Exactly the truth. 05

  Thanks to the side effects brought by the upgrade, compared to ordinary people, Xia You's soul has been greatly enhanced, and the direct impact is a surge in spiritual power.

  In addition, after coming to the world of Xingyue, he insisted on refining spiritual power every day, which also made him a huge spiritual force, becoming more agile than most magicians in Xingyue.

  In just a few short breaths, he immediately sensed the intricate patterns in the depths of his eyeballs that were slightly illusory.

  Magic circuit!

  There was a surge of excitement and joy in Xia You's heart, and she quickly communicated with her soul, opening the circuit contained in her eyeballs.

  Part of the magic power in the body began to rush continuously, entered the inside of the eyeball, and quickly rotated along the lines.

  When they were connected end to end to form a whole, Xia You took a deep breath and suddenly opened his eyes.

  In the pair of dark and deep eyes, the dazzling red light like blood disappeared in a flash.

  In the next second, the teenager found that his vision had changed dramatically.

  Just like a patient with high myopia who suddenly wears matching glasses, the feeling of "refreshing and refreshing" is very attractive.

  As far as the eye can see, all the scenes printed in the eyes are extremely clear, and even the little dust suspended in the air can be almost accurately discerned.

  But before it was new for a moment, Xia You's face gradually sank.

  The original book once described the general function of the Twisted Demon Eye——

  Turn on the rotation axis with the line of sight, the left eye rotates left, and the right eye rotates right, which can distort the object staring at.

  If on an object, the rotation axis of both eyes is turned on at the same time, and the object can be twisted from the junction.

  At the critical moment of the confrontation with the two rituals in the later stage, Fujino broke through again in the fierce battle and obtained the ability of "spiritual vision" - that is, clairvoyance and clairvoyance.

  Judging from the name, Spirit Vision must have the ultimate ability to see through "spiritual bodies".

  In the plot, an untrained ordinary person in the Fujino district of Asakami once forced the two ceremonies to the point of exhaustion with the simple "distortion" function of the magic eye.

  If she were given a few more days, once she was familiar with her newly awakened "Spiritual Vision" ability and used it in conjunction with "Distortion", it would be so powerful that it would explode!

  It is worthy of standing at the top of the entire moon, only inferior to the legendary "Rainbow Eye" five-color gem and other magic eye!

  However... the strongest "distortion" ability, Xia You did not get it!

  Did not get it! ! !

  The process of collecting the magic eye this time is very tragic.


  He slammed his fist on the sofa, causing a loud bang, and the entire sofa almost sank to the ground.

  The boy's tone was full of deep loss and dissatisfaction:

  "The Twisted Magic Eye... Obviously I absorbed the Twisted Magic Eye, why did I only get the edge ability of 'perspective'?"

  "Although other features are included, there is no guarantee that the full effect can be obtained, but this time..."

  "It's too far apart!!!"

  In fact, he has always been very clear about the defects of his own perfect bloodline.

  In addition to the inability to increase the position of the absorption characteristics, the instability of the recording ability is also very problematic.

  Ghoul was the first feature that Xia You recorded, so it was able to absorb it perfectly, and with the blood of the giant, he was very lucky to obtain the most satisfying "photosynthesis" and "crystallizing" abilities.

  The success of the two recordings did not make the young man satisfied. On the contrary, he was very cautious——

  The reason why the third feature was chosen as the magic eye is because the magic eye has a single effect, and there is a great chance that it will inherit all its features.

  After all, the magic eye is to put it bluntly, it is to create a magic circuit inside the eyeball, and it must not have much conflict with his perfect blood.


  It almost failed to the point of utter failure.

  The most important distortion ability has not been inherited at all, only a spiritual vision that has no sense of existence... No, it should be a part of spiritual vision, perspective, plus extreme observation of microscopic things force.

  Clairvoyance is also like a twisting ability, which misses him.

  It will cause such a result, in fact, it has a lot to do with the adjustment of the soul.

  Everyone's soul frequency is different. For that kind of illusory thing, the perfect bloodline can be involved and make some changes without affecting the life safety of the host. It is already an appalling thing, and it is impossible to ask for More.

  "elder brother......"

  Just when Xia You felt lost and resentful, 620 Qiuye's voice suddenly came from outside the room:

  "What's the matter? I heard an earthquake upstairs in the living room. Did something fall down? My brother shouldn't be hurt, right?"

  There was obvious worry in the girl's soft tone.

  Finally, Xia You, who was in a state of anxiety, regained his senses.

  He took a deep breath, calmed down, and replied warmly in his usual calm tone:

  "Well, it's alright, don't worry about Akiba, I was experimenting with a magic trick just now, and I accidentally broke the sofa..."

  Before he could finish speaking, only the sound of twisting the keyhole with a "click" was heard, and the door was opened from the outside.

  Qiuye and Bella stood side by side at the door, with a look of concern on their delicate and pretty faces. When they saw that it was exactly as Xia You said, only the sofa was damaged, so he let out a sigh of relief.

  Behind the two of them, Amber and Jade also quietly probed their heads, carefully observing the situation in the room, obviously very worried in their hearts.

  However, the twin maids just took a few glances before meeting Xia You's half-smiling expression, her face blushed, and she quickly lowered her head, folded her hands in front of the maid's apron, and stood outside the door in an orderly manner.


  After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to upgrade the twisted magic eye to the rainbow eye directly after the fourth battle. Now let's get a see-through ability, this ability will be of great use in the next volume.

