The two were woken up quickly.

  In the hot season of June and July, there are not many clothes to wear, so they are sorted out. After washing, they hurried out the door and came to the nearby large playground, waiting there according to the class.

  The officers who participated in the selection yesterday had already arrived at the scene. At this time, they were standing not far away with expressionless faces, silently counting the time. There were many soldiers with guns behind them.

  After a while, the sound of the horn suddenly stopped, but a few dozen meters away, there were still a few figures rushing towards this side.

  "Ten minutes to go!"

  One of the officers turned pale and winked at the soldiers behind him.

  Several soldiers saluted, raised their guns, aimed at the late fellows, and motioned them to stop.

  Seeing the movements of the soldiers, all the puppets in the field, whether they were late or not, all became nervous.

  Class antagonism is unavoidable, especially after arriving in a strange place, people of the same class will naturally hug into groups subconsciously.

  These puppet envoys who were selected together yesterday, although they are not familiar with each other, but under the pressure of the unfamiliar environment outside 170, they have developed a sense of "group". conflict.

  Seemingly aware of their thoughts, among the officers, a middle-aged man in his forties stepped forward immediately.

  With a square face and a straight posture, he lightly swept around many people, his tone was sonorous and powerful, and it was very convincing:

  "From now on, the No. [-] Institute will give you a three-month military control training, which can be regarded as training for recruits to enter the battalion-during this period, you must forget all your previous problems and enlist as a soldier. The identity of the recruits is subject to the control of the superior instructors until they are deemed qualified!"

  "Since you are recruits, obeying the order is the first priority! As I said just now, let you gather at the playground within ten minutes... If you can't meet the standard, you can only clear it out!"

  After finishing speaking, the middle-aged officer waved to the soldiers who were waiting behind him:

  "Those guys who are late, regardless of the class, send them all to the outside world to be sent away - the survival of the fittest, the No. [-] Research Institute needs talents, and those who are left behind and unqualified will never be tolerated!"

  After such an explanation, the many puppet envoys in the field were relieved, and the anxiety of the previous bout of rabbit death and fox sadness became swept away.

Chapter 88

  Silently watching the dejected puppets not far away and being escorted away by several lines of soldiers, those who were not late on the playground were relieved. They were both glad that they ran fast just now, but also felt for the unlucky ones who were late. regret.

  He was finally selected. He had the opportunity to join the mighty German Empire, and maybe he could get further studies in magic. As a result, he just came in for one night, and because of his negligence in life, he could only be swept out of the house in shame.

  However, Xia You and Dorothy looked at each other and said in their hearts, "Come on".

  There is no doubt that those puppets who were taken away could never simply "sweep them out", or they would be secretly sent to a laboratory after a while.

  It just so happens that the waste is used...  

  Except for some spies who wanted to spy on German research materials, most of the puppets who entered the No. [-] Research Institute were weak and weak groups in the magic world. Even if these guys disappeared, no one would come forward for them.

  Without clues and sufferers, the Society of Magicians would not have been able to immediately detect that something was wrong in Germany.

  As for the spy who accidentally exposed his identity... he deserves to be treated no matter what, and it is impossible for other forces to admit or make a statement.

  "Very good, the other members present are very good, and they can strictly abide by the discipline on the first day... I hope that 583 will continue to listen carefully to the instructors in the future - at least for this three-month period. training time!"

  The middle-aged officer clapped his hands lightly, complimented everyone on the playground, and drew their attention back without a trace, and then began to arrange the training content:

  "The first is a month-long physical training. The magician's source of magic is life, and the magic cycle is also carried out in the blood vessels, so physical training is necessary - all members, first run around the playground ten laps, and are not allowed to use magic, Don't rely on the help of the to 40 minutes!"

  "Today's first physical training, I will give you time to adapt, but...extend it to an hour at most. For those who cannot meet the standard, the members of class A will be automatically demoted to class B, and the members of class B will be automatically demoted to Class C, if the members of Class C do not meet the standard, they will be eliminated immediately!"

  Perhaps because of the dismounting just now, no one dared to be lazy this time, and they all tried their best to run for ten laps within the specified time limit, and then did some morning exercises to activate the body before the instructor announced that he was going to have breakfast.

  After eating, rest for a while, and start to practice puppet manipulation skills until noon.In the afternoon, I continued with physical fitness (agcc) training... almost no free time for the whole day.

  Such hard days quickly passed for seven days.

  What surprised Xia You was that under such strict rules and schedules, a thin young lady like Dorothy didn't complain at all, she persevered completely.

  Even compared with other male students, they are not inferior at all.

  "Hey, Miss, are you alright?"

  While resting one night, while Ye Ye was taking a bath, Xia You whispered to the girl sleeping beside her.


  Dorothy stretched, turned around, and asked with those big eyes blinking.

  She was only wearing a small set of black underwear, and most of her fair skin was exposed, looking black and white, even more crystal clear like pearls.

