"Creteau! You're back!?"

And Nina opened the edge of the window, and came out of her face, as she and Arte took a break from the cold tea.

"Oh, Nina. I just got back."I'm bringing a few customers, though. "

"... who?"

Nina's gaze turned to her guest, Alte, and leaned over her head.

"It's Alte, the adventurer." I'll tell you what, I'm older than you. "

"I'm the same adventurer as Crete!"I live in the house next door, Nina! Nice to meet you! "

Either Alte was reluctant to be treated like a younger person, or Alte had to be held back first, but Nina introduced herself honestly without any doubt.

Continuing to be teased by many adults and children, Alte looks as subtle as if she had been struck by the honest reaction.

Nina is a good girl.


"Yeah! Um... Alte-san?"

Arte shuddered at Nina's understated name.

"... please do it again"

Huh? Alte, onee-chan?

"Alte, onee-chan." It sounds good, doesn't it

Alte leaks her emotional words as Nina tells her the second time.

... I see. Because of its appearance, you've never been treated like an older child.

It must be so sweet to be called sister by such a cute girl as Nina for such an Arte.

It's okay, I'll give Nina a special call.

Um, thank you?

Nina replied with a stingy nod and Alte was not sure.

What do you mean? A gaze like that flew in from Nina, but I couldn't answer it, so I kept smiling bitterly.

"So, what's Alte doing here?"

"Alte, onee-chan..."

Even as Nina called out, she was still so impressed that she struck Arte, who didn't react.

"Ugh, ugh! I've asked Crete to show me various cities, and it's up to me."

"Huh! So you're here for a while?"

I don't think so. I'm not going to be here for two days or half a day.

If that's what Alte's going to do, then it's okay with me.

I nodded to agree with Alte.

Well then, we can play together until we get home.

"Hmm, I've never been to a place like this before."I want to have a variety of experiences.By the way, what does Nina do every day? "

"I grow vegetables in the fields."

"Oh, was Nina a farmer?"What kind of things are you growing? "

"Ehh, it's faster to look at it than to explain it with your mouth, so come and see it?"My house is next door. "

"Next door? Does that mean...?"

She's Andre's daughter who was guarding the entrance.

"Eh? It's like-- it's not like that. Oh, I see.It's not reasonable to be familiar with people. "

Now you're trying to tell me that you're definitely not alike. I know how you feel.

I don't think Andre will give birth to such a cute girl.

Don't worry. Nina's family has her own genes.

"I'm interested in Nina's vegetables!"Let's go check it out! "

Well then, let's go check it out.

Yeah! Before that, I drank some Artemisia princeps as well!

Nina, who was eager from the edge, was given cold wormfish tea, and Alte and I decided to move to the next field.

"Oh, this is the field of Nina's house!" Wonderful! "

Is that so?

"No, it's nice to be able to actually manage a field this big."I'm about that big, and I'm doing my best. "

I tried growing vegetables in a small field, but growing crops still takes a lot of effort.

I'm telling you, with three crops, there's a lot of crops growing in this big field.

Nina and the others are really amazing.

"Ehehe, I'm glad you said that."

Nina is a compliment of ours.

"Nuoooo!? What is this haunted leek?"

"Not my leeks, but howling leeks."

Nina, who was about to call her by her usual name, hurriedly renamed herself to a new name.

I can't help but feel unfamiliar with the way I call it because it has changed recently.

"Oh! I had eaten it as a dish, but it was such a big thing!"

"Huh? Have you ever eaten a howling leek, Arte-chan?!"

"Yes, it was so delicious that I didn't think it was just leeks."Perhaps Nina grew the strawberry leeks she ate. "

It's Nina's house that distributes a lot of howling leeks, so it's possible.

Other farmers also export a few howling leeks, 70% of which belong to Nina's family.It is highly probable that the howling leeks that Arte ate were grown in this field.

“Somehow, it's amazing! I can't believe you're eating the vegetables we grow and telling me how you feel.”

Nina looked impressed when she heard Arte's words.

Even in the previous life when the Internet has developed, it is difficult for producers to reach their impressions if it is shipped in a world without such things.

I must be pleased with the direct feelings from the person who ate it.If it is "delicious", it is even better.

Oh dear, the fields are more lively, aren't they?

Stella came out of the house while having such a conversation while looking out over the field.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I had a visitor from the capital and I was allowed to see it."

I'm Alte the Adventurer. Thank you.

"This is Stella, Nina's mother.It's a field with nothing, but please take your time. "

"There's nothing wrong with that."There's a lot of great crops here. "

I'd be glad to hear that.

Stella smiles happily at Arte's honest words of praise.

"Nevertheless, it's a fine leek." It's a big difference from what I know. "

Howling stares at the leeks, and mumbles to Arte.

All the howling leeks grow on the pine trees are extremely thick and lush.It was like a deep meadow.

"I was taken to Crete, and when I saw the leeks, I was surprised.It's so small. "

I don't think you can sell that size, can you?

Nina's hand represented the size of the king's leek, and Stella, who saw it, tilted her head.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, noBecause ordinary leeks are about that size.

I hope you can harvest a little and eat it?

Is that okay?!? I'd love to try it!

At Stella's suggestion, Alte shook her head vertically.

They wanted to try harvesting.

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