In the last transaction between the two, although he obtained the "superimposed magic eye" technology, it was the knowledge used to make dolls. Xia You, who knew nothing about dolls, could not verify the authenticity of the technology at all.

  With anticipation and concentration, Xia You reopened the magic eye.

  The red awn, which was deeper than before, almost formed a substance, and even overflowed beyond his eye sockets, and the scene in his field of vision also changed greatly...

  No, the scene has actually remained the same, it's just that he can see more "deeper".

  Just like a strange feeling like a microscope is set up in front of you, countless things you can see through the skin can clearly see the internal structure.

  It is no longer a simple "perspective". This extreme vision is like observing the world with a microscope. Although the molecular and atomic levels are still invisible, it is at least a hundred times stronger than the previous perspective. !

  "Hmm... I feel that the eyes have evolved into X-rays. If you stare at humans with such magical eyes, you should be able to accurately see their internal organs and bones..."

  Xia You suddenly shuddered, and quickly turned off the magic eye.

  In other words, if it's the perspective ability just now, it's not bad for him to look at the figure under the girl's clothes when he is bored, but now this enhanced version of perspective can already see the bones through the flesh and blood!

  The current youth has not yet achieved the realm of looking directly at the skeleton fantasy pink.

  "' 〃 What can this vision ability be used for? In addition to observing the enemy in battle... and that perspective, no matter how you look at it, it can only be used to peep at women, right?"

  After her vision returned to normal, Xia You continued to lean back on the chair, silently thinking about the purpose of the magic eye.

  It took a lot of hard work to acquire a new ability... Although it is not very attractive, at least it must be thoroughly understood.

  This way, when the need arises, you won't have to panic.

  I remember that before I crossed, there was a saying on the Internet - there is no ability to trash, only masters who can't use it.

  Although Xia You didn't completely agree, she didn't completely deny it in her heart.

  Just like the skills in the game, all auxiliary abilities actually have a certain value.

  "Dong dong dong."

  Just then, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

  Akiba's soft voice (Nuo Qian Zhao) came in from outside:

  "Brother, are you still doing experiments? It's dinner time now, let's go down to eat together!"

  "it is good."

  Answering in a loud voice, Xia You stepped forward and opened the door.

  Qiu Ye in a white dress is standing quietly outside the door, with his hands behind his face, his head tilted slightly, his cyan eyes are full of smiles, his expression is very happy:

  "Remember that my brother explained to Amber before that everyone will have a barbecue in the courtyard tonight. The rack and barbecue are already set up..."

  The girl's lovely and bright smile finally dispelled the last trace of depression in his heart.

  What if you fail to absorb the twisted magic eye, even for the many girls around you, you must continue to find other ways to make yourself stronger!

  The moment she walked out of the room, Xia You clenched her fists and was so angry in her heart.


  The first month of the month ends here.

  Then Shinsekai was about writing "The Clever Girls Won't Hurt".

  Mmmm, please explain, there have been heavy rains recently. Although we won't suffer from floods, the circuit is broken. It seems to be repairing. The update may not be very stable in the past two days. Sorry, I will make up the chapter in a few days. .

④The clever girl

Write Before New Volume (Free)

  In other words, I have always wanted to write, but it is really difficult to write.

  The author Hai Dong dug a lot of holes and put all the answers in the final volume.

  Then I didn't write for two years, and it was only this year that I slowly started to make 16 volumes.

  That's right, according to reliable sources, the Japanese version of the end of machine damage will be released on the 25th of this month, and the Taiwan version is estimated to be a few months later.

  Well, I hope there will be no more bounces.

  Well, let's not discuss whether Haidong has bounced the ticket first, the final volume will be released recently, which makes us really nervous.

  After all, there are a lot of pits in the first 15 volumes.

  For example, the thousand-year grievance between Domen and the Akabane clan, in addition to the gold, silver, black, gray, and purple that appeared on the stage, there are a few movements of the remaining roses.

  What is the inside story of Jin Qiangwei and the death of the first generation of Hana Liusai Kuoshiro, and whether Black Rose's dead friend "Lily" has anything to do with Kyoshiro's wife "Mirror".

  The details of the plan of Dean Rutherford and Magnus, who were frustrated and died, the real intention of the establishment of the Temple of Fools, and the plan's follow-up direction (I don't believe that a shrewd person like Rutherford will leave his daughter Alice behind. Hand) The position of the old man of the church, the position of Leizhen's swordsmanship master Skylark, the follow-up actions of the villain Purple Rose, Mad King Edmund...

  And... Golden Rose, who is [-]% dead, what is she planning in the dark?

  Then there is the question about the divine ingenuity. How strong will the divine ingenuity with the dimension on the "other side" be?Will it devour the doll's "original consciousness" and turn it into an indifferent "god posture"?

  If you want to scribble it, it's definitely no problem. Anyway, I just need to make up a few brain holes, but the final volume will be released in half a month. We are also very distressed when we are stuck writing the world of "Machine Hurt" at this point in time.

