If the substitute card was not used, perhaps Xia You would have been caught by the restraining force the moment he entered the Xingyue.

  . . . . . . . .

  Of course, in the infinite dimension, there are very few worlds where the inhibition power awakens intellect like Kazuki, and unless the luck is worse than Kamijou Touma, it can basically be ignored.

  However, when Xia You entered the new dungeon this time, she wanted to quickly increase her strength before the Holy Grail War began, in preparation for her long-term survival in the dangerous "main world" of Xingyue.

  "If you want to get the most benefits in the unknown dungeon with your existing power, you can only rely on the 'plot'... But the randomness of the dungeon makes the advantage of the 'original plot', a transmigrator, to be Infinitely shrink!"

  It's okay to travel to a familiar world, but I'm afraid to travel to a world that I've never heard of before. In that case, don't say anything to gain benefits, and it's hard to figure out who the benefits are.

  "Sure enough, if you pursue safety, you have to use up another precious substitute card..."

  Muttering in a low voice, Xia You showed a heartbroken expression, but she was still extremely firm, crushing the card in her palm.

  "Although it is very reluctant, but if you want to easily obtain a lot of benefits without considering the 'plot', this is the most reliable way!"

  Pale golden particles emerged instantly, surrounded him, and entered his body.

  Seeing that there was no more light spot overflowing from the cards in the room, Xia You nodded with satisfaction, then with a little expectation, stared at the system copy bar in front of her, and quickly clicked to enter.

  In an instant, his figure disappeared from the bedroom window like a phantom.

Chapter 2 Fire scene

  The north wind blew from the sky, and the goose feather-like crystal snow covered the sky and the sun, falling slowly and lightly.

  The cold and bitterness of the severe winter is spreading in the air through this heavy snow, making Xia You, who has just arrived, shrink his neck.

  "Really, it was still midsummer just now, but it started to snow in a blink of an eye..."

  The transformation of time and space is so wonderful.

  While murmuring helplessly, he tried to observe the surrounding environment through the dense white snow.

  The place where I am now is a small dilapidated yard. The wall in front of it has collapsed, and there are still scorched marks from the fire. The main branch withered, almost shaky.

  Xia You hurriedly turned his eyes and looked behind him. A large pile of black bricks and broken walls quickly entered his eyes.

  "It seems to be a fire scene. More than half of the entire building has been burned down by "March [-]"... Seeing that the traces are relatively new, it should be something that happened recently."

  Even though it was covered with heavy snow, there was still a slight choking smell in the space. Xia You frowned slightly, took a few steps back, and was about to leave the yard first, but accidentally kicked something under her feet.

  He looked down and found that it was a puppet made of wood.

  After carefully stepping over the puppet and walking out along the blackened gap in the wall, Xia You looked into the distance, trying to find a place to escape the winter snow.

  However, as far as the eye can see, there are only large sparse forests, and there is no trace of people living there.

  Under the influence of the harsh climate, even the chirping of birds, beasts, and insects was unusually rare. The world seemed to be in a loneliness, and only the cold wind in the sky was whistling.

  "Sad picture..."

  He couldn't help shaking his head, he already had some kind of hunch in his heart - the protagonist he replaced this time might be a tough guy.

  Yes, before entering the dungeon, Xia You did not use a "plot NPC substitute card", but a "protagonist substitute card".

  Whether it is an anime, a novel, or a film and television drama, most of the protagonists have great opportunities.

  If a traveler wants to gain enough benefits without having read the plot of the original in a strange copy, the safest way is to become the "protagonist" of that world, and then adapt accordingly.

  "Let's look at the information of this world first..."

  Coming to a nearby big tree, with the strings of ice lingering hanging on its bare branches, Xia You opened the system panel and turned to the character column.

  Character: Xia You.

  Title: King of Ghoul (purple title, ability, omitted)

  Bloodline: Perfect Blood (3/10) Ghoul's ability is perfectly recorded, giant ability is recorded, and twisted magic eye ability is recorded.

  Level: Level 65.


  Attributes: Strength: 187, Constitution: 185, Intelligence. 185, Spirit: 185.

  Unassigned attributes: 0 points.

  The level has not improved at all, but the experience has risen by hundreds of thousands, and it is estimated that most of it is the credit of Nero Kaos.

  After all, being one of the 27 ancestors, the experience gained by killing him is worth thousands of giants.

  Ignoring the character attributes, Xia You looked at the character status behind him again.

  Character status: The player Xia You has left the copy of "Xinyue", and the progress of the Xingyue dungeon is automatically reserved. The player uses the protagonist's replacement card, which has successfully replaced the protagonist "Aka Feather Leizhen".

  The copy of "Ingenious Girls Won't Be Hurt" is in progress. For relevant information, please check the task bar.

  "It's actually a clever girl..."

  Xia You frowned, took two steps back and forth in place, and sighed in disappointment.

  Feelings of regret and anxiety are palpable.

  The copy of "Ingenious Girls Won't Be Hurt", although slightly inferior to Xingyue World in strength, is by no means the current him, who can crush the past with strength.

  The specialty of this world is an "automatic doll" made of magic materials and with a special magic circuit inside.

  At the beginning of the modern twentieth century, a subversive reform took place in the magic world. Finally, relying on the "heart of Eve" and various ingenious magic circuits, a brilliant and peculiar ingenious civilization was born——

  His representative works are dolls with autonomous consciousness and life.

