One can only affirm, and the other can only deny. Originally, they should not be able to synchronize under any circumstances.

  If something really affects them and makes them behave in the same way, it's a sign that the balance has been broken and the spiral is about to collapse.

  Therefore, the two ceremonies will follow the thoughts in their hearts and want to kill the culprit, Hei Tong Qianye.

  But now, both of them have a strange affection for Xia You, the unfamiliar boy they met for the first time, but Ori found that the two personalities in their bodies were still extremely stable.

  "Xia You, she's getting weirder and weirder."

  When Liang Yizhi was confused and puzzled, Bella on the other side caught a glimpse of Xia You with an admiring look on her face, her brows furrowed even tighter, she tried to find an excuse to do it:

  "The language of this country, the pronounciation of men and women, seems to be different. It is obviously a woman, but she calls herself a man..."

  Because Sister Zhi is a female man!

  Xia You whispered in her heart...  

  "It seems that we should throw her out quickly!"

  Bella, however, ignored Xia You's objection and began to gear up again.

  What is it like to love someone?

  The fantasy species who has been staying in the cave of the wolf village has never thought about this problem before.

  This is the first time she has transformed into a human form, the first time she wants to hold an independent life, a young man named "Xia You", by her side.

  I always want to pay attention to his movements, see his face, and try to figure out his thoughts.

  Just being touched by Xia You lightly, or given a smile, or even just staring at her with two gentle words, the girl will be happy for a long time.

  Sweetness, excitement, happiness...all kinds of emotions are very fresh and unique.

  A life experience that has never been experienced before.

  The so-called love is a kind of joy that can make people involuntarily indulge in it.

  But now, there is a very strange sourness.

  If you use human words to express it, it is probably called jealousy.

  Last night, Xia You's nervousness and care for the unconscious black-haired girl already made her feel awkward.

  When she was sleeping, Bella's keen eyes could still detect that even though there was a Matou Sakura, someone quietly reached out and wanted to hug the girl to sleep.

  This morning, after Xia You woke up, there was almost only the existence called "Liang Yizhi" in his eyes, and he rarely set his eyes on other people.

  Obviously Xia You should be more familiar with me, and know me earlier!

  The feeling of loss expanded in Bella's heart, and finally turned into a sour and unfamiliar emotion.

  This emotion is affecting her.

  It was very unpleasant to see that short-haired girl, and I wanted 0.2 to make her disappear from Xia You's sight quickly.

  "I've already said that, there is no danger in Zhi. Don't you think she's cute when she calls herself 'I'..."

  The young man tightly held Bella who was about to rush over to do it, while persuading painstakingly, he was troubled in his heart.

  Alas, they are all lovely girls, why can't they get along well!

  Just when he felt helpless, he found that the blond girl beside him suddenly stopped struggling, and that soft and boneless hand also tensed instantly.

  "Huh?" Xia You glanced at her in surprise.

  Bella, who had stopped all her movements, had a solemn expression on her pretty face, and a pair of beautiful green eyes stared at the opposite side.

  The vigilance and seriousness in his eyes are very obvious.

  The boy immediately sensed that the situation was not good, and turned his head back like a conditional launch.

  On the opposite side of Liang Yizhi, in those dark pupils, countless dazzling red and blue rays of light rapidly spread out.

Chapter 127 The Devil's Eye

  Liang Yizhi didn't pay attention to the interaction between Xia You and Bella at all. At this time, she was already attracted by a strange change in her body.

  Countless black lines suddenly appeared in the field of vision in front of them. They were like graffiti drawn by a child, appearing intricate and irregular, filling all objects within the range of vision.

  If you look closely, you can still observe a few sporadic small black spots at the junction of those black lines.

  This terrible and distorted scene was suddenly stuffed into her mind, making the girl feel a little dizzy, thinking that she was hallucinating, and quickly closed her eyes.

  When I opened my eyes again, I found that I still couldn't get rid of that weird scene.

  The black lines of different lengths, and the black dots hidden in them, criss-crossed, dividing the normal world in the eyes of the girl into pieces.

  Everything imprinted in the eyes seems to be broken at any time, looking funny and weird.

  "What exactly is going on......"

  She raised her hand tentatively, and her delicate nails gently stroked along the black line closest to her.

  She didn't use much force, but the thing hanging on the wall, which should be a calendar, shattered silently as soon as she slid her fingers.

