Olga brought me to a vast field of wheat.

It is no longer as high as any other field, and even if you look around, the golden eels are spread out.

"This is the harshest battlefield in Howlin 'Village."

Olga is probably driven out here every year. His expression was like a battle-scarred mercenary who had dived through many fierce battles.

There are young men like me and Olga in the vast wheat fields, and they are working on their pruning.

The empty place must be where the pruning is done. However, it was less than one-tenth of the total. I can't see the end.

"I'm sorry, Olga. I just remembered a few errands, so I'm going back to the capital."

When I turned my heel back, Olga clung to me without any hesitation.

"Please, Crete! Help me!" We're not going to end this alone! Hey, Mira, hang on to Creto too! "

Mira, her sister, clung to Olga's instructions.

It smells a little sweaty, but it smells soft and sweet.

I felt a slight but unknown softness around my arm.

There was a sweaty Olga at my feet, so it seemed to put extra emphasis on my senses.

"Hey, are you ashamed of yourself as a woman of your age!?"

Of course, but I need a little more valuable power than that.

Her cheeks were a little red, but there was a sneaky expression on them.

I felt a strong obsession that I would definitely let go of my precious power.

Olga can take measures such as thrusting it away or peeling it off with a transfer, but she can't do that much with her sister, Mira.

"That was a joke. Please don't do this anymore."

"Don't even think about running away." We're a lot of bastards. "

“I won't run away. I don't think I can live a peaceful life by turning the Olgas into enemies.”

Olga and Mira finally let go of her body as they stopped the resistance.

Still, it's hard to say that Olga was trusted around the spot where he could jump right off.

Well then, help me prune it quickly.

Olga gave me gloves and a pruning sickle, so I took it.

"Do you know how to prune the wheat?"

“I've seen it, but I've never actually done it, so please explain it to me.”

"Well, it's not that difficult." Grab the stem with your left hand and prune it like a sickle on your right hand, while keeping your foot trampled so that the roots don't fall out. This is it. "

Olga explains and actually crops the harpoon.

As expected, I've only been helping you for years, and the movement is very smooth.

I see, is it like this?

"That's right, that's right. Please be careful not to cut off your own leg with a sickle."

When Olga told me to try, I was able to prune it unexpectedly.

All that remains is to repeat the work.

When I mowed the second one, Olga started working nearby.

Zach, Zach, and I mowed the eels. It's a little fun to slash the eel with a sickle.

That said, how long does it take for the eels to become a bundle?

"Bundles of wheat should be packed in small bundles to make it easier to dry."

Olga gave me immediate advice.

What's the matter?

I thought it was better to take care of you than to force you to bring me here.

"...... if the work doesn't progress efficiently, it won't finish quickly."

Olga replied, smiling unexpectedly.

It is obvious that it is a cover-up, but I will not do anything unwelcome to penetrate it.

Everyone concentrates on the work and proceeds with the pruning.

Olga is well ahead of me because of her physical strength.

Meanwhile, Mira's tact wasn't so fast. You can actually do it faster, but you're probably doing it at a constant rhythm so that you can keep up with your strength until the end without being forced to.

She has the same bright red hair as Olga, but she is thin and short.

They are wearing clothes that make it easy to do farm work, and they have healthy skin that is burned in sunlight.

I imagined that Olga would be like this if she became a woman and made it luxurious overall.

"... what?"

I guess it was because I was staring at it seriously. Mira turned around and asked.

No, I thought it was similar to Olga.

"I'm not very happy about that."

Mira replied with a frown as she said what she thought.

If you are a beautiful young brother, it would not be a pleasure for a young girl to be said to be similar to a brother who is not.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

“Never mind. I don't care that much.”

Although he has a modest attitude, he responds well and cares for me.

Like Olga, Olga was a good guy. When I said the comparison again, I decided to keep silent because I felt like I could fool my face.

When I was cutting silently, the area around my waist began to hurt.

Because more than pruning the eel growing on the ground with a sickle, why is it unavoidable to be in the middle of the waist, and the burden on the waist will increase.

"Oh, my back hurts"

The villagers, including Olga and Mira, work silently without exhaling such a soft sound, even as they pound their hips.

Isn't everyone's back hurting?

"No, my back hurts a lot." I'm just getting used to it or I'm just being patient. "

Oh, that's right.

Inadvertently admiring, Mira said that it was a mess.

It seems that everyone is going to hold on to this back pain.

I'm a farmer, so it doesn't seem like I'm used to it and don't feel bitter.

Pounce on it to mislead your lower back before returning to mowing.

Sometimes the seasons are autumn, and the pleasant temperature is the salvation. If it had been down here in the harsh summer sun, I would have definitely knocked myself down.

I thought I was used to hip pain because I used to do desk work a lot in my previous life, but hip pain due to agricultural work is another thing.

Continue pruning while fighting back pain.

Nevertheless, the time has passed since I entered the pruning work.

The sun has reached the mid-heaven position. I'm getting hungry, and I just want to take a breath.

"Everyone, I've brought you lunch."

When I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard a soft voice.

The main men at work stand out in the appearance of Lefeelia and young women.

Although quite explicit, Lefiria is an urban beauty who has emigrated from the capital.

It's no wonder she's attracted to seeing the air different from the women in Howlin Village.

It's still a shallow day after emigrating, but it's quickly becoming popular with its friendly character and soft waist.

In response to Lefeelia's voice, everyone rounded up the work and went up the azimuth road.

I wish there was a place where I could rest in the shade of the trees, but there was no such place in the vast field of wheat.

I didn't look for the shade, and I sat down on the cloth that the women had laid.

Here you go, lemon water.

Thank you very much.

When I sat down in the same way, Lefelia gave me a cup.

I was thirsty, and I drank it all at once.

Cozy with cold water and a hint of lemon acidity.

Would you like a replacement?


I drank it right away, so I'll have a second pour right away.

When I looked around, Olga and Mira were pouring the same way into the woman.

Can I help you too, Lefeelia?

“Yes, we are preparing meals for everyone who is helping us. I really wanted to help with the pruning, but for some reason the others stopped me....."

Refilia answers with a sad face.

Perhaps the villagers who knew Lefeelia's athletic nerves had panicked to stop her.

I'm sorry for her, but I'm worried about my strength, so I think I stopped and got it right.

I'll give you a meal, too!

Thank you!

Inadvertently smiling, Lefeelia clapped her hands on the bread.

I'm purely happy because I was just hungry.

When I took out the cloth wrapped in it, there was a sandwich there.

Was it made by Mr. Refiglia?

"Yes! I made the cross-section to look beautiful!"

Refilia proudly answers any unwarranted questions.

I haven't heard of sandwiches to clean the cross-section.

"After all, do you care about the looks and shades of professional patterns?"

It's going to be great! After all, it's better to wear beautiful shades!

Refilia speaks with a fiery voice.

It's beautiful, but I think it's a slightly different woman.

It looks beautiful, but what about the taste?

I'm going to put my mouth around it.

"Oh, it's delicious."


The flamboyant shades of ingredients were used, which was quirky, but the flavor of the sandwich as a whole was well packed.

There was a strange combination of ingredients inside, and there were moments when I tilted my neck, but when I ate it, it seemed like an ant.

I was relieved that Lefeelia looked like a woman who could taste not only the look of food, but also the taste of it.

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