  So, if you are slapped in the face by the original book in the future, I hope everyone will be more considerate...

Chapter 1 Enter

  The bright starry sky shines on a fresh and beautiful summer night.

  The bright moonlight is like water, flowing down from the top of the sky, and the evening breeze is refreshingly cool, rolling the curtains, blowing in briskly, and also sending in the melodious sound of cicadas.

  Standing by the bedroom window, Xia You stood with her hands behind her back, her face calm, as if she was silently savoring this midsummer night.

  The neat lines of the elegant casual clothes complemented his tall and straight body - he had no plans to fall asleep at night, and his shoes and socks were neatly dressed. Obviously, he was preparing to go out immediately.

  It has been three days since I obtained the Twisted Magic Eye... uh, it should be Spirit Vision.

  Although he failed to absorb the complete magic eye, Xia You felt that he was a failure, but in the past few days, he has restrained his regret and walked out of unwillingness and loss.

  Looking down at the quiet courtyard below, Xia You recalled the hustle and bustle of everyone playing together during the day, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

  That game can be seen as a silent farewell to Akiba, Bella and others.

  Yes, he finally began to think about entering the new world--

  If you want to continue to become stronger, you can only step on the unknown copy again and draw nutrients from it-.

  "Since the state has been adjusted, then_..."

  Having said that, Xia You opened the system panel with his mind and found the copy bar. The original gray "random" button was flashing with a warm luster.

  This means that he can leave the Xingyue world at any time.

  Looking at it with anticipation, Xia You's mind came to the figure of a beautiful girl, and sighed softly, turned off the translucent panel in front of her, went to the desk in the bedroom, picked up the phone and dialed the number .

  The busy tone of "dudu" continued until the phone hung up automatically, and there was still no answer on the other side. He gave a wry smile and pressed the redial button without hesitation.

  This was repeated ten times until after half an hour, someone finally answered the phone.

  Xia You hurriedly lowered her voice and asked happily:

  "Qingzi, old rules, please call Youzhu over!"


  In the middle of the night to disturb other people's sleep, Xia You had already planned to be scolded, but who knows, the opposite is uncharacteristically, always maintaining a silent posture, silently, without saying a word.

  If it weren't for the occasional small breathing sound coming from the earpiece, it might be mistaken for a signal failure.

  "Qingzi, I have something very urgent, please help, this time you must convince Youzhu to answer the phone quickly..." Just after saying this, Xia You suddenly had a flash in her heart and raised her voice. A few decibels:

  "Youzhu, it's you, right?"

  "It's noisy!"

  There was a girl's cold, beautiful voice from the opposite side.

  The beautiful and melodious voice line is as pure and clear as the snow field, but the disgusting meaning in the words flows into Xia You's ears along the phone line.

  It seems that after more than half a year, the witch's jealousy has finally dissipated...

  Since he is willing to answer the phone, even if his attitude is very bad, it also means that the last time, Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu is no longer ready to care about it.

  After realizing this fact, Xia You felt a sense of surprise in his heart. He smiled slightly, and sat on the sofa with a relaxed expression, pretending to be stupid:

  "By the way, what does it mean to be noisy? If we meet next time because of the time issue, we will definitely apologize! But it is really important to call to disturb you so late!"

  It may be that there is no contact for half a year, and there is a general discomfort. Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu did not ask questions immediately, but was silent for a while before spit out a few words:

  "Why are you looking for me? Encountered magic that you don't understand?"

  "No..." Xia You slowed down and said softly, "I miss you!"

  Then only hearing a "pop", the phone was hung up by the witch instantly.

  "Hello? Hello?"

  Hearing the busy tone in his ears, Xia You was startled, and when he wanted to call again, he found that the other party seemed to have unplugged the phone line.

  They didn't give us a chance to play tricks!Mingming said with sweet words on his back!

  Shaking his head helplessly, he finally threw away the receiver as if he had given up, but there was no frustration of failure on his face.

  "At the time of parting, I can hear the familiar voice that I have been worrying about for half a year, and I understand that she is not ready to cut off the connection, and she will not be in contact with her old age, so she can start the journey with peace of mind..."

  "As for other things, we will wait until after the Holy Grail War is over!"

  Self-encouragingly clenching her fists, Xia You reopened the system panel. Just as she was about to click to enter, she paused. Then, she took out a card from the space backpack and put it in front of her eyes, frowning and thinking.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  "The last time I used the 'Story NPC Substitute Card', after entering the world of Kyotsuki, because Tono Shinhisa suddenly died, Kama Kama also left the family, and the help of Tono Shiki's identity was almost useless. but!"

  "At least it gave me a stable and reliable record of the aboriginal people, so that I could easily blind Gaia and Alaya!"

  Xingyue is a more rigorous world, and the specialization of inhibition force has created a strong exclusivity. In short, it is very unfriendly to transmigrators.

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