I asked Stella to lend me a pair of gloves, and I stood in front of the harvest time howling leeks.

Then, Nina brought me a hammer.

Huh? You're digging it out with a bowl?

“No, it's hard to harvest unless the roots are deep and broken.”

Well, that would be easier to pull out.

Alte and I nodded in admiration.

I've only just had a small bud, so let's use it as a reference when harvesting one day.

Nina stood next to Alte as she finished breaking the hammer a bit.

"Grab the root with both hands and lift it up with your fingertips"

"Oh! I feel so good!" This is fun! "

Alte scratches out howling leeks to mimic Nina's movements.

Even when I looked from the side, it was very refreshing to see how it pulled out at once.

Nina and Arte move sideways together, grabbing the green onions and pulling them out.

Moving and pulling out, moving and pulling out repeatedly, the expression on their faces looked very pleasant.

It's like two sisters who look completely different.

Smiling at the two of them, Stella picked up the howling leeks on the ground, peeled off their old skins, and cut off their roots.

I'll help you.

“Thank you, that would be helpful.”

Thank you for interrupting me with Alte.And experiencing harvesting can be a good experience for me.

Put on the gloves you took out of the subspace and peel off the old skin with Stella.

"... this is fun"

It feels good when you peel it well, doesn't it?

A beautiful white leek that comes out the moment you peel it.It shines brightly and looks very delicious.

The blue part called the leaf body is also very green and beautiful.

Huh, Nina. What's this ball on the tip like?

"Oh, that's what bothered me, too."

"It's a leek flower."It's called a leek monk, and it's delicious fried in oil and salted. "

What? Can you eat this?

I was surprised by what Nina said.

"Yes, you can eat it." It is delicious on top of being very good for the body, and it has been eaten around here for a long time.Isn't there some ordinary leeks that you know about? "

"There you are." But I didn't know and threw it away... "

There was, but I didn't think it was edible.

Besides being delicious, it's also good for your body, isn't it?How many of them have I thrown away, including the ones from my previous life?I think I've lost quite a bit.

Let's eat Crete and Alte from now on!

Looking at me depressed, Nina makes a suggestion like that.

Fine. The freshly caught howling leeks are delicious, and the leek maker will have a treat too.

I'll eat it!

Me too!

At Nina's and Stella's suggestion, Alte and I nodded instantly.

Harvest and eat fresh food right away.That's what a farmer tastes like.

As for the leek maker, how would you like to cook howling leeks?

"Mom! How about a bonfire?" I want to do it for a long time! "

Fine. Well then, I'll make some fried vegetables at home, so let's have a bonfire.

When Stella says that, she returns home with the leek maker she harvested.

Nina, what kind of a bonfire is that?

"It's a simple way to eat just by sticking leeks into a fire."

That's a very lavish way to bake again, isn't it?

But it's so delicious!

Nina smiles as she tries her best to convey the deliciousness by spreading her hands.

"All right, let's try that bonfire."

I heard that branded spring onions from previous lives were also baked and eaten whole, so it must be a similar way of eating.

As soon as we decide to do it, we'll get ready to burn.

A short distance from the field, trees and branches that serve as an ignition agent are installed, and they are ignited with fire magic tools taken out of the subspace.When firewood and branches were added, the fire grew and stabilized.

It's all right! Just stick the leek in!

”Is it okay to let it in like this?”

Arte was puzzled to hear Nina's words.

The freshly harvested howling leeks are covered with soil, and the flattery is not that they are peeled beautifully.

"Yeah, it's fine as it is." The skin outside will be blackened and thrown away. "

I see. Then don't hesitate to barge in.

Apparently, there's no problem if we stick it in like this, so Alte and I pushed the leeks into the fire.


"After that, just wait while the fire doesn't go out."

"It's easy and good." I can do this. "

From time to time, Nina and Alte watched while adjusting the position of the leeks.

It's kind of like baking baked potatoes.

"Oh, you're burning leeks today!" Okay! "

Andre, who had a spear, came back as he surrounded the fire.

"Ah, welcome home, Dad."

Oh, it's just there!

Looks like the village security hours are over.

Nina laughed happily at the words of her return.

I'll roast the leeks, too.

When he took the leeks he harvested in three hands, André also pushed them into the fire.

