rid of the plague god in front of him, so Quickly opened the space backpack.

  Noticing the red blood droplets that had been in the palm of his hand, but did not disperse, he thought for a while, and quietly put Heiji's blood into the backpack, and then took out all the remaining gems from it.

  The moment he opened the space backpack, the black-haired girl's colorful eyes flashed again.

  "Give you!"

  Xia You didn't notice the girl's expression, he stuffed dozens of magic gems into the girl's palm, and said in a tired tone:

  "If you still don't think it's enough, then you have to wait for me to transform magic power next time! Now I am very tired, I need to rest, and I have no energy to extract magic power..."

  As soon as he left the village today, he encountered Nero Kaos, the ancestor of the dead apostles. After grinding on his hands for a long time, he was hunted down by the root type. He was scared and really tired.

  However, the girl in front of her looked at the pile of gems in her hand and shook her head gently:

  "I don't want this..."

  Don't want this?What do you want?

  Xia You was stunned for a while, but before she could react, she heard the girl continue to speak calmly:

  "I want... Eighty Gods Air Strike!"


Chapter 111 Fusion

  The root in the Moon World, since the moment the universe was born, its existence itself has been passively labeled as "Omniscient and Almighty".

  Equivalent to the most powerful deity.

  Created everything in the universe, witnessed everything in the universe, and recorded everything in the universe.

  This is the root!

  However, He has never produced such things as "intellect" and "personality". The source is just a "concept", or it can be regarded as a group of power, which contains all the truths that permeate the eternity.

  All things in the world are very fair. It is undeniable that omnipotence and omnipotence is a kind of ultimate greatness, but if it is too comprehensive, it will also become an obstacle.

  At least, the root of omniscience cannot produce the act of "thinking" at all-because in the entire universe, all past, present, and future developments, no matter how small or small, are all in His records.

  Ignorance will lead to pursuit and exploration, and omniscience will only make people slack.

  Just like human beings, their bones are full of arrogance, "[-]", laziness, lust, cruelty, barbarism, violence, greed... There are all kinds of shortcomings.

  But it is precisely because of imperfection that they have the idea of ​​learning and thinking, and in the process, predecessors have organized their own wisdom into books, spread them to future generations, and accumulated them from generation to generation to make human civilization continue to progress.

  And to a certain extent, the greatest existence in the world of Xingyue records everything and knows the root of everything...

  He is worse than a dull intelligent machine.

  There is no joy, no disgust, no emotion, so He has no interest mentality—

  It can be said that if a traveler visits, even if the root cause is discovered, it may be silently observed, but no actual action will be taken.

  Even if the world is about to be destroyed, He will not make any statement, just passively accept it, and then follow the entire universe calmly and enter the end together.

  Because He does not have his own independent thinking, the concepts of "life" and "death", although very clear, have no real feeling.

  Avoiding evil and pursuing good is just the instinct of "creatures", but the root cause is not biology.

  For this great being, if there is anything else that can attract him, it is "the unknown".

  Whether it is knowledge or people.

  This attraction is not about thinking, it is an instinct.

  Half a year ago, Xia You traveled to the Xingyue world, and when she first revealed the characteristics of the ghouls and the title of the king of ghouls, she attracted the attention of the root.

  However, the characteristics of ghouls, to put it bluntly, are only human beings whose cells have mutated. As for the title of restraining the dead, there are other similar things in the Moon World, which are not unique.

  In the subsequent battle with Nero Kaos, Xia You continued to use ghost skills. Although the method of using pure soul power is somewhat special, the third method specializing in soul can also be achieved indirectly.

  In addition to the unique skills of ghosts, ghosts are still not qualified to manifest their roots.


  Can't say lucky or unfortunate, at the end of that battle, Xia You used the "Eighty God Air Strike"!

  Chakra is a mixture of physical energy, spiritual energy, and the power of the divine tree.

  The most important part of it is the divine tree energy.

  The Five Elements, Yin-Yang Ninjutsu, Xueji Boundary, Pupil Jutsu, and even Yin-Yang-Yang-Dun, etc., are all derived from the energy of the divine tree.

  It is precisely because the divine tree fell to the Hokage Continent that the colorful "Ninja Sect" was born.

  The two energies of body and spirit are very common, and each world has a system more or less, but the power of the divine tree contained in Chakra, this strange energy from another world, is completely unique. .

  How could the root cause of the novel knowledge that I have not recorded myself go unnoticed!

  So at this moment, He came to Xia You and asked for it.

  However, Xia You didn't want to give it at all.

  joke!We are also ready to rely on this powerful move to win the four battles!

  In fact, Xia You had a plan in his heart since he had seen the mighty power of "Eighty Gods Air Strike" that easily crushed the inherent barrier.

  ——Whether he has summoned Mom C or not, in the early days of the Holy Grail War, he did not intend to interfere in the plot.

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