Looking at the painting, I heard a belly buzzing from next door.

When she followed her gaze, Archer next door pressed her stomach and her face turned red.

"I'm sorry."

The light that comes in through the window is completely over Jomtien.It would have been a long time ago to finish eating, as usual.

"... Master Crete, how about lunch?"

"I'd like to cook for you for your hard work in setting up the painting, okay?"

"Cooking for us?"

"It's a very simple dish made with ingredients from Howlin Village, but I'm a little lonely to do it alone."

What I'm thinking is cheese fondue.I've been thinking about eating cheese fondue since I got it, but I couldn't do it because I didn't have the time.

It is a dish that can be eaten by one person, but I want to eat a lot of them if they want to.

Besides, I just had a picture of the village of Howlin, and I thought I knew one of the charms of the village.

"If that's what Crete said, I'll come with you.But let me help you prepare. "

Is it unacceptable for pride to cook mainly as a maid?I've been under a lot of pressure.

Arsche, Lulua, and Larasha nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I got it. I need your help."

We're all going to lunch, so I'm going to the kitchen.

When I arrived, I took the cheese from Angelica and put it on the cutting board.

"Master Crete, what kind of food do you cook?"

"Cheese fondue, don't you know?"

When asked, the maids, including Elsa, leaned their necks.

"It's a dish that I eat by dipping ingredients in melted cheese...."

"Even if you put cheese on the ingredients, you've never eaten them that way."

Apparently there is no cheese fondue in this world.Certainly, I've never seen a dish made with cheese like gratin soaked in it.

It's kind of an interesting discovery.

"But it seems delicious just to hear about it!"

Alchette, who was hungry, said relaxing her expression.

Cheese is just as popular in this world.It would be harder to cook a bad dish with cheese.Thanks to this, the expectations of Archer and the others seemed high.

"That's why I'm asking everyone to do something that suits the cheese."

"Yes, I'll take care of it."

Elsa and the others thanked each other for the ingredients that would suit the cheese, such as buckets, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, winners and tomatoes.

They are the ones who usually use the kitchen, so there is no doubt about the movement.

When potatoes, broccoli, carrots, etc. are removed from the pantry, the water is cut into bite-sized pieces.

Besides that, it seems like they volunteer a staple that goes well with pumpkins, elixirs, bacon and cheese.

"Archer, that's a fish treat, right?Are you going to eat it with cheese? "

"Isn't that right? It looks delicious...."

Larasha looks surprised when she sees the ingredients Archer brings.

"Seafood also suits me.I don't think it's a bad choice. "

"Look, it suits Crete too!"

Hee, it suits you.

In the meantime, if I follow you, Archer will have a rough look.

Nevertheless, Arche's got a great choice for bringing fish kneades without thinking about it.

"Um, other clock beans, baby corn, peppers... and cheese?"

Arsche prepares a different species from everyone who prepares royal cuisine.

Yeah, you're here. He brings all the strange ingredients to a pot party.

Did you want to develop an unknown flavor because you praised it just now?

I won't stop it unless it's all weird ingredients, but ultimately, I'll do it on my own responsibility.

With the voices of bustling maids in BGM, I put chopped cheese and white wine in a pot and cook it on low heat.

I usually interacted with them in work mode, so the slightly loose air was fresh.

Eventually, as the cheese melts, add the chestnut powder and white wine and add salt to the finish.Stir with the hera until smooth and the cheese sauce is finished.

Crete, the ingredients are ready.

"I'm just getting it done.Shall I take it to the dining room? "

Bring the pot with the cheese sauce onto the magic equipment.

It feels like a small stove in my previous life, but it's not that smart, it's pretty big.But it's helpful because you can carry it with you.

Elsa and the others also moved with plates containing their own ingredients.

Each ingredient was lined up on the dining table.

In the middle is a steaming cheese sauce, surrounded by plates of ingredients. What a beautiful sight.

"Now, sit down."

"Excuse me."

When I sat down first and urged her, Elsa and the others sat on the chair.

The maids who are not always present at the table are fresh.

It's my first time eating food, and I'd better demonstrate it first.

Stir the prepared long skewer into a bucket and dip it into a thick cheese.

It goes perfectly with the hot cheese and bucket.A bucket with a simple wheat flavour allows you to feel the cheese flavour more intensely.

"Yeah, it's delicious. Eat like this.Eat whatever you want. "

When I recommend this, all the maids, including Elsa, grab a long skewer at once and stick their favorite ingredients into the cheese.

"... it's delicious."

"It's mellow and awesome!"

Elsa breathed a sigh of admiration in her mouth, and Archer melted her expression.

"The cheese is very rich."

"Master Crete, what kind of cheese is this?"

Sheep's cheese grown in Howlin Village.

"When it comes to sheep cheese, I remember it's more habitual, but it's less habitual and easier to eat. It's amazing."

When I heard it was sheep's cheese, Larasha opened her eyes to surprise.

I am glad to be praised for the ingredients of the village where I live.

Speaking of sheep cheese, it's a bit of a habit, but Angelica-growing sheep cheese is mild and persistent, so you can eat it very deliciously.

It has almost no habits and has a milky taste, so it can also be used as a cheese fondue.

Besides the bucket, if you eat potatoes, carrots and broccoli, this is also delicious.

"Archer, how's the fish treat?"

I'm going to try it now!

Alchette dips the kneaded cream into the cheese and mouth as Larasha watches.

Well, what do you say?

"Here we go! The salt of the fish goes with the cheese!"

Ah, it's delicious.

Isn't it?

When I tried Larasha, it seemed to suit my mouth.

There is also seafood au gratin, and I'm sure other scallops and salmon will go well with it.

"Thank you for this wonderful meal, Master Crete."

As Elsa politely thanked her, the other maids also thanked her.

"Don't worry about it.There's still plenty of cheese, so don't hesitate to soak it up. "

"Well, don't hesitate!"

When I said that, the maids, including Archer, started wearing plenty of cheese.

After all, he was reluctant to consider the amount of cheese.

I get a lot of cheese in the hall.I can make it again as soon as it's gone, so I just need to add it.

I'm glad they liked the cheese fondue.

If I had time, I would try it with everyone in Howlin.

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