Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 133 Collapse (Fourth Update)

The headquarters building of Yikang Company.

Downstairs, citizens came to protest and throw rotten eggs one after another.

Media reporters were also gathering, and everyone who came out of the building was inevitably pulled over for an interview.

Even many Internet celebrities came to take advantage of the popularity. Now Yikang Company is definitely the most popular company, and the click rate of related news is soaring.

On the top of the building, Yu Duanchong seemed to have aged twenty years overnight.

Looking at a group of noisy debt collectors, his eyes were extremely painful and sad.

"Mr. Yu, when will you pay off the balance of the intelligent feeding system you owe our company? If you don't pay, I will stay here."

"Old Yu, we have been friends for many years. You can't make it difficult for me. That's the bank's money. If I can't collect the bad debt, I can't explain it."

"Mr. Yu, I have returned all the 80,000 pigs you delivered last week. Give me the money I paid for the pigs immediately, and make up for my losses."

The creditors surrounded Yu Duanchong, and the saliva flying made Yu Duanchong almost breathless.

A few days ago, he was still the chairman of the largest breeding enterprise in Xiping Province.

Now, Yikang Company is in a desperate situation of bankruptcy, and he has become a rat crossing the street, and everyone is shouting and beating him.

Yu Duanchong finally caught the opportunity and got out of the encirclement in a mess.

At this time, his suit was torn, his hair was messy, and he was punched in the face by someone, looking very miserable.

"Everyone, listen to me."

Looking at the group of creditors who were about to rush up and beat him up, Yu Duanchong kept waving his hands and shouting.

"Stop talking nonsense, pay me back!"

"Yes, pay me back immediately."

"Pay me back!"

"Pay me back!"

"Pay me back!"

The creditors were furious. Everyone knew that Yikang Company was in a precarious situation and could go bankrupt at any time. If they couldn't get their money back by then, the loss would be in vain.

"I know everyone wants to get the money, and I can't control the swine fever, but please believe me, I have worked hard to build Yikang Company to the present, and I will never let it fall. Even if I have to sell everything, I will pay back your debts.

Now I have asked my wife and son to deal with the real estate and cars under my name, and I will pay them back as soon as I raise money. Our Yikang Company has been in business for so many years, and we still have a lot of property under our name, which can definitely fill a big hole.

Please give me another chance, our Yikang Company will apply for debt restructuring, make every effort to overcome this difficulty, and give an explanation to the public and society."

Yu Duanchong panted, bowed sincerely to apologize, and finally took out the means of debt restructuring.

He planned to reach a new agreement with the creditors on the time, amount or method of debt repayment.

Maybe he knew that it was useless to catch Yu Duanchong now. Now Yu Duanchong still has a lot of real estate and shops under his name. If these real estates are converted into money, it can indeed alleviate the embarrassing situation of Yikang Company.

"Are you serious? Will you promise to repay the money?"

"Really? I founded Yikang Company with my own hands. I can't watch it fall. Please give me a little more time."

"You must pay me back first if you want to pay back the money."

"Of course, I won't take a penny less from everyone present."

After bowing and apologizing again and again, it took a long time for Yu Duanchong to finally persuade all the creditors to leave.

And Yu Duanchong's face showed no joy at all, only endless fatigue.

After a long time, Yu Shichang barely cheered up and got in the car to go home.


"Old Yu."

Yu Shichang and his wife Wang Huilian looked at Yu Duanchong, who was covered in dust, and had guessed what happened in the company today.


Yu Duanchong slapped his palm on the table, thinking about what happened to Yikang Company recently, his face was full of anger.

"Muhua Company, don't let me seize the opportunity, otherwise I will make you live a life worse than death."

With his brain, how could he not think that there was a black hand behind the scenes controlling it.

Considering the people he had offended recently, he immediately targeted Muhua Company.

"Dad, our company has become like this, is it all Muhua Company's fault?"

Yu Shichang was shocked and angry, his teeth creaking.

"That guy surnamed Su is really a piece of shit. He must have known that Runming poisoned us. He is using the same method to retaliate against us."

Wang Huilian also figured it out, her face was terribly gloomy.

"If we had been more ruthless at the beginning."

Yu Duanchong was helpless. Even if he understood everything now, what would it matter.

He couldn't even protect himself, so what was there to talk about dealing with Muhua Company.

Just when the family was angry, a call came in.

Yu Duanchong saw the caller ID and his face changed immediately.

Less than two minutes after picking up the phone to answer it, Yu Duanchong's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he collapsed on the sofa.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Yu Shichang was puzzled. Why did he become like this after answering a phone call?

"The government is coming to Yikang to investigate this matter and hold us accountable."

Yu Duanchong's face was gloomy. He had acquaintances in the government, and they had given him inside information.


Yu Shichang's body trembled with just one sentence, and he felt like the sky was falling.

"Hui Lian, have you made all the preparations I asked you to make?"

Yu Duanchong looked at his wife. When the incident happened, he had anticipated that there might be such a day, and he had already started preparing for a retreat.

"It's been done. I've transferred all my assets that can be transferred to the United States."

Wang Huilian said, she is the financial director of Yikang Company and knows a lot about capital transfer operations.

"Then we'll go separately as planned, Shichang, and we'll meet again in America."

Yu Duanchong stood up. Although he didn't want to part with the family business, he didn't want to go in and step on the sewing machine.

What he committed was too big. Although due to time constraints, only a small part of the plague pigs were sold, but now that it caused such a big disturbance, his status as an entrepreneur was no longer valid, so he had no choice but to run away overseas.

"Where are your brother and sister-in-law?"

Wang Huilian asked, they were not the only ones who committed the crime, everyone from the Yu family was involved.

"There must be some people left to attract firepower, so that we can leave China more safely."

Yu Duanchong didn't hesitate at all, and directly regarded the other members of the Yu family as his stepping stones, and wanted to exchange their sacrifices for his own happiness.

The three of them put on some disguises, then quickly left the house and ran away separately.

Not long after, Yikang Company also ushered in its real end.

The company's only cash flow was taken away, and the core executives fled. This huge breeding enterprise collapsed and was on the verge of bankruptcy.

The rest of the Yu family who had no time to escape were arrested and detained. When they were arrested, they did not know that their trusted eldest brother and sister-in-law had sold them.

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