Oops, three days ago, I turned on the superimposed vision eye to observe Weilong, but I didn't expect it to arouse the curiosity of this woman, it's really careless!

  Just when Xia You was crying inwardly and didn't know how to dispel Alice's research thoughts, a few magic waves suddenly spread in the air outside, and soon surrounded the entire building!

  He immediately put on a serious expression, and glanced at the blond girl across from him with a wary look.

  Unexpectedly, Alice's beautiful eyes also flashed a trace of surprise.


  Before the two could speak, in the next instant, the classroom window suddenly burst.

  Among the large strands of glass shards flying in all directions, the huge black iron claws attached to the long chains shot in the direction of Alice like an ominous lightning bolt!

Chapter 100 Attack


  Realizing that the enemy wanted to attack Alice beside her, Xia You quickly weighed it for a while, then shouted, raised his arms and hugged her.

  Just as he was about to dodge to the side, he felt his hands suddenly sink.

  This seemingly delicate silver-haired girl in her arms has a strange weight, two to three hundred pounds, heavier than most adult men!

  At this moment, the wrong judgment, caught off guard, immediately dragged down Xia You, who was in the "Red Feather Leizhen" template, and slowed down in place.

  The inexplicable iron claw attack was already approaching with a large strand of broken glass, and the sound of breaking the air resounded in the ears of the two.

  If he immediately threw the girl in his arms in the direction of Iron Claw, he would definitely avoid this attack unscathed, but...

  As soon as Xia You gritted her teeth, she suddenly pushed Alice out of "One Eight Seven" in the opposite direction, but she stumbled, facing the iron claw involuntarily, and was instantly constrained by several sturdy steel fingers.

  "Huh? She actually escaped! Another male student was caught!"

  A somewhat familiar voice sounded outside the window.

  Xia You, who was using his mind to open the system and clicked "Switch Template", looked stunned, and silently rummaged through the memory in his heart, and finally vaguely recognized the owner of the voice——

  It's the same group of dolls who entered the No. [-] Research Institute as him!

  "Don't worry about other people, it's important to grab the target, this magic barrier won't last long!"

  Another voice sounded, and then Xia You only felt the iron claw shake, and she was thrown far away, and the huge force was transmitted, making his body slammed to the floor, and rolled a few times, causing a The crackling table and chairs fell to the ground.

  Immediately, the two people outside the window stopped looking at him - such an injury, if you put it on an ordinary puppeteer, even if you don't die, you will definitely be seriously injured and unconscious.

  But Xia You, with all the special bloodlines and powerful physique in her body, was almost unscathed and climbed up from the ground in an instant.

  It was only now that he had time to see the enemy clearly.

  Two student puppets walked in from the front door of the classroom, vaguely remembering that they were also in Class A, one seemed to be called "Victor" and the other was called "Lev".

  Next to Lev was an automaton that looked weird, like a dwarf in a fairy tale.

  The dwarf automaton was only about the height of a human waist, but with a long goatee dragging its chin, it looked rather comical.

  As for Victor...


  With a loud bang in the ear, the dilapidated window in the classroom finally smashed to the ground, and even the half wall below was broken with a big hole.

  After a while, a puppet that was about the same height as the dwarf, but looked round and round, strode in.

  The appearance of this ingenious doll is also very strange. It has short hands and feet, but its body is as thick and oval as an egg. Although its head is human-shaped, it has almost no facial features. Only the eyes can be seen. There are two red awns. flickering quietly.

  Like a shoddy tumbler.

  The iron claws that attacked Xia You and Alice just now were shot from its front, and one end of the chain was attached to the inside of its body—it was like a specially made trap to catch people.

  "Since it is a catcher, the attack ability of this product should be very weak, so just deal with Lev's dwarfs!"

  Xia You decided to save Alice.

  Even though the girl just threatened to study him as an experimental material, but...

  As long as she saves her this time and superimposes the ability of the spiritual vision, she should be embarrassed to ask more blatantly!

  Quickly judging the current situation, Xia You raised her eyes and looked forward.

  A few dozen meters away, Alice was quietly leaning against a table. Although there was no smile on her pretty face, she still looked calm and calm.

  As expected of a woman who was thrown out by her father as a spy since she was a child.

  She sighed in her heart, and found that the ingenious cylindrical doll's mouth began to project iron claws again. Xia You hurriedly jumped into the air, touched the ground with her left leg, and quickly kicked her right leg on the chain in the air, causing "Boom" ' sounded.

  The giant force was transmitted along the chain, and the sense of direction of the iron claws suddenly deviates. It brushed past Alice's body far away, and when it fell to the ground next to it, it knocked down several tables.

  The tumbler-like puppet missed a hit and quickly retracted the iron rope, and Victor and Lev, who were walking towards the classroom from the door, were stunned when they saw them:

  "That guy didn't fall to his death!"

