Having finished eating cheese fondue, I decided to show my face to the Adventurers Guild for the first time in a long time.

Gadolph and Uld told me to show their faces, and the members of Thunder Sword seem to miss them.

Thanks to the adventurer's transfer business, his reputation grew and he met Emilio.The need to work in the guild has now decreased, but I want to keep my face out because it is a place I have taken care of.

It's Crete!

When I entered the Adventurer Alliance, my passing voice echoed to the Alliance.

Turning to her eyes, Helena was at the table of the tavern with the Guild, and she waved her hand with joy.Along with my buddies Rox, Raid, and Arna.

Looks like the Thundering Sword is everywhere.

"There's a transporter!"

"If it's his magic, we're almost there!"

I wasn't motivated today, but if the forwarder sends me...

The adventurers rushed to me when they realized I was here.

Not only the adventurers who seemed less motivated, but also the adventurers who were worried about watching the bulletin board came alive at once.

And the Guild staff, including Kusha, were warned that they were going to be busy.

I'm sorry, I think I'm going to be busy again.

"Hey, Forwarder! Send us to where you want us!"

Me too!

"Don't interrupt!I was the one who said the most to Crete! "

Helena threatens adventurers in a hurry.

Women are also showing sharp signs.I'm going to pull out my sword and slash it.

That's impressive with only the slashing captain at the B rank party.

"Yes, Helena was the first person to speak to me, so I'd like to ask you in turn."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Saying softly, the adventurers look bad and fall back.

Helena and I were the best friends at the party, and we're good at it.You may give me a little preference.

"It's been a long time. I've been worried because I haven't seen you lately."

Rox will speak up when we get rid of the adventurers.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy buying new houses lately."

"I can't believe you're getting to have a house at that age!"

Helena smiled happily and slapped her shoulders.It may be a skinship from the pleasure of seeing you for a long time, but it is the power of some. My shoulder hurts a little.

"... home, nice. I want to buy a house and relax."

"To do that, you have to earn enough money to make a living."

"... it's a long way from home."

Listening to Raid's realistic words, Arna looks far away.

Emilio gave me a cheap mansion, but I need some savings to get a house in King's Landing.

"Until then, let's just hang out at Crete's house.You must have bought a nice house. "

"... I will."

"I don't know if I'm serious or not, but I'll invite you if I get the chance."


Saying so, Arna's face was brightened up.

The Nina family and Olga come to visit in Howlin village, but there are few such events in the Mansion of King's Landing.I would also like to invite my friends to have fun.

I want to be proud because I simply decorated the painting.

"By the way, Miss Crete, can I expect you to be in the Forwarding business for coming to the Alliance today?"

Raid lifts his glasses slightly and asks with a serious look.

"Yes, I'm here today to take on the transfer business.I mean, they're going to complain if they don't take it. "

Soon there were adventurers sitting around us.

Those eyes are very sparkling, and when you say you're going home, it's like there's going to be riots.

Well, I'm going to get a request, so I'd like to ask you to forward it...

"I'm sorry! May I have a moment?"

It was the Guild official Kusha who came in to interrupt the conversation with Raid.

"Kusha-san, what's going on?"

Raid was agitated, but his leader, Rox, calmed down and asked.

Her rush to speak up, an Alliance employee, would mean that there are quite a few important requirements.

"In fact, Harpy's nest was discovered in Mount Orgis, about five days from King's Landing, causing damage to neighboring cities and villages.Explorers, can Crete help you get there? "

"If you ask for that level, the Knights will move."

Helena is right.

Of course, adventurers can move on request, but monster damage on a large level is handled by the Knights of the Kingdom.

"Ten days later, the Founding Fatherhood Festival will be held, and the Knights will not be able to move to protect the royal family or defend the King's City."

Speaking of which, I think I heard that there is such a thing.

There is only one festival a year to celebrate the kingdom's founding.It's not the first time that it's been a year since you came to King's Landing.

"You want me to use my jaws instead of the Knights? I don't like it."

Adventurers like Helena listen to Kusha and make it boring.

Adventurers are gathering free men who don't like to be tied to organizations.We have no loyalty to the country, no shards, and we are counting on it at a convenient time.

It's not impossible to feel it's not interesting.

Is it the image of a parent company that doesn't usually do anything and only relies on it when it's not convenient?

"... I have Crete, and I think it would be better to complete multiple requests in parallel."

"Damn it, I really need Crete today!"

Not only Helena, but many adventurers nod at Arna's murmuring words.

... yeah, that's what I might think if I were in the opposite position.

"Please wait, this has been officially requested by the Kingdom and our rewards are high.In addition, those who are asked to do so will be recognized for their contribution to the Alliance and will be added to the ranking. "

As the voices of dissatisfaction with the Alliance grow, Kusha speaks of such things.

The adventurers who were booming also changed their eyes.

It's really delicious as an adventurer to be added to the rank-up assessment.

Apparently, as a kingdom, I would like to ask the Adventurer for this case.

"... Hmm, naturally, it's delicious to be valued as a contribution to the Alliance because of the high rewards.This is a definite step towards ranking up.This will be worth it. "

"That's right. I'm going to take on the crusade of Harpy.By the way, can Crete transfer to Mount Orgis? "

You can do it.

I've done business there before.

"Well, please!"

Kusha brightened her face and lowered her head.

It must be tough being between the Kingdom and the Alliance.That's so pathetic, I want to help you.

"I don't like being used in the kingdom, but I don't disagree with the leader's decision."

"... I have no problem either."

When the Thundering Sword was taken over, many other adventurers raised their hands to take on the crusade of Harpy.

After seeing this, the guild staff, including Cousha, gave the adventurers a generous look and told them the details.

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