Both rules and creatures have their own advantages and disadvantages. The power of rules is powerful, but it is difficult to generate independent thinking. They can only perform their duties by instinct.

  The creatures are very weak at the moment when they quack, but they have independent personalities and intelligence.

  As it grows, under the influence of emotions and experiences, creatures will burst out all kinds of desires. If they are dedicated to the pursuit of power, they can come up with many ways.

  For a rule body such as inhibition, the so-called awakening refers to acquiring the wisdom of a creature, possessing intellect, and being able to start thinking about problems.

  The cold rules, which were originally emotionless, once acquired the intelligence of creatures, the change was very amazing.

  Because thinking is the ladder of progress.


  Gaia frowned slightly and shook her head slightly:

  "Impossible. Although her origin is closest to the root, in countless worlds, she has always been connected to the root, and has never merged..."

  Even if the root itself has no wisdom, but after all, He is a great existence that records countless truths, and the small and special origin cannot enter its core at all.

  This is also the reason why the two major restraining forces have always been laissez-faire to the source.

  "Other parallel worlds have never encountered today's abnormality."

  Alaya's attitude was not so optimistic. She stared at Gaia and calmly analyzed:

  "Also, what happened just now... He would actually block your sight, a dead thing without intelligence, it's impossible to do such a thing, right?"

  Cold machines don't care about privacy, only living things have the concept of privacy.

  "That is to say..."

  Gaia pondered, and her heart was filled with an indescribable feeling.

  Novelty, lost, and a little apprehensive.

  Once the root has also gained wisdom, then there will be a big boss pressing on their heads.

  No one wants to be crushed by others.

  But when it comes to the root cause, even they, who are restraints, are powerless to influence anything, so they can only wait for the result.

  In their long lives, this is the first time they have encountered such a helpless situation, and they feel a little helpless in their hearts.

  "It's fine if she wakes up~"!"

  After a while, Alaya stood up and walked away.

  The purple luxurious dress was dragging on the lawn, but it was not stained with any dust.

  "With her here, we may be able to make some unexpected corrections to our almost doomed bad ending!"

  "Bad ending?"

  Gaia, who was still sitting on the spot, propped her face with her hands, and complained in a low voice:

  "If you restrain human beings well, how can there be such a bad ending..."

  Although she said so, she also knew that some things could not be transferred by personal will.

  Due to the limitation of the spirit, the nature of the rule body, or the responsibilities, is almost impossible to change.

  Even if the wisdom is awakened and it is beyond the time axis, the group consciousness as the foundation will still have an impact at all times.

  There is no way to avoid it.

  And the respective responsibilities of their two major inhibitory forces, the survival of mankind and the survival of the planet compete with each other, forming an extremely annoying ultimate contradiction.



  In the basement surrounded by swarms of insects, Xia You stopped his exaggerated dodging movements and frowned at the girl.

  For some reason, although there was no specific expression, he had a feeling that the "root style" in front of him seemed to have changed a lot compared to just now.

  If the girl who asked him for energy before was just a thoughtless dead thing, then the girl now is a living "creature".

  In those colorful eyes, a layer of faint emotion has already begun to be rendered.

  These thoughts just flashed in his mind, Xia You didn't think about it that much, he was worrying about other issues now——

  "You mean...I got Gaia's attention?"

  The current situation is really unfavorable for Xia You.

  The source of tolerance for everything may not take him as a transmigrator to heart, and can be treated tolerantly.But Gaia and Alaya are the two major restraining forces, once they find him, even if they don't come to trouble right away, they will definitely focus on stalking him.

  Just when he was troubled in his heart, Genyuan Shi said again, his tone was calm and indifferent:

  "I blocked her for you."

  This sentence made Xia You's heart relax, recalling the colorful air mask just now, it was indeed not attacking, but resisting something.

  He looked at the black-haired girl in front of him, and just wanted to express his gratitude, but after thinking for a while, he immediately understood the cause and effect, and couldn't help complaining in his heart:

  It was obviously because of you that the inhibitory force attracted the attention, but now you say "stop it for me"!

