Just wait patiently for a few days, when the King of Conqueror goes to Einzbern Castle to hold the King's Banquet... He hides and uses the Eighty God Air Strike, taking advantage of it and throwing it into the soul.

  With that kind of extraordinary attack, he can absolutely destroy the four heroic spirits of Duo Mao Wang, Jin Jing, Conqueror and Hassan at the same time...

  Although the plan is a bit shameless, and I can't help but stay with King Mao and King Conqueror, it can guarantee a sure win.

  As long as these four Heroic Spirits withdraw from the Holy Grail War, the rest will be much simpler.

  Tragic Lancer, even though he has two brushes, he is even more incompatible with his master.

  As for the Knights of the Yangtze River, their strength is indeed very strong, but due to the limitation of their Berserker rank, they have no consciousness at all.

  These two heroic spirits are completely able to find their weaknesses and break them easily.

  Then you can safely reap the fruits of victory!

  As a result, the root style wants to take away the most important part of his plan - the eighty gods air strike! ! !

  "No!" Xia You shook his head and refused without hesitation: "I'll give you as much magic power as you want, but I can't say anything about the Eighty Gods Air Strike!"

  The young man was so concerned about the Holy Grail War that he forgot about it. Now, in this situation where people are swordsmen and I am fish and meat, he can't tolerate him resisting anything...

  Fortunately, it was not other beings that stood before him, but the "root".

  The root has no human nature. Although he is great, he has no independent wisdom. Facing this situation, he is a little at a loss and can only stare at Xia You quietly.

  If Xia You is a native of Xingyue World and knows the origin of his past and future, he can definitely use that information to simulate various methods, either coercion or inducement.

  It's a pity that Xia You is not a human in Xingyue World at all.

  The root is unknown to him.

  Just like a computer playing chess, it can simulate a battle with humans by inputting a program, and even beat humans due to its fast and comprehensive calculation methods.

  But without a chess program, the computer wouldn't even be able to swing the chessboard.

  At this time, the "root style" that is very similar in nature to the root, begins to act in the dark, wanting to immerse in the root more deeply, or, in other words, to merge with the root.

  The original source could easily reject this fusion state, but because of Xia You's refusal, he needed the "root-style" intellectual thinking problem, so the source not only did not refuse, but also used his own strength to guide.

  For a "computer" without assertiveness, there is nothing wrong with merging with other beings and being dominated by other personalities. 3.6

  Therefore, under such circumstances, the gears of the fate of the Moon World began to shift.

  The so-called "root type" statement may soon become worthy of the name.


  In the weird basement, the two silently confronted each other for a while, and the black-haired girl suddenly flashed her eyes and raised her hand gently.

  Xia You has been carefully paying attention to the situation on the opposite side. Seeing her actions, she was startled, she could not help but take a few steps back and shouted without any discipline:

  "Wait first, have something to say..."

  At the same time, a bright colored light also shot out from the girl's hand.

  It formed a group of colorful bubbles that quickly spread out, and in an instant, rushed out of the entire basement.

  After retracting her slender white hand, the girl spoke calmly, but what she said made Xia You's eyebrows jump:

  "Gaia is watching the world."

Chapter 112 Inhibition

  In the clear blue sky, white clouds drifted past, and below the sky, the gurgling stream stretched into the distance like a dragon.

  The scorching sun, green grass, and various blooming flower clusters cover the vast and boundless land. The fresh and fragrant fragrance diffuses under the gentle breeze, making people feel that the spring is strong.

  The ingenious workmanship of nature makes this place like a fairyland on earth.

  Somewhere near the corner of the clear stream, gorgeous flowers bloomed brilliantly, attracting bees and butterflies.

  In the center of the flower, there are two beautiful young girls, sitting opposite each other with tea cups in their hands, across a carved wooden table.

  Looking at the exquisite tea sets placed on the table, it seems that they are a pair of elegant and comfortable noble sisters, drinking afternoon tea in the bright afternoon sun.

  Everything is normal here, if you have to find out what's out of the ordinary....

  The two girls sitting quietly across the coffee table, their faces are so beautiful that they can make people feel dazzling.

  The white-haired girl on the left is about thirteen or fourteen years old. She has a simple white dress and no other decorative patterns, but exudes a pure natural beauty.

  On top of her soft and slightly immature facial features, her eyebrows are curved, her red eyes are crystal clear, her small mouth is slightly upturned, and with her petite and exquisite figure, her frown and smile appear clear and pure, and 01 is extremely lovable.

  The black-haired girl opposite looked a year or two older than the white-haired girl. She was wearing a gorgeous purple dress. Both her figure and her face were full of dreamlike colors, as delicate as a god.

  Surrounded by flowers, her every move seemed to be a model among the nobility, revealing elegance and nobility.

  The two girls originally had a laid-back look, sitting quietly opposite each other, sipping tea, but at a certain moment, their expressions changed slightly at the same time.

  After a while, the black-haired girl suddenly put down the teacup in her hand and said softly:

  "There seems to be something unusual going on."

