Arte sent Carmilla to the Imperial Castle and informed Emilio of the date of the Harvest Festival.

That's all I have to do.

After that, all you have to do is pick up Alte and Carmilla at the harvest festival a week later, transfer them to Howlin Village, and then transfer their luggage with some of the employees, including Emilio and Rodney.

Both are work to be done on the day and there is no need to prepare in advance.

I mean, you're free until then.

An ant can go back to Howlin Village to rest, but he's not busy going back to the village because he just got back to the capital.

Even though they were only reaping in space magic, the last one was also helping them harvest by hand. As expected, I felt a lot of fatigue.

Will you take your time in King's Landing for a while?

I decided to relax because I didn't feel like returning.

As usual, it was transferred to the private room of the mansion.

When I rang the bell and told them that I was back, the door was knocked on and Elsa came.

"Welcome home, Master Crete."

"I'm going to spend the week before the Harvest Festival."

Got it.

It's early, but can you get the bath ready?

“We'll get it ready for you in a moment.”

When Elsa left, I sat on the sofa.

Naturally, this is my mansion, so there is no one but the maid.

When I was in Howlin Village, I felt like I'd been alone for a long time because someone from every side - Arte, Carmilla, Nina, Andre, and Stella - was around all the time.

On the other hand, it's a little lonely that there's no one there, and there are aspects that I'm happy to be alone because there's no one there. It's complicated to be lonely or want to be alone sometimes.

Spend some time sitting on the couch doing nothing for a while.

Master Crete, the bath is ready.

"Thank you. I'm coming."

When she heard Elsa's voice, she immediately left the room and went to the bathroom.

Take off your clothes and put them in the laundry basket, then grab a towel and go into the bathroom.

When the door was opened, the large hot tub was filled with hot water and white steam was drifting.

The sound of hot water pouring from the magic tool into the bathtub was in the bathing area.

The long-held hot tub thumps in my chest.

There is also a bathing area in the house in Howlin Village, but the size is different.

Push and kill the desire to get into the hot tub immediately, and wash your hair and body in the washroom first.

When I bubbled the soap in the washroom, I noticed that the smell was different than usual.

"... a floral fragrance."

Maybe someone from the maid changed it for me.

I was a little confused about the different scent, but this smell is very good.

I always buy the same product when I buy it myself, so I'm happy that it will become a colour of life when there is such a change.

Maybe we can buy some soap from the house in Howlinville next time? I washed away my hair and body dirt beautifully while thinking about it.

After removing the dirt from your body, you will be moved from the washroom to the hot tub immediately. The toes are wrapped in warm water, and gradually it rises.

And the whole body was wrapped in hot water.

"... fuuu"

It would be no use if a voice like Odyssey leaked out in such comfort.

Sink your body firmly and warm your body.

The blood vessels in your body dilate, and you feel blood circulating all over your body.

I knew you'd like a big bath after all.

It's comfortable to stretch your limbs as hard as you can. The high ceilings mean there's no blockage, and it's very open.

A hot tub the size of an open-air bath in your house is a luxury that everyone in Japan would dream of.

After enjoying the bath, I get out of the bath and relax in the living room.

Thanks to the warmth to the core of my body, I was completely puffy.

Reach for Elsa's iced tea.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

Then, my back and waist muscles stretched and screamed.

Are you okay?

Elsa takes the glass and hands it to me in a hurry.

"Thank you. I was helping harvest in Howlin Village." My whole body's a little muscle aching. "

“Then I'll give you a massage”

Huh? Elsa?

Elsa's unexpected suggestion almost sprayed the iced tea she had in her mouth.

Yes, I'm good at looking at it like this.

Elsa said as she moved her hands in excitement with her face.

You're not joking, but you're really confident.

Nevertheless, Elsa is a woman of about 20 years old. Even though I'm the lord, isn't it sexual harassment to let a maid do such a thing?

Hmm, it's a fascinating suggestion, but it seems like you're deviating from your job as a maid.

“Massage to improve the Lord's physical and mental health is a fine job.”

"Huh? Is that so?"


