Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 14: Trading Again

The weather is getting colder, the autumn is gradually fading, and the winter cold current is sweeping across the north.

Jingjiang No. 1 Villa, Linping City, Blue Star.

On the underground floor, Su Jie is moving very fast, practicing a set of boxing techniques. When he swings his fist, there is a faint sound of tiger and leopard thunder passing through his bones.


Su Jie suddenly punches out, landing on a hard wooden man.

The powerful force immediately throws the wooden man several meters away, and the chest area keeps cracking, as if it was hit by a heavy hammer. Su Jie's spiritual power and blood are also constantly sublimating in the hammering.

After pinching his palms, Su Jie took a deep breath and exhaled a long breath. A breath of white air shot out like an arrow for several meters before dissipating.

"Now my strength is comparable to that of a buffalo."

Su Jie guessed in his heart that without accurate strength instruments to measure, it is basically impossible for a normal person to survive a full-strength punch from Su Jie.

After a good exercise, Su Jie said to himself: "It took seven days, and this Tiger Roar Fist bought from the black market is pretty good. It's not easy to be close combat!"

Su Jie practiced a kind of physical martial arts in the Tianyuan world, which is mostly practiced by folk martial arts masters. The potential is limited. Su Jie spent ten blood marrow stones to buy it.

Because most Gu masters are not good at close combat, Su Jie's practice of Baidu Gu Zhenjing does not strengthen the body much. Compared with the strange abilities of Gu worms, close combat is Su Jie's weakest attack method. Su Jie tried to make up for his weakness in this regard.


The Thousand-Handed Centipede, which had gained weight again, saw Su Jie finish his exercise, and immediately crawled over to rub Su Jie's trouser legs intimately, looking around curiously.

"Look, your master has worked so hard, you should also work hard and enter the second spiritual training quickly."

Su Jie knocked on the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede. This guy was served with good food and drink every day on Blue Star, and his body size has further grown to 1.8 meters.

And Su Jie could feel that the Thousand-Handed Centipede was about to transform again, which might take ten days or twenty days. At that time, it would be able to metamorphose again and become a second-grade spiritual refining Gu worm.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede's two tentacles kept pressing against Su Jie's neck, and its ferocious mouth opened wide, almost with an emoticon of "hungry, hungry, food" on its forehead.

"It's finished eating so quickly. Today I asked Lao Chen to transport 80,000 scorpions."

Su Jie was stunned and turned his head to see that the scorpions in several incubators were eaten clean. According to the calculation that one scorpion costs about one yuan, this guy has eaten 80,000 yuan today, and he is still not full.

"Wait a minute, I'll have someone send food."

Su Jie pushed the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede aside, picked up his phone and called Chen Yaoguang.

"Old Chen, you and a few workers prepare to send another 20,000 scorpions to the warehouse."

"Okay, I'll prepare it right away, but Mr. Su, there are not many scorpions left in the farm. At this rate of consumption, we can't supply the consumption of your channels."

Chen Yaoguang's voice came. He was happy that the farm had turned from danger to safety in recent days, but the excessive consumption and inability to keep up with the production also gave him a headache.

"How much is left in stock now?"

Su Jie was not surprised by this. After all, he knew better than anyone the growing appetite of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

"There are about 240,000 scorpions left. According to your consumption, Mr. Su, you can only handle two days."

"Is that so! Old Chen, I remember you said you have been engaged in insect breeding for decades, right? Then you should know a lot of related farms. Please call them for me to purchase scorpions, spiders, centipedes, venomous snakes and other poisonous insects from other farms. You can negotiate the price."

"Mr. Su, I know a lot of people. How many should we buy?"

"Under 10 million funds, there is no limit to the amount. If it exceeds 10 million, report to me."

"Hiss, so many, I know, boss."

Chen Yaoguang was shocked by Su Jie's generosity. He casually spent 10 million to buy poisonous insects. I wonder how big Mr. Su's business is.

After hanging up the phone, Su Jie was no longer as calm as he was on the phone just now. He looked at the bank card balance displayed on his mobile phone. After deducting the 10 million funds prepared to buy poisonous insects for Chen Yaoguang, Su Jie now only had a mere 1 million funds left.

One million is a lot, but it is definitely not enough to face the growing appetite of the Thousand-Handed Centipede.

"I just saved a batch of good wood and found someone to sell it to get some money back."

Fortunately, Su Jie has a stable way to make money, otherwise he really can't afford the Thousand-Handed Centipede with an ever-growing appetite.

Sliding his finger on the phone book, Su Jie sent a message to Chen Yaoguang and then walked out of the basement.

"Mr. Su, the food is ready."

A servant came to remind him.

"Okay, I got it."

Su Jie nodded. Now in Jingjiang No. 1, Su Jie hired a lot of servants, chefs, and gardeners to take care of this big house to meet his own comfortable life.

However, the basement is exclusive to Su Jie, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede is placed in it. No one except Su Jie can enter.

After dinner, Su Jie drove a BMW and drove to the Nanqiao Logistics Center alone.

Still the same place, the same staff, Liang Lianjun appeared here with a group of Leng Baihe's staff.

After receiving Su Jie's call and hearing that there were even more important goods this time, he did not dare to delay for a moment and hurriedly drove over with his men.

Who made Su Jie impress him so much last time? The batch of top-quality wood sold to them, Leng Lily, for more than 60 million yuan, was turned into high-end luxury furniture and sold, which attracted a lot of praise from blockbusters. This also made Liang Lianjun's reaction to Su Jie's this time. Transactions are taken more seriously.

"Mr. Su, haha, long time no see. Thank you for coming to take care of our business again."

In front of the warehouse door, Liang Lianjun saw Su Jie and hurried forward, holding Su Jie's hand with great enthusiasm.

"What is there to take care of? It was so pleasant to cooperate last time, and we have good raw materials this time. Of course, I think of you Leng Lily first!"

Su Jie also smiled back and was very patient with the kind people who gave him money.

"I know that Manager Liang is eager to see the goods, so I won't greet you and come in to see the good things I have prepared for you."

Pushing open the warehouse door, Su Jie led a group of Leng Lily's people into the warehouse, pointed at the dozens of rare trees stacked in the middle of the warehouse, and said, "Look, these are the big businesses I'm talking about."


Following Su Jie's gaze, Liang Lianjun's jaw almost dropped.

"It's unbelievable that so many top-quality small-leaf rosewood can be seen at the same time."

Liang Lianjun rushed over, murmuring to himself while stroking the trees that were hundreds of years old and of high quality.

This is the first time since he started working in the wood industry that he has seen so many precious tree raw materials placed together at the same time. It is really shocking.

"Manager Liang, don't be too excited now. Let's estimate the price of the goods first. Then you can buy all the wood later and you can go back to the company and look at it every day."

Su Jie smiled on the side. The top-quality wood that Liang Lianjun cherished in his eyes was just an ordinary tree that could be seen everywhere in Tianyuan World.

It can only be said that the difference between the two worlds allows Su Jie, a bad guy, to easily complete the operation of buying low and selling high.

"Okay, master, hurry up and bring the tools."

Liang Lianjun also realized that he had lost his composure and restrained his expression.

The sound of chainsaw cutting sounded in the warehouse, because this time Su Jie prepared dozens of trees, and it took more time to judge the quality, weigh, and calculate the value. It took nearly two hours to cut this batch of trees. All calculations completed.

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