I've fried the leek maker's vegetables ~

While eating the leeks with the sea urchin mayonnaise, Stella brought me the noodles fried by the leek shaver.

On top of the plate are rolling leeks with round spheres.

It seems to be eaten with the salt next to it.

"Welcome home, Andre. Are you properly baking my share?"

Oh, oh, of course, I've baked some of the stella.

Andre replied to Stella's smiling words as she shook her body.

I tried to eat them one after another without thinking about it, but I won't tell you that.

"Ms. Crete, Ms. Arte." It's deep fried vegetables from the leek maker. "

"Thank you, then..."

When Stella offered it to me, Arte and I took the leek shaver and ate it with a little salt.

It is bitter, dusty and tastes like a condensation of the taste of spring onions.

A rich, nourishing scent of spring onions breaks through.

The dusty leeks and salt seem to be staining the skin.

"It's packed with the deliciousness of spring onions."

"You've thrown away something so delicious..."

"You can eat it from now on!"

Nina gives me a voice of encouragement when I regret it.

That's right.

It is unlikely that you will ever throw away this delicious taste.

Nina's right, you can taste it from now on.

“By the way, does Emilio know about this?”

For the time being, I'm giving it to you with the leek kid on, but what do you think?

Indeed, the howling onion I was transporting was accompanied by a leek boy.

But you could have thrown it away without knowing it, like I did.

If so, it would be quite a waste.

I'm going to ask Emilio!

"Hey, you don't have to do that..."

"Because if you think about it, it's scary!I don't want to waste anything so delicious! ”

André stops unexpectedly, but he can't miss the loss of valuable ingredients.

I may not be ready for the National Festival, but let's show our faces.It would take a moment to metastasize.

That's why I couldn't stay any longer, so I transferred the noodle fried scallion shaved on a plate.When he came to the office of the Chamber of Commerce, Emilio elegantly ate his lunch.


"... what's the matter, all of a sudden?"

Emilio calmly wiped his mouth with a napkin, not surprised by my appearance.

What about the leek boy on the howling leek?

What's a leek boy in the first place?

"It's a flower on a leek."They say you can eat it before you open it.Is it properly used in high-end restaurants? "

"Oh, is that how you call it in the village?"Then it is being used properly.Rather, they were consulting with the chef to see if they could get more. "

I wish it had been used properly.

I was relieved to hear such words from Emilio.

As expected, they were only chefs at high-end restaurants and seemed to be aware of the value of leek shavers.

"Did you come all the way out here just to do that?"

"Because this is so delicious!?"Eat it, too! "

Emilio laughed at the fact that he was a big fan, so I brought him a fried spring onion shaver and offered it to him.

Emilio ate with a fork, smiling bitterly at the things he brought directly.

"... yes, this is definitely delicious."I'm worried about Crete, and I'm convinced that the chef wants it. ”

Isn't that right?

I was surprised to try it.I can't believe it's so delicious.

It must be delicious not only as fried vegetables, but also as tempura, fried food and stir-fry.

As expected of Howlin Village.

I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday anyway.

Emilio laughs when he sees me proud.

I thought you were busy preparing for the National Festival, but you're surprisingly lazy.

Honestly, I thought you might not be busy going to the Chamber of Commerce.In this way, it is unusual to be able to afford lunch in a private room.

"The National Festival is three days away."I don't have a schedule to keep me busy.Everyone should be able to do what they have to do. "

That's a good trick.

He said he was busy when we met before, but he seemed to show some room.

Later, I wonder if the meeting with the officials of the King's City was a big one.

"Was it before the founding festival?" It's unusual, isn't it? "

Just for the record, the First Princess has been missing for three days.

"Is that all right?"Royalty will show their faces at the parade at the National Festival, won't they? "

"That's why you're so confused up there."Even the stalls and chambers of commerce aren't turning their eyes. "

If the princess was gone, it would be tough.

He is also the main character at the festival, and even if you leave it out, it's important that you don't go missing.

Isn't it a fuss that the parade itself won't be possible if you do it badly?

What kind of person is this First Princess?

"Her Royal Highness Princess Altimisia-Aldeus."

Altimisia? Somehow a similar name to Alte.

"... is something wrong?"

"No, it's a similar name to the client I'm with right now..."

"Hahaha, as expected, Princess Altimisia can't be accompanying Creto."

I don't know. I'm overthinking it!

As expected, it's too much of a delusion.Speaking of princesses, they are people above the clouds.It should be so easy for civilians to meet.

I don't have time for that.

"I just want to make you laugh, but can I ask what kind of person the client is just in case?"

What a smile, but Emilio suddenly disappeared into a smile.

I'm afraid of the fall.

Maybe you don't trust me, do you?

"Creto sometimes picks up a lot of stuff."I can't trust you with that. "

When I went to purchase, I did find rare materials, but I didn't expect to be treated the same way.

Unhappily, I talked about an adventurer named Arte.

After hearing that explanation, Emilio took a big inhale and exhaled.

The appearance seems to endure some great emotion.

"...... Cletto, that's definitely Her Royal Highness Princess Altimisia."

"Are you sure?"

"Beautiful eyes like an emerald with vine-coloured hair.It would be quite narrow if you were just a small girl with this characteristic, and if you carry a jewel that has the same value as the national budget, there would only be such a person as Her Royal Highness. "

When Emilio told me that, I began to think it was really the case.

I thought you were a good girl, but you were better than I imagined.

"... Hey, Emilio, why don't you come to Howlin Village once?"

"I won't allow it." There's nothing I can do where I went. "

Emilio wanted to get involved, but he refused.

Isn't the preparations for the National Day almost finished?

“I'm not saying I have to do anything before the day just because I have time on my schedule.”

I mean, I guess you just don't want to get caught up in it.

I think I'll do the same for you in the opposite position.

"In any case, what kind of tour would you take the princess around?"If Creto was on the move, no official or knight would be able to find him. ”

"... that's true, too."

Pedrick on the first day and Howlinn on the third.Even if there is a way to find out where they are, there is no way to catch up with them more than if they were transferred.

Well, nobody thinks the princess of the country is out of the capital.

"What do you think I should do?"

"I don't know why you asked Crete to do that, but it seems that she is willing to go home on the National Festival Day, so I think it would be good if you accompanied her without knowing it."I don't think it's going to be a good result if you bring them back badly. "

"All right, I'll do it."

Even if you bring them back, they'll tell you they're kidnappers, and it would be wise for you to wait for Alte to tell them to leave on his own terms.

"... I know it's tough, but I'm going to give you a nice vacation."

I returned to Howlin Village with a pitiful gaze.

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