Watching the group of people being dragged out of the playground, the officer snorted and turned his head again. His eyes were as sharp as a falcon catching prey.

  "The above people who were taken away, the intelligence bureau has found out in the past few days, they are all spies of other countries, they sneaked into the No. [-] research institute of the German Empire, and they want to obtain the secrets inside!"

  There was an uproar in the field.

  The hundreds of puppets who were recruited a few days ago, except for a few guys who have their own motives, are all real people at the bottom.

  For the sake of life or the pursuit of magic, he came to Karlsruhe with hope.

  The conspiracy and confrontation of high-level countries in various countries have always been far away from ordinary people like them.

  At this moment, when I hear such a thing happening around me, I naturally feel very surprised... There is even a little excitement about "participating in a big event", and I didn't even think about the dozen or so undercover agents who were taken away. What treatment do you get.

  Xia You, who was in the crowd, maintained an expression similar to the others on his face, but his heart was quietly wiping cold sweat.

  Fortunately, the forged identities from the military are more reliable, otherwise, this time, I would be one of the undercover agents who was taken away.

  In other words, if you find out your identity, you don't know if the chess piece played by Black Rose Cloth, the guy called "Dennis Kahn", can save him...

  What happened today has nothing to do with you, Xia You quickly turned her attention to other places, and thought silently in her heart:

  "It seems that the No. [-] Research Institute is not a fool. Although no one refuses to come, the identities of everyone here must have been strictly screened during these days. Otherwise, it is impossible to find so many spies quietly."


  After roughly eliminating some of the spies among the students, they should teach something else, right?

  It's not that Xia You is eager to learn something, it's just that he is really impatient with running and running every day.

  Such an idea is not too far-fetched.

  After entering the research institute, according to the situation of the strength class, he gradually raised a little guess in his heart——

  Even with the purpose of recruiting "experimental materials" at the beginning, Germany definitely wants to dig out a few innocent civilian talents.

  Even if the middle-level generals can get some expansion.

  The current international situation is very tense, and the world war that seems to be imminent has been oppressing the nerves of all countries, making them work hard to improve their national and military strength.

  And no matter how weak the puppets are, they are more reliable than soldiers who don't understand anything.

  Sure enough, when it was about to disband, the middle-aged officer suddenly said again:

  "Three days later, the physical training will be halved. In addition, the time for training puppet manipulation in the morning will be changed to go to the east classroom to listen to the professor's lecture. Most of you have not systematically learned magic tricks. Be sure to cherish this opportunity and study hard! "

  As soon as these words came out, all the civilian puppets became excited.

  After a long time of exhaustion, isn't it just to step into the halls of the deeper magic way and go to the upper class!

  And now, the opportunity has come!


  That night, in a class A dormitory not far from Xia You and the others, two young men were lying on two chaungs, one on the left and one on the right.

  The dim moonlight poured in from the small window, slightly illuminating the figures of the two of them.

  They were closing their eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep, but a voice as thin as a mosquito's voice quietly echoed in this small space.

  "Louis was arrested, what should I do?"

  "' ˇ...I haven't contacted the above, so I don't know the specific instructions."

  After listening to the companion's words, the man on the left turned over and clenched his fists inadvertently. He seemed very nervous, and even his voice gradually became louder:

  "I heard that the torture in Germany is very severe. He shouldn't be able to last long. Once he confesses to us, then...Damn it! This kind of waiting to die is really uncomfortable!"

  Although they are spies, both of them are young people under the age of 20, so naturally they are not as calm as some professional undercover agents.

  What's more...the country where they are located, the relationship with Germany has been very tense recently. I believe that after the German intelligence agency finds the clue, it will definitely bite and continue to track it.

  "What do you think we should do?"

  "Let's explain the situation here as soon as possible. After staying here for more than ten days, you should be able to feel that the behavior of recruiting puppets in the research institute has no good intentions at all!"

  "If we continue to stay, it's just death in vain, and we can't achieve the set goal at all. Why don't we take the opportunity to kidnap a researcher... Just a few days later, a professor will show up to give a lecture to the students!"

(Well done) The man on the right was silent for a moment, then hesitantly said:

  "But... under normal circumstances, the professor will be surrounded by guards."

  There was another word he didn't say.

  Since it was sent to give lectures to the students, it must not be a very important researcher, and perhaps if he caught it, he would not be able to obtain useful information.

  However, their companions have already exposed that the current situation has almost reached a point of nowhere. Both of them subconsciously avoided talking about this issue, intending to quickly get some results and then withdraw from this undercover operation.

  "It's okay for people to deliberately find fault in the classroom, first try the guard's ability before making plans!"

  After saying this, the man on the left sighed softly again, suddenly opened his eyes, gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of hope:

  "Applying for permission to act, testing, observing, arranging the way back, making specific shots... Even if all goes well, it will take about a month!"

  "I just hope Louis can hold on a little longer!"

Chapter 90 The Professor

  Three days later, after breakfast, Xia You took Dorothy and Ye Ye to the classroom behind the playground.

  It has been more than half a month since he entered the No. [-] Research Institute, and he has also roughly figured out where he is currently - just the periphery of the research institute.