When I asked, Elsa nodded.

I would like to ask the other maids, but I couldn't ask them because I didn't want anyone in the living room.

"So please leave it to me." Down on the couch over there. "

Yes, yes.

I lie face down on the sofa against Elsa, who is always full of motivation.

Elsa brought a large towel and began to touch her shoulders and back.

Even though you're a maid, don't be thrilled to be touched by a beautiful woman.

It smells good because it is close to nature when massaging.

It smells floral and soft.

Since the maid also uses the mansion bath to cleanse herself, is it natural that the soap she uses will be the same?

I imagined Elsa cleansing herself in the bathroom, so I rushed to cancel it.

Elsa touched her back muscles while I dispelled her evil thoughts.

It's pretty elaborate.

Huh? I knew it?

"First, I'll untie my muscles."

With that, Elsa began to use her palms to loosen her back muscles.

Use your palms firmly to spread your muscles out sideways and diagonally.

I felt my hardened muscles slowly expand.

I can see that it is unexpectedly comfortable, and the tensioned muscles gradually loosen up.

I felt that my strength was stronger than my sumptuous physique, but I must be exerting pressure on my whole body with my weight firmly applied. It's more comfortable than I expected.

"Please turn to the right and raise your hand."

Leaving herself to her comfort, Elsa told her to change her posture.

Laterally raising her hand, Elsa clasped my arm and began to move her shoulder blades.

The muscles around the shoulder blades were moved gently, and I felt the weight shed from around the shoulders.

It's wonderful, but I think it's because I'm holding my arm in my arms and I'm getting a soft bulge.

Isn't Elsa aware of that? Or even if I noticed it, I don't know if I'm holding out for my massage.

Elsa's expression was as serious as usual.

It is difficult to point out that it touches my chest even though it is a serious massage.

"Next, please turn to the other side and do the same."

The scapula on the other side would also loosen up.

I decided to give up my worries and respond to Elsa's words in an administrative manner.

In the same way, the opposite shoulder blades are moved. I decided not to worry about the soft things that hit my right arm.

"Please lie face down. Next, I'll loosen my legs.”

I guess the back massage is over. Elsa moved the towel from her back to her feet.

On top of that, I get a massage like rubbing.

I felt comfortable because my calf was stretched out.

Especially the ankles and hips are more tense than the shoulders and back, so it feels more like a massage - right? It hurts if you push it there.

"Ouch! It hurts! Mr. Elsa!"

It's pretty elaborate, isn't it?

Even though I complained, Elsa kept muttering and stimulating with a plain face.

"... that hurts."

"So I will loosen it carefully"

As expected of Elsa, there is no mercy on the Lord's appeal to her pain.

It's amazing to hear the voice of someone complaining of pain, and to be able to go this far.

"That's it." How about that? "

To endure Elsa's merciless attack for a while.

It seems that the massage is finally over.

When I got up slowly, I noticed that my body was getting much lighter.

"Oh, wow. My body is really getting lighter. Thanks to Elsa's massage.”

"That's good."

The tension was clearly weaker than before the massage.

It was more serious than I had imagined, but I was glad to have Elsa give me a massage.

If you take a good rest, you'll feel better soon.

Elsa-san, can you do a massage?

Archette seemed to have entered the room at some point as she spun her arms around.

Yes, because it's a maid's taste.

Is that so?

According to Archetti's reaction, it doesn't seem to be a common maid's skill.

"But that's fine." Recently, my shoulders and back have been tight, and my legs have been pounding... "

"Well then, let's get Elsa's massage." It's going to be so much better. "

However, I have no mercy on my nerves, and I will be turned down for complaining about my pain.

I'll do it for you, Mr. Archetti.

Huh!? Are you sure?

"Yes, please lie down on this couch."

Thank you!

When Elsa and I recommended it, Archetti leaned down on the sofa happily.

Well then, I'll go back to my room.

Elsa and Arcee walk out of the living room.

As I climbed the stairs and reached the second floor, I heard Arcee screaming in pain.

The scream did not stop for a while.

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