  Taking advantage of the surprise of the two, Xia You quickly crossed the distance of dozens of meters and ran to Alice's side...

  Facing the blond girl's suspicious eyes, he grinned and picked her up again.

  "Stop them!"

  Victor raised his hand to release the magic power, loudly instructing the tumbler ingenious puppet, and Lev beside him was also preparing to command the dwarf at his feet to attack.

  However, Xia You's movements were faster than everyone imagined.

  He just tapped the ground under his feet, even if he was holding an abnormally heavy Alice in his arms, he could almost pull out an afterimage in the air!

  What's even more surprising is that he didn't go through the door or window - Xia You flew directly, kicking the blackboard on the podium... and the wall behind it, the whole person suddenly "Bumped" into the next room!


  After the loud noise, smoke and dust flew in the air, and the blackboard was connected to the wall with a large hole.

  Lev and Victor both looked very ugly, and they were a little bit afraid-I didn't expect that the mere civilian puppets would have such a strong body, and the speed just now was comparable to some powerful swordsmen. !

  If he had gotten close to him before, the two of them might have been killed with a single blow!

  "Where did this **** and savage guy come from? He is obviously just a poor experimental material whose organs will be randomly harvested, but he has no self-knowledge, and actually helps the No. [-] laboratory... ."

  Victor roared angrily, and Lev also had a cold expression.

  The two of them thought that today's action was foolproof, and when they applied to the top, they did not overemphasize the combat power, but put a lot of effort into the enchantment, so that only Lev's puppet was able to fight at this time.

  And the other catcher, at Xia You's lightning-fast speed, couldn't complete his mission at all!

  "Chase! To keep the whole building from being found abnormal by others, the barrier outside will definitely not last long, and they must be resolved quickly!"

  The matter has come to this point, the two no longer think about it, after looking at each other, they hurriedly chased after them.

  At least the opponent, despite his superb physical skills, didn't carry a clever doll around him, which was an irreparable disadvantage.

  There is a large gap in combat power between ordinary humans and dolls!

Chapter 101 Burned hole cards?

  Next to the classroom is a conventional laboratory. Perhaps because it has not been used for a long time, there are not many instruments in it, and they are all leaning against the corners of the wall, making the room seem very empty, and the ground in the middle is free of obstacles.

  After Xia You escaped into this laboratory with Alice, he randomly pulled a few instruments around to block the big hole in the back, and then kept his footsteps and ran straight to the opposite side - there was also a wall.

  "Cough cough!"

  Waving away the smoke and dust on her body, Alice, who was still lying in Xia You's arms, raised her beautiful big eyes and stared at the boy who was holding her and running forward.

  As for the person in front of her, why did she choose to save her, a strange professor, the girl did not ask, but instead said in confusion:

  "Since the wall can be broken, why not break the wall in other directions and escape directly outside?"

  "The Lev just said that the entire building outside has a barrier, and we shouldn't be able to break through it... But such a huge barrier will definitely not last for a long time, let's escape for a while. , as long as the enchantment effect disappears, someone will definitely find out the abnormal movement on our side."

  After a quick explanation, Xia You said "Attention" again, then flew again, kicked the wall in front of him, and dodged into the third room next door.

  While running, he silently thought about the building's terrain, and then continued to repeat his previous actions.

  However, after kicking the wall this time, Xia You did not choose to go in. Instead, she quickly ran to the door with Alice and opened the door of the laboratory.

  Alice immediately understood his intention to cast doubts, with approval in her eyes.

  Now that you are determined to delay the time, the best way is to play peekaboo with the help of the terrain.

  As long as they silently disappear from the enemy's field of vision, there are so many laboratories here, it would take a lot of time to find them one by one.

  When the two went out, they immediately saw a faint halo of light covering the building.

  Xia You frowned slightly, and while running along the straight corridor outside to the stairway, she snatched the textbook that Alice was holding in her arms, and threw it towards the halo.

  "don't want......"

  His movements were too fast, and when the girl reacted and struggled violently in his arms, the textbook had already collided with the barrier outside.


  The raging fire suddenly ignited from the air, surrounded the entire book, and instantly burned it to soot, and when the wind blew, it scattered across the aisle.

  "Why not?"

  It was only then that Xia You lowered her head suspiciously and glanced at Alice in her arms.


  Alice took a deep breath and squeezed an extremely reluctant smile on her pretty face.

  At this time, the two had come to the stairwell, Xia You ran up the stairs with her in his arms, and explained casually:

  "I think the layer of enchantment placed outside should be more than just the ability to confuse people, so let's throw something and try it out."

  His voice paused, and there was a little emotion in his words:

  "Fortunately, I didn't break out just now, otherwise it would have been cooked like that book..."

  Alice looked tired and didn't answer, just closed her eyes and stayed in his arms silently.

  The two ran up another flight of stairs, and Xia You then asked:

  "By the way, I'm not familiar with this building at all. Is there any good place in your heart to hide for a while?"

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