  The ingenious civilization frees magicians from lengthy rituals and incantations. As long as they use automatic dolls, relying on the magic circuits loaded in the dolls, they can perform corresponding magic very easily.

  Some of the magic circuits loaded on the doll are also very powerful, controlling gravity, manipulating distance, distorting space, stopping time... Even if it is placed in any other world, it will be called the top-level ability of "no solution" .

  Fortunately, perhaps because of the manufacturing process, those magic circuits have not been popularized, and are only in the hands of a small number of people.

  Not only dolls, but there are many "magic tricks" in this world that touch the truth. The most typical example is the villain Rose Association. The rose witches in it are not fuel-efficient lamps...

  Golden Rose holds the "transition of all things" and can control time. Gray Rose's "causal replacement", although not really manipulating causality and rewriting history, can directly embody something in the "past", and then pull it out. to the "now" point in time.

  And the black rose has a strange necromancy, and it has created a different space "hell".

  If it's just that the dungeon is too difficult, Xia You won't feel regret even though he's nervous.

  But according to the plot of the original work, there is hardly any special bloodline worth absorbing in this dungeon.

  "I can't find a strong bloodline to absorb, it's a little troublesome." He scratched his hair and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart: "It seems that even God is forcing me to learn magic... "

  After a short thought, Xia You made a decision in an instant: In this dungeon, you must exercise your magic ability.

  This is completely impossible. He entered the new dungeon in order to gain power to deal with the end of the Holy Grail War. After Xingyue was set as the main world, the inhibition force may exist to make things difficult.

  However, at the moment, there is no way to become stronger by taking shortcuts through perfect blood.

  Aside from magic or magic—

  The world of "Ingenious Girls Won't Hurt", although the historical development trend is similar to the earth in the real world, familiar events are staged in various familiar countries, such as World War I, World War II, the Industrial Revolution and so on.

  But it has thousands of years of magic civilization heritage, is an out-and-out fantasy world.

  "I just don't know...I learned some basic knowledge of magic in 2.9 from Youzhu. Can it be used in general?"

  After thinking for a while in silence, he raised his head again and continued to look at the system panel in front of him.

  There are a few lines below the character column:

  "Red Feather Leizhen has a special bloodline in his body. Considering the player's perfect bloodline, the two are hereby isolated. The specific solution is as follows."

  "One: Players use the perfect blood to absorb the characteristics of the red feather bloodline (Note: Because of the replacement card and various other reasons, this collection, for the perfect collection, can obtain all its characteristics.)"

  "Two: Create alternative templates, players can switch between 'Perfect Blood' and 'Akafea' Blood."

  "Three: Eliminate the special bloodline of the Chiyu family."

  "Four: Eliminate the original perfect bloodline of the player."

  Undoubtedly, with the experience of the previous world, Xia You quickly made a choice and established a template.

Chapter 3 Prophecy

  "The entry point this time seems to be closer to the beginning of the plot..."

  After establishing the template, and switching back to the original perfect blood template, Xia You found that her body shape had basically not changed, and she couldn't help but understand.

  The body shape of the two states is the same, which proves that Akabane Leizhen's current age should be at least fourteen or five years old.

  According to the fire scene just now, combined with the age of the protagonist at this time, it is easy to infer the time point of appearance——

  The Akabane clan has been wiped out by the Tumen clan recently, leaving only the protagonist and his brother Akabane Tianquan in the entire clan.

  Next, Akabane Tianquan will take the sinful act of genocide on himself for some unspeakable reasons.

  Then immediately set off for the Royal Academy of Ingenuity, and together with the current dean Rutherford, established the "Holy Fool" with unknown function, and renamed it "Magnus"... Its implication is " great man".

  Regarding the tragic situation of the Chiyu clan, Xia You, a traveler, could not feel any immediate pain at all. Looking at the dark ruins not far away, his mood was very calm.

  I just felt sorry for my sister named "Nadeko" in my heart, so I didn't think about it any more, but quickly opened the system taskbar to check his dungeon tasks.

  On the translucent virtual screen, two neat lines were written.

  Task [-]: Obtain the qualification to participate in the night party.

  Task [-]: Defeat the opponent holding the "glove" in the night party, and the reward depends on the player's own ranking in the night party before leaving the dungeon. The higher the ranking, the richer the reward.

  "Sure enough, even the system judges that this world is very dangerous, and there is no mandatory rule for me to get the first place in the night party and become a 'Demon King'!"

  Seeing the sentence "Rewards are based on rankings", a slight smile appeared on Xia You's face.

  His heart was tensing, and his expression gradually became serious.

  The so-called Demon King is a conceptual title developed after the birth of the ingenious civilization. It generally refers to the dolls who have reached the top level of manipulating automatic dolls.

  The Demon King will be confronted by various difficult battles in the "Night Party" in the Royal Ingenuity Academy of Walpurgis in the United Kingdom.

  A magician with the title of "Demon King" will be able to easily gain glory, status, fame, wealth, and the privilege of freely browsing various forbidden books, and doing some forbidden experiments when allowed.

  Although this title is very attractive to ordinary magicians, in the eyes of national-level forces, it will not be overemphasized.

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