  The white-haired girl blinked her pair of beautiful red eyes, her dark and thick eyelashes flashed:

  "Oh? What's abnormal?"

  The perfunctory meaning of Zuo Yan's Gu in his tone is very obvious.

  This made the black-haired girl frown slightly. After a while, she regained her composure. She looked directly at the opposite side, with seriousness in those deep eyes:

  "Sister Gaia, now is not the time to be petty!"

  It can be heard from the title that these two people are the manifestations of the two major inhibitory forces in the Moon World.

  Gaia, Alaya.

  In fact, the high-dimensional existence of inhibition should be an invisible and genderless "rule", but because of human imagination, after they are manifested, their form is fixed.

  Many primates revere the earth in their hearts and call the earth their mother, so the moment Gaia awakened and manifested, she subconsciously became a woman.

  As for Alaya, this is due to the fact that the early human beings, for tens of thousands of years, have continued the matriarchal society and respected women. As a collective of human consciousness, she can only be a woman.

  The appearance of the two people is also because of the pursuit of perfection in the subconscious of human beings, so they are so alluring.


  You say that the two major inhibitions are too young in appearance?

  There is no way to do this. After all, in the entire Xingyue world, the lolicon attribute has almost run through ancient and modern, and there are no two saber faces, which is already a special treatment for inhibition.

  "Where do you see that I'm making a little temper..."

  Gaia put down the teacup slowly, covered his mouth and chuckled, and there was a slyness in those beautiful crimson eyes.

  She understands what Alaya is worried about - at that moment, the two major restraining forces sensed at the same time, the root cause, there was an unprecedented change.

  The root is almost the top pillar in this universe. Even those who have transcended the time axis, completely fulfilled themselves, and upgraded to high-dimensional restraints, have to be treated with caution.

  This can be seen from the attitude of inhibition to the fifth method.

  To be honest, the root suddenly had a change, and Gaia herself was a little nervous, but in order to catch a breath with the "old rival" in front of her, she still pretended to be calm.

  Because the old rival will beg her soon.

  "Let's put this issue aside for now, and now we have to think carefully about what just happened!"

  Sure enough, Alaya glanced at Gaia lightly, and clasped the wooden table with her fingers anxiously. After a while, she continued to speak with consideration:

  "He, seems to have gone down... Can Sister Gaia take a look, what's wrong with that parallel world?"

  Although the two are both restraining forces, the earth can be regarded as Gaia's body. If Alaya wants to observe the following situation carefully, he will be a little powerless and can only turn to Gaia for help.

  "It's just a part of it, it shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

  With a calm smile, Gaia answered casually while turning her head. She still decided to follow Alaya's advice and find out what could cause the root cause to change.

  As the inexplicable aura circulated in the void, within moments, the colorful and chaotic scene flashed quickly in Gaia's pure and clear red eyes, like watching a lantern on a horse.

  However, in the next second, she let out a panicked "Yah".

  "what happened?"

  Alaya's expression was still calm, but the tone of the question was a little hurried.

  "He blocked my view!"

  After a while, the many sights in Gaia's eyes slowly faded, and she blinked her crystal red eyes, slightly surprised and stunned.

  The two restraining forces looked at each other for a while, and at the same time became quiet.

  After a long time, Alaya frowned and lightly opened his red lips, breaking the silence:

  "Do you think...He might have intellectual and independent thinking like us?"

  "No way? That kind of existence, how is it possible..." Although Gaia said so, the voice became smaller and smaller.

  Everything in the world has a glimmer of life, and many seemingly impossible things are actually not so absolute.

  It's like she, Alaya, and even Zhu Yue, as collective restraints, should have been ignorant 537. They were influenced by the "collective" consciousness, impartially, until they were destroyed.

  As a result, now, he has unexpectedly got rid of the shackles of "collective will" and gained ideological independence.

  It is even possible to rely on the "biological evolutionary idea", silently lay out, and finally detach from many parallel worlds in one fell swoop, integrate the "self" in other parallel universes, and upgrade it to an existence outside the time axis.

  Gaia, Alaya, and Zhuyue in the Moon World have become special "inhibitory powers" - they belong to the rules, but they have the ability to think biologically, have feelings, likes and dislikes, and know how to choose , want to continue to evolve.

  The power of the rule body, combined with the wisdom of the living body, is to a certain extent, this is an existence that is more perfect than the root.

  As for the other major planets in the solar system, there is still no understanding and they are excluded from the timeline.

  "I also don't think it's possible. After all, for a rule body like us, the probability of generating self-consciousness is close to zero. If it wasn't for the fact that the moon, the earth and the human beings were driven to a desperate situation at the same time, plus all kinds of coincidences. Phenomenon, we can't achieve a certain degree of detachment!"

  Sighing lightly, Alaya suddenly changed his words:

  "However, there is still a little girl of special origin on the earth. Once her intellect is fused with him, even if it is not her own self-consciousness, it can be regarded as..."

  "The Awakening of the Roots!"

113 Threat

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