When I received Elsa's massage, my muscle ache completely disappeared the next day.

I was relaxing at the Mansion the next day just in case, but I got tired of relaxing at the Mansion because I was in good shape. I will only go out on such a day.

I was relaxed in a quiet place, so I felt like going somewhere a little noisy.

Speaking of noisy places in King's Landing, it was probably an adventurer's guild.

I didn't show my face recently, so I decided to leave before the adventurers urged me.

Having decided to do so, I walked leisurely from the Mansion to the guild.

When I came to the guild, there was an adventurer who had been drinking in the morning and it was noisy.

Isn't it strange how many adventurers there are?

The guild board is updated early in the morning. For that reason, the adventurers woke up early and scrambled for invitations to practice.

Therefore, at this time, most of the adventurers are on request, and the guild is idle.

However, despite that time, there were many adventurers hanging out in the guild. I am not particularly reviewing the request or making a meeting.

I was just gathering at the tavern and eating and drinking.

“Hi Kusha, we're having a strange gathering today, but is there anything to celebrate?”

Crete! You're finally here!

When I called out, Kusha raised her excited voice and took my hand.

I am puzzled that I have just arrived at the heated voice.

Um, what's the matter?

“Listen, Mr. Crete! The adventurers are no longer accepting requests! Thanks to you, there are so many undigested requests growing on the wall!"

Kusha complains in tears.

Looking at the bulletin board, there was a request form hanging on the wall.

It is too thick and grows on the wall.

It was the first time that a bulletin board had been boosted by a requisition.

"This is important even as a guild." How on earth did you end up like that? "

The cause is Crete-san.

Huh? Is it my fault!?

I was surprised to hear that the culprit was me.

"Everyone has become a useful captive of Mr. Crete's magic, and without Mr. Crete's magic, I don't want to go far and waste..."

"Ah, ahhh..."

Depending on the reason, I was going to protest, but considering the reason given by Kusha, I had no choice but to say that it was my fault.

But even adventurers can't live without taking requests, right?

An adventurer is like a freelancer. No matter how troublesome it is, you can't live without money.

"This year, thanks to Mr. Crete's magic, we were able to fulfill a number of requests in one day, and there was also a harpy crusade. The adventurers' nostalgia is very warm.”


It seemed that the adventurers in the capital had become a little wealthy and could afford to live without having to work a little.

If you have money, you won't be forced to work until you risk your life.

It's more efficient to make a lot of money when I'm here than to make a lot of money when I'm not here. The adventurers in the capital might think so.


When I think about what to do, Kusha takes my hand and looks up with his winking eyes. I also felt the gaze from the staff holding back.

The cause of this situation lies with me, and if I don't help you here, Kusha and other officials will be in trouble.

“Okay, let's do it.”

Thank you!

Kusha said thank you with a shiny expression.

She smiled too gladly and left the receptionist and went to a bar where the adventurer was hanging out.

"I'm a forwarder. Do you have any adventurers you'd like me to forward?"

"Oh! There's a transporter!" Hey, hurry up and see what you can do! "

If he's here, we can make a lot of money today!

The adventurers react and move as soon as I tell them to beam them up.

I see you're ready to work with a transfer. That said, it's a little difficult not to accept the request without me. The adventurers will need a few nails.

“I need to talk to you before we transfer.”

Raising his voice, the noisy adventurer stopped moving.

"Recently, the guild has accumulated undigested requests." Even though my transfer is convenient, it is a little difficult not to accept the request. I am not always in the capital. If this continues, the guild may also take some steps. For example, if you do not accept a request for a long period of time, the penalty will be

Please do your best to avoid that from time to time, even without me. ”

In a serious tone, the adventurers were convinced of the seriousness of the situation, and replied with approval.

As an adventurer, it was normal to do the tricks and requests, and there must have been a sense of guilt in the booming bulletin board. I was surprised to get a more honest reaction than I expected.

Without me, you won't be able to accumulate undigested requests.

After transferring many adventurers, I took a breath in the guild.

There were few adventurers loitering in the guild, and they were idle. Instead, Kusha and other guild officials were busy moving around in a hurry.

That's what happens when a request is received at once.

A familiar voice echoed from outside the guild as she smiled bitterly while drinking the fruit water.

They've been sagging too much lately!

"Hmm, that's right. The bulletin board is accumulating all the undigested requests."

“I don't really want to interfere with others, but it's clear that this will interfere with the Guild's operations.”

"... I want to skip it too"

"Idiot! If we don't get requests, we'll have a lot of clients!" I'll give them a drink if they just skip it because Crete isn't around! Hey, you guys! "

It was Helena who came in with a sharp scream.

Behind them were the [Sword of Thunder], including Rox, Raid, and Arna.

--what? There aren't many adventurers?

Helena muttered as if she had been struck by her shoulder, and when I looked around, my eyes met.

Hello, Helena.

Helena gladly came and slapped Bashibashi on the back.

It may be her communication, but she is still as powerful as ever. It seems like the fruit water you've just drunk will come out.

"... I see. It was Creto who made the adventurers disappear cleanly."

She glanced at the bulletin board, which had fewer requests, and said that Raid was satisfied.

“That's right, but I'm sorry for the guild when the same thing happens, so I warned the adventurers.”

“What, Creto already told me?”

Yes, she seemed to listen to me unexpectedly.

"... we'll be in trouble if this handy support stops."

I don't want to piss off the guild any more now, maybe it's Creto!

Arna muttered and Rox laughed loudly.

I don't mean to be intimidating, but I don't think you'll ever be able to transfer me again if I'm in a bad mood.

Well, it's better than bothering the guild with a lot of unconsumed requests.

“By the way, Crete, are you still in the forwarding business?”

Raid lifts his glasses with his index finger and looks at them with anticipation.

“I'm doing it. If you accept my request, I will forward it to you."

We did it! We can do it with the magic of Crete!

Huh? Isn't it the same as all the other adventurers to be openly motivated since I've been here?

"No way! Even without Cletus, I was doing my job!" Don't be with other lazy people! "

Making fun of Helena, who was delighted, she was desperate to deny it.

“I'm just kidding, I know that Helena and the others are serious.”

"Oh, oh"

I was so upbeat that I was trying to keep an eye out for other adventurers for my guild. Those girls can't skip a request.

To be honest, Helena left with a smelly face.

After waiting for a while, Helena and the others brought some requests from the bulletin board.

I'll see if I can transfer it to the requested location.

"Oh? What is this tattoo like?"

It is a collection of tattoos in one of the request forms. As far as the requisition goes, it sounds like food, but I've never heard of it.

"What? Doesn't Crete know Totts?"

"Yes, I don't know. Can you tell me what it looks like?"

"Totsu is a fruit that is wrapped in thorns and becomes brown and ripe in autumn."

"... it's delicious when you boil it in salt"

Hmm? Isn't this season a chestnut fruit wrapped in thorns? It looks just like what you eat when you boil it in salt.

“I see, that's the kind of food you have.”

"If you're interested, would you like to follow Crete?" It's not just about collecting, it's also about killing monsters, but it's not that dangerous. "

Well then, could you please let me accompany you a little?

"Oh, good. Follow me. Follow me."

I decided to take Helena's invitation.

If it is a chestnut, I would definitely like to collect it and eat it.

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