Chapter 205 Superposition of Magic Eyes

  After finding a reason to "study magic" and leaving Qiuye and Bella, the smile on Xia You's face disappeared instantly. He glanced at the collapsed sofa, sat on the wooden chair next to him, closed his eyes and started. brooding.

  There is no doubt that the failure to absorb the magic eye this time has had a great impact on his strength foundation - Perfect Blood can only include ten abilities at most, and now it is a waste of a position.

  "Alas, the absorption of blood vessels is too unstable, if you can find something to improve the success rate..."

  A certain idea suddenly appeared in Xia You's mind, but it just disappeared in a flash, and then moved to another place in an instant.

  After all, the idea of ​​"improving the success rate of blood vessel absorption" is too unrealistic.

  The matter has come to this point, anxiety or anger are of no avail. After a moment of silence again, he can only sigh helplessly, accept the facts, and start thinking about his future plans.

  "Tomorrow is the time for the random dungeon to open. I was originally planning to familiarize myself with the Twisted Demon Eye at home, improve my strength, and wait a few months before entering the unknown dungeon, but unfortunately..."

  "Since the inclusion of the magic eye failed, then it should be quick to go to the next world to try your luck!"

  He has obtained the right to summon the heroic spirit Attila, and has the projection of the magic sword presented by the Moon King, and the "sunshine" in his backpack has never been used.

  With so many favorable conditions, Xia You's chance of winning the fourth Holy Grail War is actually very large, and it is no longer as imminent as it was when she first entered the moon.

  But he knew very well in his heart that all his reliances were just external things.

  After the Holy Grail War, Attila will leave, the sun will shine, and even the real world may be consumed.

  At that time, Xia You can only start from scratch in the current "main world", and there is no way to save his life.

  However, the combat effectiveness of the Xingyue World is very high. On the surface, it is peaceful and stable, but there are various monsters on the mysterious side.

  Not to mention anything else, as long as there is a certain ancestor who shoots him, even if he can rely on the help of Bella, Youzhu and others to resist it, he must be extremely reluctant.

  Therefore, you still need to work hard to improve your strength so that you can face any possible dangers.

  After deciding on the itinerary, Xia You pondered for a while, and recalled the transaction with Cangzaki Orange a year ago.

  "By the way, do you want to experiment with the technique of superimposing magic eyes?" Touching his chin, he thought about it in his heart:

  "I only included the 'spirit vision' in the twisted magic eye, which can basically be regarded as an auxiliary observation eye. If this kind of magic eye is superimposed hundreds of times..."

  Although the technology invented by Aozaki Orange can only be used to transform dolls, Xia You has flowing RC cells in her body.

  As long as the ordinary cells in the eyeballs are replaced with RC cells, and the eyeballs are used as "he." sons, the technology of "superimposing magic eyes" can be realized very easily.

  "Let's try it first, maybe if you stack the Spirit Vision Eyes hundreds of times, it's not necessarily what new functions will appear..."

  In fact, even he himself doesn't quite believe it, but since things have come to this point, he can only think about the good side, everything has to look forward, and if he fails, he will cry and grab the ground.

  Taking a deep breath, she reopened her magic eyes, and Xia You's vision became extremely clear as the dark red eyes flickered.

  As if he could penetrate everything, the brighter colors than ordinary vision kept hitting his nerves.

  "Very good, this extreme observation method is actually a good ability."

  Nodding with satisfaction, he exerted the spirit of Ah Q and comforted himself:

  "At least the enemy's moves, movements, and even weaknesses can be captured very accurately and clearly. Once I cooperate with Yan Hui's mental state, I believe my melee combat ability will be greatly improved... "

  Although I have said so much, Sao Nian actually really wants to be a master!

  If you get a complete twisted magic eye, you can twist the enemy into a ball of minced meat from a hundred meters away, wouldn't it be more labor-saving!

  Resisting the spit in her heart, Xia You quickly closed her eyes and used the spiritual power derived from her soul to constantly feel the shape of the circuit in the magic eye, and then moved the RC cells in her body little by little into the eyeballs according to the transformation technology of Cangzaki Orange. .

  This process is continuous and slow, and it is very test of micromanipulation ability.

  Fortunately, a year ago, the young man who extracted the magic power, the bloodline of the ghouls has obtained another evolution, and can control the RC cells at will, and shape Hezi of various shapes.

  After nearly an hour passed, Xia You, who was sweating profusely, finally let out a breath and opened her eyes:

  "Huh... I finally managed to finish it, and thanks to the small size of the eyeball, I can completely replace it with the RC cells in my body, and make a strange organ similar to Hezi without damaging its own vision!"

  To condense the RC cells to a certain place, for the ghouls, especially the ghouls like Xia You, which are beyond the rank of the elite, it is completely equivalent to eating and drinking water.

  It's just that he still needs to arrange various precise circuits and patterns in the eyeballs according to Aozaki Orange's technology, which is more troublesome, so it took a long time.

  The so-called loss must be gained.

  The original five-color gem-level high-level magic eye, the structure of its internal circuit should be extremely complex, even a genius like Cangzaki Orange, can not achieve a large amount of superposition.

  The more precise something is, the harder it is to artificially imitate it. This is the theorem.

  However, Xia You only obtained part of the spiritual vision ability, and the magic eye and other levels degenerated to ordinary red. Correspondingly, the magic circuit inside was sharply reduced by a lot, and the shape became very simple, so that he could use the "magic eye" so smoothly. Eye Overlay" technology.

  "Okay, let's experiment now and see if the woman Aozaki Orange has cheated in the transaction!"

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