  Small scraps of paper were scattered all over the place.

  Liang Yizhi was startled, the beautiful red and blue light in his eyes receded like a tide in an instant, and after a while, it returned to the usual pair of black pupils.

  Later, the girl found that her vision became normal again, and the graffiti world filled with countless black lines disappeared silently.

  However, the scattered confetti on the ground represented that what happened just now was not a so-called "illusion".

  "Sure enough, I can only deny everything..."

  Looking down at the calendar that seemed to have been chopped by a knife, she thought to herself mockingly.

  The strong killing intent in the depths of his heart suddenly disappeared without a trace, and Liang Yizhi was still a little worried and half happy.

  Not only was he at a loss for the meaning of his existence in the future, but also because he finally no longer had to think about killing people all the time, he felt a burst of relief.

  There is no need to deny anything, the personality intertwined into a contradictory spiral in the body has not collapsed because of this.

  Everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

  Maybe do something else, find the meaning of being born into this world.

  She had thought so optimistically.

  However, at this time, there was only deep helplessness in the girl's heart - even without the restraints of those killing intent, she became more and more "abnormal".

  The existence of "Ryoichi Ori", a girl who can quickly kill a human with anything in her hand, becomes a monster that can easily destroy everything in sight with her fingernails.

  It's "monster".

  There was an inexplicable voice in her heart, whispering to her in her ear.

  As long as she cuts along those black lines and black dots, she can kill anything she "sees".

  including God.

  "I'm going! Didn't this happen before being hit by a car? Why did the devil's eye wake up after death!"

  At the moment when Liang Yizhi was stunned, Xia You stared at her and opened her mouth in surprise.

  Eyes that need to die once to open, as a result, they appear in this world just after sleeping.

  It is obvious that the root type is opening the plug-in.

  The person who connects to the root is really extraordinary...

  The young man felt a little sour in his heart.

  In other words, the Twisted Demon Eye he ordered half a year ago has no shadow yet!

  "Straight to the devil's eye?"

  Attracted by a certain word in the words, Liang Yizhi suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Xia You:

  "What is the Demon Eye of Straight Death?"

  Although the speed of speech is slow, it cannot hide the urgency in it.

  She wanted to figure out her weirdness as quickly as possible.

  "You can think of it as a superpower, it's very rare and it's extremely powerful."

  Suppressing the surprise and envy in her heart, Xia You patted again, appearing to be more vigilant, and even Bella, who was already showing a tendency to be aggressive, after a few words to comfort her, she thought about it, and gave a rough explanation:

  "Everything in the universe, whether life or non-life, or even the concept of no form, will have its flaws, which can also be called 'end' and 'death'."

  "Those who have awakened the devil's eye of death can clearly see the flaws in everything, and in their own vision, they can turn those flaws into black lines or black dots, as long as they cut along the lines and dots, they can kill them. any existence!"

  After finishing speaking, Xia You deliberately added a classic quote from the original book:

  "As long as you can see it, even a god will kill you to see it!"

  In fact, the magic eye of death should be the ability to interfere with cause and effect. Dead lines, dead spots, etc. belong to the manifested "causal"——

  For example, if you reverse the cause and effect, trace it back to the source, and cut off the "cause" of the birth of a certain existence, there will be no "result" that it appears.

  Or perhaps to advance that existence into his future period of death.

  Everything will have its moment of decay and end, and this is a truth that even the universe itself cannot avoid.

  Using the Devil's Eye of Straight Death can erase a long period of time and make the things in front of you go into destruction in advance.

  This ability is so terrifying and domineering!

  No matter how she was trained as an omnipotent person, the girl in front of her was only ten years old now. She was afraid that she would not understand these big truths, so Xia You explained it as a "weakness".

  "Really, it really feels the same as my heart..."

  Liang Yizhi murmured unconsciously, looking at the scraps of paper on the ground, wondering what he was thinking.

  There was silence in the small room.

  Shocked by the magic eye, Bella stayed beside Xia You nervously, and used her petite body to block in front of him.

  This action really moved the young man.

  On the other side of Xia You, Matou Sakura was still young, and she seemed to understand some of what the people said, but she kept watching silently.

  The little girl occasionally wanted to raise her hand to hold Xia You's clothes, but she could feel that the blonde sister beside her didn't seem to be dealing with the black-haired sister on the opposite side. Xia You seemed to be trying to persuade him now and didn't have time to accompany her.

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