The day Alte and Carmilla were to be transferred.

I came close to Zérard Castle.

I looked up at the castle and waited, and I saw Carmilla waving from the hallway on the top floor.

It's a signal when the people around you live and want to be picked up.

Even though I could transfer to Alte's private room, I needed to prepare my opponent.

Although it was an emergency last time, it was not desirable to transfer directly to the First Princess's private room.

When I hide in the shadows of the building, I transfer to the top corridor of Zérard Castle.


Then, Carmilla leaked a tremendous murderous aura and laid her hand on the sword.

"Hey, I'm scared!"

"I'm sorry. I knew it, but when I suddenly entered the space, my body reacted to the cricket..."

Backing away, Carmilla bowed her head in shame and apologized.

No, I don't have a choice.

"I thank Lord Crete for his generosity."

I thought she was somehow a martial artist, but she was a martial artist.

"I'll show you to Mr. Artimisia's private room."

When I raise my face, Carmilla turns her back and walks out, so I follow behind her.

Cuttlefish and Carmilla's shoes echo.

There are no servants in the hallway on the top floor, so no one blames me for being an outsider.

Even if I was, Carmilla was around, so I didn't think I'd be blamed.

Pushing through the long corridor, he eventually reached the two large doors.

Master Artimisia, I've brought Lord Crete with me.

Um, come in.

Carmilla knocked and called out, and a young, fallow voice resounded from inside.

Crete, it's been a long time!

Carmilla opened the door and went inside, and Alte, who had stood up as a king.

"Thank you for your time, Master Altimisia."

"It's not Artimisia! I'm meeting the Lord as Alte today!"

When I greeted him politely, Alte said with an unhappy face.

What that means is that I want you to be comfortable as an adventurer Alte, not as a princess of Artimisia.

In fact, it was not the dress I saw during the parade, but the easy-to-move dress I had when I traveled together.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a problem with that response, but I don't know if Carmilla, the Guardian Knight, will forgive me.


Carmilla, that's why it's good, right?

Got it.

Carmilla nodded as Alte, who understood my intentions, said so.

Rather than being convinced, it was a look that infiltrated the perception of giving up somewhere.

"Alright, then I'll let you go with the same ease as before." There's no disrespect later on, is there? "

"Damn it! You did it!" if you capture it as a disrespectful sin and incorporate it unmistakably..... "

"...... if I do that, I'll run away with the transfer in a blink of an eye?"

"Jeez, I'm just kidding!" I, a friend of Crete, would never think of that. "

Wahaha, Arte laughs lavishly.

It was a very specific plan to joke about, but we'll have to believe in Arte's friendship.

“It's been two months, but I'm glad the parade is over.”

Arte is the first princess of this country.

Even though I can transfer, I can't meet with you casually.

This was the first time I saw you since I finished my last request.

"Thanks to Crete, I was able to participate without sorrow." I'll thank you again. "

Alte laughs happily.

I've heard reports from Carmilla that she was satisfied, but I'm glad she asked me directly.

"Even so, I can't believe Alte wears makeup and a dress. I'm a princess, so it's only natural, but I was surprised when it got prettier."

"Crete almost looked like Alte." It's kind of embarrassing to be told that. Be honest and take it as a compliment. "

She nodded with a hawkish attitude, but her face and ears were dyed bright red.

Every day, if you're looking at Princess Artimisia, you'll be fine, but it's embarrassing to be told that I only know what she looks like as Arte.

She's a royal. I know you're in the social world, and I can't shine an awkward compliment on you.

That said, it's kind of weird when you're shining like this.

“You're welcome. I've been away for almost a week without permission, but haven't I been angry with others?”

I'm so mad at you already!

When he changed the subject to change the air, Alte immediately boarded and reported what had happened after the parade.

After all, the unprecedented incident in which the First Princess disappeared just before the parade shook the Imperial Castle considerably.

“But don't worry, I didn't tell anyone that I was with my Crete!”

Alte snorted her nose and put her arms together.

You're showing that you're not punished at all.

"However, as a punishment for disturbing the Imperial Castle, my father was loaded with parties and official business." I can't hold my body and mind like this! So, Crete. I want to be refreshed! Take me to Howlin Village! "

Alte raises her voice in front of her.