  Yes, after messing around for so long, he was still circling around the outside, and he couldn't see the slightest situation inside at all.

  However, Xia You was not very anxious about this. It is estimated that after the three-month training is completed, he will have the right to enter the institute.

  The entire institute is divided into inner and outer floors. The outer area is relatively wide and the buildings are very few. There is basically no other place except for the student dormitory, the training playground, and the living quarters for officers and soldiers.

  And the classrooms where they go to class now are close to the middle-level area of ​​​​the research institute. There are quite a few buildings there, but they should be some unimportant experimental places. Students are open.

  In fact, when they first entered the institute, the officers guarded all the students like thieves. No matter whether they were eating or training, they sent people to follow them around almost every day. At night, they could see a line of soldiers on duty, and occasionally raided in the middle of the night. Calling and checking posts made Dorothy extremely popular.

  The signs have been improving recently.

  It may be because a group of hidden spies were removed a few days ago, and the remaining people have finally gained initial approval~.

  Slowly thinking about the situation in the recent period, Xia You walked into the front door of the classroom. She originally wanted to find a corner to sit down, but found that the last three rows were almost full.

  It's so obvious that it's just a bunch of tricks, and it dares to grab the special seat of the anime protagonist!Be careful, you will be sent to the organ cold storage tomorrow!

  Glancing at the classroom indignantly, he pulled the two girls beside him to the front row with the envy of most people.

  As for the envious gazes of those guys... This Xia You knows it well - of course it's not because of beautiful women, but Ye Ye.

  Humanoid dolls are without exception relatively advanced, and low-level dolls are rarely affordable.

  At least half a month since she came to the research institute, most of what Xia You has seen are strange-looking and tall monster-shaped dolls, such as Ye Ye, which are very rare.

  Low-level ingenious puppets, because the magic circuit level is too low, the power of the magic they use seems to be a bit unsatisfactory, so most puppets generally consider using their body size to crush each other in battle. , basically without technical content, so he made the doll he held as tall, mighty, and heavy as possible.

  Naturally, those dolls that are too large can only be stored outside and cannot enter the classroom.

  At present, there is only one clever doll in the classroom every night.

  After finding a corner in the front row and sitting quietly, Xia You looked around.

  This should belong to a classroom converted from a laboratory. It seems to have been hurriedly completed recently, and the appearance looks very scribbled.

  On the surrounding walls, there are faint traces of wet paint, the stepped seats are also very old, and they creak when shaken a little. The podium in front is still built with wooden cushions, and there is a square table on it.

  "By the way, professor or something... Could it be that a researcher in the institute took the time to give us a lecture?"

  The students have already arrived, and nearly ten minutes have passed since the specified time, but the "professor" still does not appear. The somewhat bored Xia You is lying on the table in front of him, holding the pen in his hand and spinning around, while making random guesses. sentence.

  Others around were also talking, and the whole classroom was full of noise, which made Xia You inexplicably think of the self-study class in her student days.

  "You are so beautiful!"

  Dorothy beside her rolled her eyes and immediately retorted in a low voice:

  "The research progress should be ranked first. Compared to that, these students recruited are only dispensable. Considering that the experiment will be delayed, it is definitely impossible for the institute to send any important people here!"

  "is it?"

  Xia You sat up straight, scratching her hair in confusion:

  "But at least someone who knows ingenuity and magic should be sent here, right? In the entire No. [-] Research Institute, apart from some officers and soldiers, there are only researchers!"

  Ye Ye couldn't talk about what the two were talking about, so she could only sit there honestly, with a notebook and a pen in her hand - this was to help Xia You take notes.

  After a long time, a shaking figure finally appeared outside the door.

  The entire classroom immediately became quiet, everyone stopped discussing, and looked ahead with expectant eyes.

  A few seconds later, under the rising sun, a slender silver-haired figure, as if bathed in dazzling light, slowly stepped into the classroom.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  She had a gentle and amiable smile on her pretty face. Even in a plain white coat, her light and graceful figure was so dazzling that most of the people in the classroom stopped breathing.

  Immediately afterwards, there was a whisper of discussion - the attitudes basically tended to be skeptical.

  "Hey, that girl from half a month ago? I thought she would be a more stable professor!"

  "You're younger than us, shouldn't the institute just send someone to pretend?"

  Hearing the discussion in his ear, Xia You's thought of "being on campus and studying at night" at the beginning suddenly became swept away, and he felt a little funny in his heart.


  In the past, in the school, if there was a beautiful teacher who was pleasing to the eye, it was estimated that all the boys in the class would be super excited, but no one would care whether the beautiful teacher had real skills.

  And now, [-]% of the classrooms are male dolls, but they don't seem to be shaken by beauty at all...

  While feeling emotional, Xia You quickly fell into contemplation.

  "It's actually Alice?"

  That's right, the "professor" who came to give a lecture to them was Alice who I saw half a month ago.

  "Hello, my name is Alice, Alice Bernstein!"

  At the same time, Alice, who had come to the podium, raised her hand and knocked on the table, smiled and briefly introduced herself to the students below.

  "In the next two months, I will briefly teach you some practical ingenuity and magic lessons, and there are many basic knowledge that must be remembered..."

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