  In fact, in the first few days, Dorothy was a little shy towards Xia You and Ye Ye's eyes, so she wrapped a thin blanket around her after taking a shower.

  However, it might be because the training was too tired, or the blanket was sultry, and she gradually stopped caring about it. After locking the door, she took off her clothes and dangled in front of Xia You generously.

  Instead, Ye Ye ate a lot of flying vinegar in vain.

  The weather is hot in summer, the space in the dormitory is small, the windows are relatively small, and there is no constant temperature magic tool similar to an air conditioner at all - fortunately, there is an old-fashioned fan blowing "huhu" overhead, which can bring a few strands of coolness. sense.

  "I mean..." Xia You supported her face with her hands, and asked curiously, "Do you not feel tired at all by training your physical fitness every day, and you are not allowed to use magic power?"

  "With the blessing of Yellow Spring Water..."

  Perhaps it was about some family secret, Dorothy paused before continuing vaguely:

  "Don't worry, no matter how tired I am, I can easily recover!"

  "Really?" Xia You smiled, and didn't ask what the hell "Yellow Spring Water" was, she just touched her hair and said softly, "Tell me if you're tired!"

  When he said this, he felt a little helpless in his heart, and told him that he could not solve any problems, so he could only persuade:

  "Otherwise, become an assistant. You know Olga, and she will definitely help you!"

  "I do not want it!"

  Dorothy turned her face away, black hair covering her facial expression.

  She originally thought that she would just fall asleep like this, but after a while, a small voice as thin as a mosquito suddenly came from Xia You's ear: "...Hold me!"


  "If you were holding me, I wouldn't feel tired!"

  Xia You was startled, turned her head back seriously, and stared at the girl's little red face that was hidden under her black hair, with mixed feelings in her heart.

  Since meeting a few weeks ago, this pseudo-loli has been believing in him and helping him... It seems to be unreserved and without any reason.


  He opened his mouth and was about to ask the doubts hidden in his heart, but he smiled silently when he saw the nervous expression on that cute little face.

  Then he raised his hands slightly.

  Slowly and gently, like holding a treasure in his hands, he tightly hugged the petite body beside him.

  Can't ask at all.

  If any emotion needed a reason, then life would be as precise as a machine.



  "Go to sleep, just sleep in my arms like this, I promise, as cute as you, I will have a warm dream tonight."

  The corners of the girl's mouth twitched slowly, and her eyelids slowly closed.

  Even if she understands that this is impossible - Ye Ye will come out after a while, seeing the posture of the two, she will definitely start to be jealous on a daily basis.

  But Dorothy still craved the feeling of being held in Xia You's arms.

  From the first time a few days ago, every time it feels like finding a "home", warm, safe and reliable, it will make people feel inexplicably dependent.

  She couldn't express the complicated feeling, but she also understood that deep down in her heart, she had quietly entered a young man she had known for a while.

  And whether it is good or bad, and whether the two will blossom and bear fruit in the future... everything is unknown.

  Only give time to slowly verify.


  Stunned, today's chapter is reversed, this is chapter 88.

  Just changed the title.

Chapter 89 Spy and Conspiracy

  One morning seven days later, a group of puppets made the students gather as usual.

  The atmosphere this time seems to be more serious than usual. Several instructors are all expressionless. In addition, the soldiers in the distance seem to be more numerous, and they are fully armed and ready to stand. There are also a few clever people on standby behind them. I.

  Xia You immediately sensed that something was about to happen.

  Sure enough, after everyone had run the required ten laps, the middle-aged officer in the lead took two steps forward, scanned the lap in front of him coldly, and said in a calm tone:

  "Leo Smit, Louis Scheffer, David Koch, Jan Hoffman.... out!"

  Called ten names in a row.

  Most of the people looked blank. Only the guys whose names were called suddenly turned ugly. Some of them looked at each other, raised their palms quietly, and subconsciously wanted to gather magic power to command the ingenious dolls they were carrying.

  But soon the gang was disappointed - the dolls weren't around at all!

  In recent days of physical training, the puppets do not have to participate. In order to prevent someone from cheating by magic, the instructors gathered all the puppets and drove them to a far away place to guard.

  "Did you hear, the person whose name was called above, get out of the queue!"

  Noticing the small movements of some of them, the middle-aged officer's mouth filled with a hint of mockery, and he continued to yell.

  Without waiting for his orders, a line of soldiers behind him rushed up like wolves. After finding the target, they threatened them with guns and drove them all out of the crowd.

  "take away!"

  "Wait... We didn't make any mistakes at all, we have been training strictly according to the regulations, and have never held back! Why did you take us away? Are you going to—"

  Being escorted by the soldiers, several of them looked particularly excited, standing still, shouting and trying to explain something.

  Then several sturdy butts slammed down, knocking them to the ground.

  The middle-aged officer did not frown, and coldly shouted again:

  "take away!"

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