  Obviously, for a pawn like him, the inhibition will never suddenly arise the idea of ​​observation, it must be due to the abnormal performance of the "root type", and they are disturbed, and they turn their attention to see the situation in this world.

  At this moment, Gengen blinked his dazzling beautiful eyes, stared at Xia You, and suddenly continued to speak:

  "Once I withdraw my defense now, then Gaia's eyes will no longer be hindered. You, who came from another world, do not have the origin of this universe in your body, and she will easily be noticed by her."

  "' 々... Are you threatening me?"

  "Yes." The girl gave a positive answer to Xia You's question.

  "That is to say, if I don't give you the Eighty Gods Air Strike, you will immediately withdraw your defense and leave me to Gaia to deal with it?"


  The girl nodded calmly again.

  Xia You's face became a little ugly, and she began to sigh in her heart.

  He was still like a puppet just now, but he knew that he was threatening people in a blink of an eye...

  The reason why he refused without hesitation in front of him was precisely because at that time, the girl in front of him gave him a very rigid feeling.

  A "yes/no" box appears on your computer, do you feel uneasy because you clicked "no"?

  Obviously not.

  But now-

  There is no psychological pressure to reject computers, and if you reject human beings who are also living creatures, you must consider whether you will be retaliated against.

  What's more, the way of revenge now has been clearly stated by the girl.

  Root style (Qian Qian Hao)'s generous performance, as well as her calm and calm attitude, made Xia You somewhat powerless.

  The two looked at each other in silence again.

  After a while, the black-haired girl in front raised her hand and placed it in front of Xia You.

  As if to make a suggestion, and as if to warn, she said:

  "Give me that special energy, and I can give you a kind of origin. As long as you have branded this universe and transformed into the state of 'Tono Xiayou', you will never be easily seen through by Gaia!"

  The root cause is actually very curious about Xia You's ability to switch between the two bloodlines without a trace, but at present, what he wants to know most is the special energy of "chakra".

  In the entire Xingyue world, there is basically only the mutant energy "magic" of vitality, the new energy knowledge of another world, and its attraction to him is higher than everything.

  If it hadn't been rough and couldn't be found, He would never have been deadlocked with a human for so long.

Chapter 114 The Holy Grail

  "Send me an origin..."

  Xia You lowered his head and pondered, the origin of Xingyue World, he has learned a thing or two from the original book, it seems that there are advantages and disadvantages.

  But in the next moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and he didn't think about the origin anymore, but raised his head quickly and stared at the girl opposite.

  The look in his eyes was extremely hot and bright, Huo Huo Shenghui:

  "Can I trade it out? You want something in exchange for my Eighty God Air Strike?"


  For the root that contains all the truth, the equivalent transaction is a very common and familiar thing, and the magicians who seek the root have always talked about the equivalent transaction.

  The girl nodded without hesitation:

  "If you have anything else you want, say it and I can give it to you."

  There is no conceit or pride in the words, it seems extremely calm and normal.

  It's just to satisfy the wishes of mere human beings, and there is no difficulty.

  You said it earlier!

  At this moment, the joy in Xia You's heart could hardly be suppressed—

  He wants to leave the Eighty Gods Air Strike, and the purpose is to win the Holy Grail War, so now... it will be easier to trade the Holy Grail directly with the skill card!

  "I want the Holy Grail!" The boy shouted loudly, and he also emphasized his tone and explained in detail: "It is the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City!"

  "it is good."

  The root-style expression was still so flat, she didn't ask the reason, just raised her hand slightly.

  As the dazzling colored light spreads, there are wave-like ripples in the void. 867

  They are ups and downs, forming a small space channel like a wormhole.

  In the dark passage, the golden light flashed away, and soon, a golden cup appeared on the girl's white and tender palm.

  It was quietly suspended between the two of them, and under the reflection of the gorgeous light, it exuded noble colors.

  Originally, the Holy Grail should be an intangible thing, unless it is filled with the souls of heroic spirits and uses the Einzbern family's androids as a container, can it be manifested.

  However, for the great existence of the root, there is only the unexpected, and there is nothing that cannot be done.

  "Sure enough, the Holy Grail! That's great!"

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