"I need you to switch places in the middle for a second."

No, that's where Nina and Alte are.

"Nina and her leeks are pretty hot!"Please change to my new leek!? "

I can't help it.

When Andre protested, Nina laughed and moved the leeks to make room.

"It's nice to have everyone around the fire like this."

“That's right, I'm happy to be able to talk to you face to face like this.”

I thought of Nina and Andre.

When was the last time I talked to my father?I feel like I've been coming to my house since I was busy.

I was busy at the time, and I didn't have time to talk slowly.

Maybe my father wanted to talk to me like this.

But even though I remembered like that, my father had already passed away, and I was the first person in another world.

We can never exchange words again.

So for now, let's talk to the people close to us.

I told everybody nothing until the leeks were roasted.

After a while of chatting around the fire, the leeks got a lot of scorching.

It's time to eat!

Nina tells me that, and Alte and I pull the spring onions out of the fire.

The leaves were green, but the white part called the leaf sheath was black.

"Peel off the black skin."

"Be careful, it's hot."

After listening to Nina and Andre's advice, I cooled down a little and then peeled off the skin.

"Oh! A soft body burned pure white from under the skin of a black beard!"

Because the fire was slowly being cooked through, it looked really soft.

When I grasp the leaves, I face up a little and eat lavishly from the root.


"Hahaha, that's why you said it was hot.The leeks have a lot of moisture and flavor juice inside. "

Andre laughs when he sees it as he is swallowed by the unimaginable heat of the spring onions.

Wasn't it about the skin on the outside of the leek?I can't believe it was inside that I really should have been vigilant.However, I can't leave it halfway in my mouth.

Hafu suddenly let the hot air escape outside, and I eat hot leeks.

The leaves that are passed through the heat slowly are very soft, and the sweetness and flavor of the condensed leeks are exhaled when you chew them.

Softness that doesn't look like spring onions.It was like a taste stream reminiscent of steak gravy.

It's delicious!

I was screaming when I noticed.

The leek skewers were pointed, overwhelmingly soft and delicious.

Seeing my failures, Alte breathes carefully.

Then he opened his mouth small, and took a leek in his mouth.

It's not true! This is delicious!

"Hmm, hey, hey!"

Not only Alte, but also Nina had a mouthful of leeks on her face.

It would be natural if it was delicious.Nina was the first to propose the burning.

This might even taste good with mayonnaise.

It would be delicious to eat it like this, but it would be delicious to sprinkle it with mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise? What is that?

Andre asks with a mouthful of spring onions.

It is faster to make them eat than to answer.

That's how I took out the bottle of mayonnaise I had stored in the subspace.

I always keep condiments such as mayonnaise in a jar for these times.

Then, when you serve the dish, put the mayonnaise in it.

The answer is correct enough, but I suddenly remembered the presence of Unilever, so I added it to the mayonnaise and mixed it.

"Didn't you mix the uniil in the sauce?!"


Alte, who knew of Unile, was surprised, and Nina and André, who did not know, tilted their necks.

While Alte explains Unilever to the strangers, I mix mayonnaise and Unilever.Then, the special Unilever Mayonnaise was completed.

Oh no, this will definitely be delicious.What a terrible thing to have thought of.

Apply the grilled leeks to the sea urchin mayonnaise and try them.

"Haha! It's too delicious!"

The acidity and flavor of mayonnaise are added to the howling leeks, and the rich tidal aroma and mellow richness of the sea urchin are added to the aroma.

Even the spring onions alone are delicious enough, but when you add these sauces, you can enjoy the flavor change and they are very delicious.

"Crete! Can we follow you?"

"Oh, it suits you so well, try it on."

When I nodded to Arte's words, everyone ate the uniil mayonnaise.

Then everyone opened their eyes as if struck by lightning, and their bodies trembled.

"The rich taste of uneel and the acidity of the mysterious sauce are matched brilliantly!What a luxurious taste! "

"I've never eaten it before, it's a strange flavor, but it's delicious anyway!"

"It's so delicious! What is this?!"

Unilever mayonnaise seems to be very popular.

Everyone is happy to eat with the sauce on.

The sauce is a combination of sea urchin and mayonnaise.It couldn't have been delicious.

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