This seems to be the detailed trigger for the request for a transfer.

I feel like I deserve it, but I'm glad you like Howlin 'Village so far. I think I'd like to take you there honestly.

"All right. I'm sure you've heard from Carmilla, but it's harvest time in Howlin Village." If I go there, I may be driven out to help, rather than slow down, but is that okay? ”

No problem! I'll help you with the harvest!

Without disliking my advice, Alte nodded with the same joy as if she wanted it.

It is unusual for a princess to want to do farm work so far in the world.

Ok, then I'll take you on a transfer. Are you ready?

"I'm fine."

I'm ready to go, too.

"... anyway, Carmilla-sama's outfit is going to stand out a lot..."

"Hmm, that's true, too." Crete, wait a minute. I'll make Carmilla look plain. ”

Ah, yes.

So Carmilla will probably change here.

I'll be out of my room soon as I get my intentions. [M]

After a while, he said, "You can come in! I heard a voice, so I went back to my private room.

"I'm sorry, I kept you waiting." At this level, is it okay? "

There was Carmilla, stripped of her armor and wrapped in her minimal armor.

"There are almost no female warriors in the village, so I will attract some attention, but is there any problem?"

I couldn't mislead him about the sword that was hanging from my waist, but I couldn't even say that it was an adventurer that had flown in from the city.

There are so many gentlemen in the village that they shouldn't be bothered.

Well then, let's head to Howlin 'Village.


After confirming that Alte and Carmilla were all set, I activated the spatial magic in Alte's private room.

The next moment I thought my sight was blurred, a field of wheat was spread across my sight, not a room in Zellar Castle.

A refreshing breeze blows, and the golden colored eels are wobbly.

"Ohhh! Howlin 'village has been around for a long time!"

"Is this the village of Howlin? It's a tranquil place."

In contrast to Haguarte, Carmilla's first appearance was a sobering reaction.

Looking carefully at the surroundings is probably confirming the safety aspects of the escort.

What a crowd!

When Arte told me to check the surroundings, a large number of people gathered in the wheat field to start the pruning work.

"Maybe the pruning work has begun."

"Oh! Don't get excited!" Where's Nina? I want to see you for a long time! "

I see. For now, head towards Nina's house.

Ah! It's Crete!

Nina, who was just on the rise, rushed over to talk about it.

It's been a long time, Nina!

"Huh!? Onee-chan Alte?" Why are you here? "

Nina's eyes widened as she looked at Alte with a gentle face.

I wanted to see Nina and the others, so I brought them to Crete!

"That's right!" It's good to see you again! "

Alte and Nina jump from each other's hands to each other.

My cheeks were loosening from the innocent reaction.

Carmilla, the escort, also looked at Alte and smiled.

Nina, do you think the pruning has begun as far as the village is concerned?

"Yes! From today onwards!" I could harvest the vegetables I sprinkled in the summer, so I thought I'd ask someone for help. ”

Then I'll help you!

"Really? We did it!" By the way, where's your sister? "

Carmilla, my partner's adventurer

“My name is Carmilla. Thank you very much."

Carmilla became an adventurer this time.

If you call yourself a Guardian, you'll find out that Arte is a high nobleman or royalty.

In the life of Howlin Village, I also call her Mr. Carmilla.

Carmilla-san, it's cool to be a slug! Nice to meet you!

Carmilla twitched a little to Nina's smile.

Her purity is pleasant and a little ticklish, so I know how she feels a little.

"Wow! There's a lot of nice guys here!"


Watching them introduce themselves, they suddenly heard a voice from behind.

Looking back, there was Olga wearing a straw hat.

"It is customary for young people to help with pruning in Howlin Village. Andre told you, didn't he?"

No, I'm going to help Nina harvest the fields--

"Isn't it enough that you only have manpower?" Crete, you come to my battlefield. "

Olga spins her arms around her shoulders to make sure I don't run away.

Her eyes were clenched, and she looked at me completely like she was looking at her prey.

I can't escape.

"...... Yes"

When I nod like I gave up, Olga was in a good mood and took me with her.

Without stopping it, Alte and Carmilla dropped it off, and Nina's voice of support echoed on their backs.

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