Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 13: Murder, selling corpses, and confiscation of property

The first person glanced at Su Jie and Peng Shiwen, who was already dead on the ground, took out a roster and found the page with the portraits of Su Jie and Peng Shiwen, and said lightly: "Su Jie, you know the rules for killing your fellow disciples, right?"

"I understand. I will be responsible for paying the monthly allowance that belongs to Peng Shiwen from the master."

Su Jie answered immediately. The top leaders of Guiling Palace didn't care about the fighting between the outer disciples. After all, such disciples were just consumables in the eyes of the top leaders. As long as the monthly allowance was not less, everything would be fine.

This is also the reason why the outer disciples rarely killed each other, and they mainly robbed each other.

Even if they killed someone, they would destroy the body in a deserted place. Otherwise, the monthly allowance would be stacked up, and if you killed the other party, you would have to pay that monthly allowance for him, which was too expensive.

"Are you selling the body? I'll pay thirty blood marrow crystals for the body of the third level of the Soul Condensation Realm."

Another member of the law enforcement team asked for Peng Shiwen's body on the ground.

The bodies of cultivators contain spiritual power, which is a very precious resource for demon cultivators.

As for buying and selling the corpses of fellow disciples, it is not a big deal for the demon cultivators. The demon cultivators only care about strength, not morality.

"Sell, I will sell."

Su Jie did not hesitate. He lost his monthly salary from Peng Shiwen, so this is a good way to make up for it.

"You are very good."

The law enforcement team spoke with a smile on their faces, patted Su Jie on the shoulder, handed him 30 pieces of blood marrow crystals, and then dragged the corpse away without looking back.

Su Jie weighed the purse filled with blood marrow crystals in his hand, and his heart was filled with emotion.

Peng Shiwen, who was alive, could not get 20 pieces of blood marrow crystals, but his corpse was sold for 30 pieces of blood marrow crystals after his death. It must be said that it is a great irony.

Shaking his head to dispel the slight sadness in his mind, Su Jie turned and went to the next cave, which was Peng Shiwen's house, intending to loot it thoroughly.

If he didn't loot, others would come in to loot, so it would be better for him to get it cheaply.

The rooms with the same layout also had simple furniture and futons. Perhaps because he lost all his fortune in gambling last time, Su Jie did not find a single piece of blood marrow crystal in his room, but he did get a few inferior poisonous insects.

"Hey, what is this?"

Suddenly, Su Jie made an unexpected discovery under a futon.

A thin piece of gold paper, covered with words.

"Secrets of the Gu Master - Controlling Insects in the Wild Way"

Su Jie saw the name of the scripture on the gold paper, and his eyes lit up immediately. It turned out to be about the skills of cultivation.

He looked at the author below and saw a line of small words.

'This scripture is only for inner disciples to read'

Seeing this line of words, Su Jie was stunned. It turned out to be a scripture for inner disciples to practice.

There were not many words in the scripture, only more than 10,000 words at most. Su Jie looked at it carefully and soon understood what this scripture was about.

Just like the name of the scripture, this scripture is to let people master detailed insect control skills, including insect control, poison, poison, etc., which are all things Su Jie has neglected and never mastered in the past.

"Where did Peng Shiwen get this good thing? He didn't steal it from some inner disciple."

Su Jie muttered, thinking about Peng Shiwen's amazing lock-picking skills, it is not impossible.

He stuffed this volume of insect control wild Taoist scripture into his arms. No matter how Peng Shiwen got it, this treasure is now Su Jie's.

After searching Peng Shiwen's room again and making sure that there was nothing missing, Su Jie left and returned to his room. He couldn't wait to sit cross-legged on the futon and took out the wild insect control wild Taoist scripture that was not yet warm.

This volume of insect control wild Taoist scripture is very easy to understand, focusing on a micro-controlling insect, even with Su Jie's talent, it is not difficult to practice.

An hour later, Su Jie, who had gained some experience, caught a dragonfly, dripped a drop of blood, mixed it with his own spiritual power and poured it into the dragonfly's body.

In just a moment, the dragonfly, who was still struggling and uneasy, calmed down, staring at Su Jie with a pair of small eyes.

"Heart and blood are connected, seeing and knowing break the way!"

With a light shout and chanting of the spell, Su Jie's whole vision changed, and he saw the ceiling, the wall, and almost the entire cave.

But Su Jie's vision was shared with the dragonfly's vision, and everything the dragonfly saw would be transmitted to Su Jie in real time.

The dragonfly's eyes are a special compound eye structure, which can see objects within almost 360 degrees, and the field of vision is extremely wide.

In addition to the dragonfly's small size that is not easy to be discovered, as well as its high flying speed and hovering ability, it is a very useful reconnaissance insect.


Under Su Jie's command, the dragonfly quickly flew up, flew around the house, and could accurately identify any of Su Jie's commands.

In the past, it was very difficult for Su Jie to fine-tune this kind of ordinary insect. The brain capacity of insects is too low to recognize many of Su Jie's commands, let alone share vision.

Now with the secret technique of controlling insects, ordinary insects can be controlled anytime and anywhere. With the sharing of vision, at least the reconnaissance has achieved a qualitative leap.

"Not bad, not bad. With reconnaissance insects in the future, we can have a great advantage in reconnaissance, and it will be safer to travel back and forth with the help of the ancient mirror."

Su Jie nodded with great satisfaction. The ancient mirror's two-world crossing is his biggest secret, and it is never too careful.

Su Jie turned his head and summoned the Thousand-Handed Centipede again, put his right hand on the head armor, and poured most of his spiritual power into it.


The next moment, the Thousand-Handed Centipede stood up, its speed and strength increased greatly, and it turned into a black wind and rushed out, biting a basin-sized hole on the wall of the cave.

The pale hands under the belly also looked like boneless snakes, suddenly stretched out a lot, and half of the cave was full of human hand shadows, which was extremely terrifying.

This is the secret method of releasing poison in the insect control method. Peng Shiwen also used this trick to strengthen the golden toad before.

This method can borrow the host's spiritual power to the maximum extent, activate the fighting instinct of the poisonous insect, and make it more ferocious and powerful. Afterwards, the poisonous insect will be weak for several days, which is the only choice for desperate.

"No wonder the inner disciples are so strong, it turns out that they started so much higher than us."

Su Jie secretly sighed, fortunately he had the Thousand Hands Centipede of the first refinement of the lower grade, and could shuttle between the two worlds, borrowing the resources of the blue star to catch up.

Take today's battle, if there was no shuttle between the two worlds brought by the ancient mirror, he would still be a small second-level soul, and he would not even have the means to fight against Peng Shiwen. Su Jie died today.

"I still have to rely on you!"

Touching the ancient mirror, Su Jie thought of what Qiu Laodao said today.

Peng Shiwen is nothing, those white ghosts are the real terror. Ordinary outer disciples will only be slaughtered by white ghosts in a one-on-one fight.

"I have to patrol the mountains and fight against white ghosts in ten days. The storm is coming! I must strengthen my own strength as soon as possible and get more resources from Blue Star to speed up the progress of cultivation."

Su Jie took a long breath and looked at an axe in the corner. It seems that he will have to be a lumberjack for a while.

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