The two people in the room were actually spies sent by Russia to the institute.

  The student on the left is named Victor. He is tall and tall, a standard white man, full of vigor and handsome features.

  What happened in Rolf's class today was planned by him.

  Victor gave a mid-level ingenious doll, claiming that he wanted to pursue the professor, and hoped that Rolfe would find something in the class so that he could have a chance to save the beauty...

  A lot of affectionate reasons, it was easy to persuade the latter.

  Of course, Rolfe is not a fool. Once the "professor" is angered by this act of being a bad person, it is estimated that he will soon be swept out of the house for reasons.

  However, he was originally a bad student in Class C, and the practice of the institute's "expulsion system" for bad students often made him depressed, thinking that with his own achievements, he would definitely not stay here for long.

  ——If you have to leave anyway, it is better to make a deal with other people and earn a high-level doll before leaving...

  So there is a scene in today's class.

  "Indeed, Rolfe must have been tagged now. In the near future, the institute will probably find an excuse to send him to the material library!" The person opposite Victor nodded, with a hint of worry on his face:

  "And once he is in a panic, he might give us out... Although your reason is not too much, the whole institute may pay attention to us because of this, which is very unfavorable for receiving Down kidnapping!"

  The man was about the same age as Victor, wearing a grey plaid shirt, with a slender face.

  "Don't worry, Lev!"

  Victor smiled, still with a calm expression on his face:

  "The professor's guard has decided to resign. Taking advantage of the blank period of defense during this period, we can boldly speed up the steps and omit some unnecessary preparations and waiting! About the end of the next class...or at most Observe for a day, and you can start to act immediately!"

  The spy named Lev nodded, agreeing with Victor's words.

  Since Rolfe was thrown out of the class today, no one has "sent him out", it proves that the problem is not big in the near future, and maybe a decision will be made during the next inspection——

  The general inspection is once every ten days. It has only been two days since the last inspection, and they still have nearly eight days.

  As long as they successfully captured the target and evacuated safely within eight days, everything in the institute would have nothing to do with them.

  As for the difficulty of catching Alice... a young girl with no defense, even if she has a high level of magic, it will never be too difficult to deal with.

  After he figured it out, Lev showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and warned:

  "In the past few days, we must carefully observe the daily rhythm of the target, and carefully discuss the tactics and the route of retreat! Just wait for the superior to be ready to leave the institute at any time, and then take action quickly!"

  "It must be successful!"

  He took a deep breath, clenched his fists, his expression was tense with excitement, and even the slightest fear:

  "Because we don't have a second chance!"

Chapter 99 Invitation

  Soon, three days had passed quietly.

  In the dormitory, Ye Ye was looking at Xia You with a bitter face, silently staring at the opposite Xia You, his hands still tightly holding the corner of his clothes, with a very reluctant expression.

  " have to come back early, Lily will always be here waiting for you!"

  "Please, don't give me a life-and-death look, okay! It's just leaving for an afternoon!" Xia You raised his hand in a funny way, and patted the girl's hair lightly.

  "one afternoon!"

  Ye Ye's eyes widened, with an expression that the sky was falling, and he gritted his teeth and said:

  "You must know that you can have an ambiguous relationship with Dorothy in just five minutes of my bath every day. I am ambiguous, and now you will be out of my sight for five hours at once! These hours..."

  "Hey! How can I have an ambiguous relationship with Dorothy? It's not clear that I had a fight a few days ago, and now people are ignoring me!"

  Xia You waved her hand helplessly to stop her from continuing to mess around, and said~:

  "What's more, there are not many girls in the students!"

  "But that silver-haired professor is a girl! She's still a very beautiful girl!" The girl stared at him seriously, her eyes full of vigilance.

  This sentence immediately left Xia You speechless.

  Alice is indeed very beautiful, and Xia You cannot deny that she is very tempted.

  However, in front of Ye Ye, he couldn't reveal himself, so he tapped her on the forehead lightly:

  "What are you thinking! We are in the enemy's camp now, and we are struggling, we must be careful, how could there be time for me to care about some beautiful girls!"

  "Huh? Look, you admit that the professor is pretty! Sure enough, you'll be looking for her while Lily isn't around, right?"

  The two fought for a few more words, and Ye Ye opened his mouth aloud, exhorting repeatedly:

  "Come back on time! Be sure to remember to come back on time!"

  Xia You shrugged:

  "Have you forgotten? I was punished by the professor for cleaning during this period of time. I guess I won't be able to come back on time!"

