So the very sensible Matou Sakura forcibly stopped her movements.

  After a while, Bella, who had been on the alert for Liangyizhi, suddenly said:

  "Xia You, didn't you say you want to take me and Xiao Ying home? Let's go now? I want to meet your sister earlier."

  Obviously you didn't expect to meet Akiba last night at all...

  Seeing that Bella was staring at Liang Yizhi even when she was talking to him, with a strong sense of alertness, Xia You couldn't help but be speechless.

983 Although Sister Zhi didn't disappear and woke up without being hit by a car, it's really surprising, but she doesn't look aggressive either.


  Before getting chakra, it is impossible for the root style to let him die at the hands of his other two personalities.

  So Xia You decided to stay here and see if he could become friends with Liang Yi (Young).

  A childhood sweetheart or something, it's very exciting.

  What's more, there is still a chance to get in touch with the top pair of magic eyes——

  When he first came to Xingyue World, he did make a rational analysis and refused to gamble with only ten precious collections, but the ability of the devil's eye to die is too powerful, even if he made up his mind not to absorb it, he would always Get a drop of blood for collection or research...

  Even in a high-level world where gods and demons walk all over the place, the ability to interfere with cause and effect is the top-level and very rare!

  Opening her mouth, Xia You was about to find a reason to stay with Liang Yizhi, but when she saw the black-haired girl on the opposite side, she closed her eyes slightly.

  The next second, the pair of beautiful red and blue pupils appeared in front of several people again.

  "Can you see the flaws in everything..."

  As if trying to adapt to his mutated vision, Liang Yizhi frowned and looked around constantly.

  After a while, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her pretty face, she focused her eyes on Xia You, and said hesitantly:

  "Why...I can't see a black line on your body?"


  The young man's expression froze.

Chapter 128 Lovely Blue Child

  "Can't you really see it?"

  Xia You raised her voice and wanted to confirm.

  The devil's eyes of death can't see the dead line on his body, either the root type is guaranteeing his safety, or it is...

  Indeed, as he had guessed before, the magic eye of death is not a mutated "ability", but a "blessing" that will only appear after connecting to the root cause.

  Taking into account the character and strength of the root style, Xia You prefers the latter - because she is a transmigrator who has not been recorded in the root, so the magic eye of death cannot see her own dead line and dead point.

  And this also means that he can't be included at all.

  Although he has calmly analyzed the reasons, and basically had no hope, but at this time, the young man's heart is still full of a deep sense of loss.

  This is a powerful means to kill a god!Once included in your own perfect bloodline system, it will definitely play a huge role in laying the foundation!

  "Totally invisible, you are the only normal sight in my current field of vision!"

  Liang Yizhi shook his head slightly, his voice paused, and then looked at Bella beside him.

  I originally wanted to raise my finger, but just when I made a move, I found that the girl was like a female cat with fried fur, and the color of alertness on her face was extremely strong.

  She can only put down her hands and smile freely:

  "And the blond girl beside you, the lines on her body are also very sparse and faint, almost invisible."

  "You mean Bella?"

  Xia You was stunned and reacted immediately.

  After all, she belongs to the fantasy species, and even if she is not Gaia's daughter, she can connect with nature at any time.

  Just like Elquette in Tsukihime, Tono Shiki's magic eye of death, split her into seventeen in an instant, and after a few minutes passed, she could still be resurrected in place.

  There should be another reason why Liang Yizhi is weak now.

  The Eye of Straight Death needs to understand "death" within sight.

  If you can't understand, can't see the dead line, the dead point, you can't kill the target.

  Fantasy species are formed by accidental condensed magic power of the Great Source, and generally belong to a part of nature.

  With a magic eye as strong as this bug, it will definitely be extremely laborious to understand the "death" of some nature.

  "By the way, is the scene in your field of vision a normal color or a gray-white like in the photo?"

