When I entered the forest, the leaves were colder than the view from the house, and it was difficult to find the lush leaves that remained in the summer.

There are sparsely fallen leaves on the ground, and when you step on it, the sound of shaky dryness rises.

The forest looks totally autumnal.

That's right!

Nina nodded with emotion as she walked beside her.

Nina seemed to like the way she felt when she stepped on the falling leaves, and it seemed that she was deliberately stepping on them.

When the forest is changing so much, you can feel the change of seasons more realistically.

There are no more brightly colored plants and flowers, and the scenes are in the woods.

From time to time, small animals will be walking in the distance with a crunchy sound.

As the woods became quieter, it felt like it was easier to pick up the small sounds.

"Take a look, Crete! This leaf looks like a mask!"

The sleeve was pulled, so I turned my gaze to Nina, who had a large fallen leaf on her face.

There were holes in the eyes and nose, like a mask.

It's true.

Isn't that funny?

When I showed her, Nina was satisfied and threw away the falling leaves.

He was curious, but he was quick to lose interest.

I'm dumbfounded by how fast she moves.

“I'm sorry, I'm so restless.”

“No, the best thing is for the child to be healthy.”

In my previous life, I was single, and I didn't have any close friends like me.

I never had a chance to get in touch with a child, so I feel happy with Nina, who is pure nostalgia for me.

That said, it's embarrassing to honestly reveal your feelings, so keep it in your chest.

"By the way, do you have any crops that are recommended for growing in the fall?"

I talked to Stella in a misleading manner.

I was able to harvest radish and potatoes that I had grown before.

The fact that we were able to grow and harvest properly while living in two bases is a great progress.

It is still a semi-family that cannot be said to be a farmer, but I would like to try different ingredients.

"That's right. This season, we recommend spinach, turnips, leaf lettuce, and pomegranates." All of them can be harvested in about 30 to 60 days, so it won't take much effort. "

When asked, Stella answers with a thrash.

He knew how I lived, so he chose something that was easy for beginners to grow.

“I see. Now, let's grow those four crops.”

"There are seeds in our house, so please speak up when you want to sow."

"I'm sorry for everything."

I can't help but rely on Stella and Andre for farming.

No, we're looking after Nina, and it's nothing like this.

When I lowered my head, Stella laughed.

It's really nice to have such a nice person living next door.

Ah! It's a mushroom!

Nina raised her voice as she chewed on the blemish and happiness.

When I approached Nina, there was a yellow mushroom on the tree.

Because it grows at the root, it protrudes from the tree.

It feels a little different from the typical mushroom imagined to be so thick.

"Can you eat this?"

"Yeah, I can eat it." Koshika Mushrooms are the mushrooms that seem to be able to sit on their hips, and that's the origin of their name. "

Sure enough, you can sit back and take a break.

The mushroom sticking out of the tree looks just like a sitting position.

It's quite thick, so maybe you can sit back and rest?

"But you can't just sit down." It's going to crumble. "

"That's right."

As expected, it doesn't seem to be strong enough to support human weight.

Well, it's normal edible mushrooms.

For the time being, let's do the sampling.

Nina puts on her gloves and receives a knife from Stella.

I also tried to remove the gloves from subspace, but Stella handed them over to me, so I decided to take them out honestly.

You can just cut the root and pick it like this.

"All right."

I saw Nina use a knife to collect the scabbard, and I cut the root of the scabbard with a knife in the same way.

Then a thick mushroom peeled from the tree and rode on its hand.

It looks thick, but it's still a mushroom, so it's not that heavy.

In the wooden box that was taken out of the subspace, we will collect the next scorpionfish.

Nina was also putting a donkey in the cage she had brought, and Stella was collecting the hiratake that was growing in a different tree.

Cut the hiratake with a knife, and the hiratake falls into the box.

The trees are filled with hiratake moss, so the harvesting never ends immediately.

Reach for the next hiratake.

It's strangely pleasant to be able to collect it with some carelessness.

This should be enough.

That's right.

When I noticed, my crate and Nina's cage were filled with hiratake.

Even so, the forest is rich because the trees surrounding it are filled with hiratake moss. Thank you again for the blessing of the forest.

There's a shirotake here.

When Stella called me to move, I saw a white mushroom growing at the root of a tree a little further away.

It looks very cute, like a little shimeji.

"The color is pure white, but can I eat this too?"

"Yes, you can eat it." It would be delicious if it was stewed or stir-fried, and there are no similar poison mushrooms around here, so you can rest assured. ”

I see.

If there isn't a similar poison mushroom, we can collect it for now.

Recommended for beginners in mushroom hunting.

We don't use a knife, we pull it out by hand from the root.

It's a little fun to pull out the little mushrooms.

"Crete! Over here! Over here!"

After collecting all the shirotake, Nina called me.

You must be trying to teach me a lot because I don't know anything about mushrooms. I'm very busy.

I moved to Nina while being seen off by a bitter smiling Stella.

It's a mushroom!

Nina pointed to a mushroom with a bright red round shape.

Only the umbrella is unusually large and unbalanced.

"It's a beautiful red mushroom." Can you eat this too? "

"Yeah, when you put it in a pot, the stock comes out and it's delicious. But I can't eat the white spots here. Because it's poison."

When I looked at the mushroom next to her, it had white spots on its umbrella.

"It's pretty similar, but is it poison here..."

The poison mushrooms are more yellow under the umbrella, and the jiku is a bit long, so it's totally different.

Oh, I see.

Nina seems to be easily discerned, but it's a little difficult for a beginner like me.

Differences are easy to see for those that have not grown, but small ones that have not grown are very similar to Maltese. I wasn't sure I could tell the difference as perfectly as Nina.

"If you don't feel confident, it's best not to collect it. You don't have to risk your life to eat anything."

"That's true, too. It will be helpful."

Mushrooms are just a type of ingredient.

It's not like I'm starving because I don't have food.

It is best not to take samples when you don't know or feel confident.

I felt that Stella's way of thinking was a very important idea for mushroom hunting.

"That said, we're here this time." Please try to identify and pick it. ”

"Good luck, Crete!"

Ah, yes.

Apparently, we don't have a choice here.

While Stella and Nina are watching me, I collect mushrooms that I think are martake.

Spots are poisonous mushrooms, so we don't collect anything around them.

Moreover, it is not possible to distinguish the small ones, so we will avoid them as much as possible and collect only the large ones.

"... how about this?"

It's all mushrooms! No problem!

When I showed Nina what I had collected, she successfully passed.

Apparently, the poisonous mushrooms weren't mixed together.

At this rate, let's pick some donkeys and other mushrooms.

"That's right, I need to teach Crete a lot of mushrooms to eat!"

For a moment, Stella and Nina immediately began to move.

Today alone will bring a lot of mushroom knowledge.

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