  After he finished speaking, he thought for a while, then quietly leaned into Ye Ye's ear and asked:

  "By the way, in the past three days, has the eldest lady talked to you or something?"

  "No!" Ye Ye blinked innocently, "How could someone so arrogant take the initiative to talk to me!"

  Xia You nodded and sighed inwardly.

  It seems that after the last time she got angry, Dorothy didn't seem to show any signs of resignation at all - even if she took the initiative to ask Ye Ye to say a few words, it could be regarded as a side apology and admitting her mistake, which is a pity...

  I always feel that it is very difficult to keep the harem in harmony.

  Could it be that in this world, like the ghouls, we can only choose between humans or Xueyuehua + Glass?

  "It really is a long way to go!"

  Sighing again, Xia You said goodbye to the reluctant nights, walked outside the dormitory, and soon came to the classroom.


  "That's it for today's lesson."

  A peaceful afternoon passed quickly. Alice on the podium put away the textbooks and signaled with her eyes that the students could leave after class.

  However, she herself did not go first as usual, but stood still and stared at Xia You.

  "What are you doing, don't you want to stay and supervise me in person? It's just cleaning..."

  Watching the students in the classroom leave quickly one by one, but Alice still showed no sign of moving, Xia You couldn't help but muttered in her heart:

  "Or what Ye Ye said, can we really use these few hours to have any ambiguity with the blonde beauty in front of us?"

  After thinking about it, he himself felt a little funny, got up quickly and walked to the back of the classroom.

  As a result, he looked up and felt angry in his heart.

  The big hole originally smashed by Weilong has indeed been filled, but the scattered cement blocks, asphalt and cover powder and other residues are still left in place, almost covering the entire ground with a lot of garbage, give him the next step. The cleaning work has brought a great burden.

  I don't know how the construction team did it.

  Xia You glanced back at Alice, silently found the dustpan and broom in the corner, and slowly removed the construction debris to the trash can not far away.

  After doing this dozens of times, he swept the ground again, and then brought a bucket of water and started mopping the floor with the mop.

  "Very good, it's done!"

  About half an hour later, Xia You put down the cleaning tool in his hand, nodded with a smile, and was about to put away the mop and other tools to go out for dinner, but there was a crisp applause behind him.

  "Physical fitness is good, movements are also very quick, and he looks serious and responsible, he is a good candidate!"


  Hearing this sentence, Xia You turned around and pretended to be surprised: "Are you still here?"

  "...It's just a little dishonest!"

  Alice did not take his words, but continued to comment:

  "Obviously, I was always observing my figure from the corner of my eyes, but now I pretend to be the one who just discovered it!"

  The silver-haired girl walked off the podium with a smile and came to Xia You's side. In her beautiful eyes like jasper, there was a certain scrutiny:

  "Cadet Finn Schwartz, don't you think it's a very stupid act to take a smart woman for a fool?"

  This attitude of looking for trouble made Xia You confused and fell silent in a timely manner.

  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  He did not remember that he had ever offended Alice.

  "Answer me!" However, the blond girl in front of him didn't seem ready to let him go, and continued to ask in a playful tone, "Why did you sneakily pay attention to me just now?"

  "Because you're a professor." Xia You couldn't understand Alice's intention this time, so she could only look at her helplessly, think about it, and suddenly added: "She's still a very beautiful girl of the same age!"

  "Oh? You're very discerning!"

  Alice covered her mouth with a chuckle, took two steps closer again, and casually issued an invitation:

  "If that's the case, then, do you want to come to my 'beautiful professor' laboratory? It just so happens that there is a shortage of manpower recently."

  "Is it a job like an assistant?"

  Hearing her say this, Xia You suddenly became interested.

  Although today's life is much easier than before, as a low-level student, there are still various constraints.


  What's more, even though no one from the Intelligence Bureau has ever contacted him, he has not forgotten his mission - to capture the magic circuit of Laboratory No. [-].

  This is not for the Japanese military, but to allow myself to go to Walpurgis earlier, where there are many high-level dolls, which is very helpful for me to use magic eyes to steal learning.

  If you become a professor's assistant, you should be able to get closer to the core position of the research institute...

  However, what Alice said next made him secretly raise his heart.

  "It's a pity, it's not your turn for the assistant!"

  The girl's pretty face had a sweet smile, and her tone was calm. She slowly moved closer to Xia You's ear and spoke softly and playfully:

  "As the research object of this beautiful professor of mine... I am very interested in the pair of red eyes you inadvertently revealed a few days ago!"


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