  After she figured it out, Xia You put away the regrets in her heart, and showed an excited expression, looked at Liang Yizhi, and finally asked a little nervously:

  "Can your eyes close automatically? Or can't you control 々"?"

  If you can't control it, it's a bit bad.

  Opening the magic eye for a long time will not only cause trouble in life, but it is easy to burn your brain if you want to forcibly observe mysterious things that are beyond your ability to bear.

  Now there is no Aozaki Orange to teach her how to use the magic eye, and Xia You himself basically knows nothing about the magic eye.

  Maybe we can only take Liangyizhi to find Youzhu in Jiuyuan Temple.


  The young man glanced at the side beside him, pursed his lips, stared at Bella in front of him for a moment, and sighed in his heart.

  The current situation is already very complicated, once a fairy tale witch is added.

  He could fully anticipate the tragic end of his being beaten by a hatchet.

  Fortunately, Liang Yizhi's next words calmed his expression:

  "Other colors in my eyes, other than there are some messy lines hanging from the objects, it's business as usual, as for the controls..."

  After taking a few more glances, when he found that in his field of vision, the figure of a certain young man always maintained a clear and complete posture, a sense of relief suddenly rose in Liang Yizhi's heart.

  ——Very good, these eyes are not as easy to kill all existence as they understand.

  And the person who can't kill himself is Xia You in front of him, that's even better!

  Because no matter what, she couldn't raise the idea of ​​hurting him.

  Although this idea is very inexplicable, for the girl involved, there is a sense of naturalness.

  At present, Liang Yizhi, who is only ten years old, has an incomplete life experience and has not noticed the absurdity and abnormality in it.

  Thinking silently in her heart, she followed her instinct and quietly put away the beautiful pair of red and blue eyes.

  The vision returned to normal again.

  "Looks like I should be able to handle it!"

  The black-haired girl's smile was as always, full of heroic and valiant meaning, very dazzling.

  "Hey, since it's morning and there are no enemies here, then we..."

  While saying this, she raised her legs and walked forward, with a calm and friendly smile on her pretty face.

  However, he stopped all movements in an instant and froze in place.

  "Don't get close!"

  Bella screamed, raised her hand quickly, and made a blocking gesture. In those emerald green eyes, there seemed to be a golden flame burning, and an indescribably powerful aura rose up around her body.

  In the small room, a strong wind suddenly blew the dust and paper scraps on the ground into the air.


  Liang Yizhi took a few steps back and tilted his head in confusion.

  "You are too dangerous, don't come near us!"

  This explanation dimmed the bright smile on the girl's pretty face.

  Sure enough... have I been seen as a monster?

  With this thought in her mind, she subconsciously turned her eyes to Xia You's direction, but found that the expression on his face was still calm, without fear or panic.

  He even turned slightly sideways and tapped the blond girl on the head, with a displeased tone:

  "Bella, don't be so rude, Ori is now our companion!"

  "But she—"

  Seeing Bella showing grievance and still stubbornly standing in front of her, Xia You could only helplessly smile.

  He raised his hand and rubbed the girl's blond hair, his tone slowed down:

  "."Relax, Ori is so cute, there is absolutely no malicious intent!"

  Asshole, don't always equate "cute" with "good guy"!

  Bella complained in her heart, but she couldn't beat Xia You, so she could only move away.

  However, the expression on his face was still indignant.


  Watching Xia You trot over here, and seeing Bella who was following him, her vigilance never subsided, Liang Yizhi was stunned for a while, and said a little funny:

  "That 'cute', are you describing me?"


  Xia You's unhesitating tone made the girl feel a sense of joy and freshness.

  No one had praised her like that before.

  Quietly glanced at Bella, who had been staring at her, Liang Yizhi's pretty little face suddenly showed a narrow look, she blurted out, and asked:

  "Am I cuter, or is that Bella by your side cuter?"

  The young man's expression couldn't help but stagnate, and he raised his hand and stroked his forehead.

  It took a long time to appease the wolves at home, why don't you start the battle at every turn?

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