Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 134 The Final Blow (Fifth Update)

On a road in Xiping Province.

Yu Shichang, disguised as a man, was driving towards the border.

Xiping Province borders Annan, and the provincial capital is only a few hundred kilometers away from the border.

His parents had already arranged for him to meet someone. As long as he crossed the border, he could reach Annan, and then he would be able to get rid of the mess in China.

At a gas station, Yu Shichang got out of the car and bought some food while refueling.

As he got closer to the destination, his eyes became more excited.

"You still want to catch me? When I get to America, my parents will leave tens of millions of dollars there, enough for me to live comfortably for the rest of my life."

Thinking that he could continue to live a good life after escaping to America, his depression about leaving his hometown gradually dissipated, and he began to imagine the beauty of the future.

In his reverie, the car drove onto a bridge, and below was the turbulent river.


A sound came, and the car seemed to be hit by something.

Yu Shichang turned his head subconsciously to take a look, but it was at this glance that he saw a scene that he would never forget.

A pale and strange arm was lying on his car window, with clear lines on the palm and pale skin with layers of corpse spots faintly visible. It was moving its fingers little by little, crushing the glass to get into the car.

In extreme fear, Yu Shichang's mind was blank, and his feet stepped on the brakes tightly, and the car deviated from the direction.

Then it crashed through the guardrail and fell into the rolling river.

The passing vehicles stopped, and when they wanted to rescue, the car had slowly sunk into the water.

In addition, the height difference between the river and the bridge was too high, and jumping down would kill oneself. All he could do was watch a string of white bubbles emerge in the river, and finally even the car and people were swallowed by the river.

In a hotel suite.

Wang Huilian, who used a fake identity to book a room, was living here.

She was leaving Xiping Province tomorrow and was going to take a ferry to Hong Kong Island. The visa and procedures had been completed.


Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Wang Huilian put down the phone and frowned, "Why didn't the kid answer the phone? Nothing happened."

She was a little anxious. She only had one son, and the escape route she planned for him was very safe, but now the phone couldn't get through at all. I wonder if he was discovered by the police.

"No, no, my plan can't be wrong."

Wang Huilian became more and more anxious as she thought about it. She got up and opened the window to get some fresh air.


The cold wind blew in from the window. Just as Wang Huilian was about to turn around, she suddenly found something moving on the left side of the windowsill.

Looking closely, a group of densely packed hornets gathered here, as if the swarm was splitting up and staying here temporarily.

The noise of opening the window disturbed the swarm. These ferocious hornets flapped their wings and flew away, as if they were commanded by someone. They swarmed on Wang Huilian with a clear goal, covered her densely, and then pierced her skin with poisonous needles.

How could Wang Huilian, who lived a life of luxury, endure such pain? She screamed and tried to close the window in a panic, but her feet were unstable and she fell out of the window because of the large amplitude of the movement.


On the street below the hotel, a person fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

Large pieces of bright red blood oozed from under Wang Huilian, and the surroundings were soon surrounded by onlookers.

When the ambulance arrived, the body was already cold.

Xinzheng City, Kunyun International Airport!

A man wearing a baseball cap and thick clothes appeared here.

This man was none other than Yu Duanchong, who had been disguised.

"Passengers going to the Magic City, please note that the check-in procedures for your flight CY2926 are now starting. Please go to counter 17 to check in."

Listening to the voice broadcast in the airport, Yu Duanchong kept looking at his watch.

The plane he was taking would board in half an hour, and he would fly directly to Japan. Once he got there, he would be free to fly freely.

"Why is time passing so slowly?"

Yu Duanchong kept taking deep breaths, and the urge to urinate came up because of nervousness.

He looked around, lowered the brim of his hat and went to the toilet.

Almost right after him.

Not long after Yu Duanchong entered the toilet, a figure holding a sign that said "under maintenance" placed it at the door of the toilet and followed him in.

After the water was released comfortably, Yu Duanchong shook his body, zipped up his pants, and lowered his head to wash his face in front of the sink.

It was at this time that Yu Duanchong was suddenly patted on the shoulder, and a strange voice sounded at the same time.

"Mr. Yu, this should be the first time we meet."

Yu Duanchong suddenly raised his head and found that there was a strange young man behind him.

"You are. Muhua Sujie."

Yu Duanchong had naturally seen the photo of this competitor.

"Haha, Mr. Yu, how are you?"

Su Jie had a smile on his face, but in Yu Duanchong's eyes, he looked like a devil.

"You, you are the one who manipulated everything behind the scenes, right? My company and my family were destroyed because of you."

Yu Duanchong's emotions suddenly became intense. If eyes could kill, Su Jie would be in tatters now.

"It's a matter of reciprocity! At the beginning, Mr. Yu said that he wanted to let me see your methods. I didn't expect Yikang Company to be so fragile that it collapsed after a little business competition."

Su Jie shrugged, and added at the end: "By the way, I don't like to kill people. In order to prevent your hard-earned Yikang Company from going bankrupt, I have asked Muhua's public relations team to go out and prepare to take over Yikang Company. Will you feel better?"

What is killing people and destroying their hearts? This is what Su Jie did.

Not only did he destroy your company, but he also acquired it in front of you and took your life's work as his own.

"You, you, you"

Yu Duan Chong stared at Su Jie, and he was so angry that he covered his chest, and his heart pain attacked again.

"Don't be so angry, look, if I tell you that I have sent your son and wife to reunite in the underworld in advance, will you want to kill me even more?"

Su Jie's smile became brighter and brighter, and his words completely defeated Yu Duan Chong's last psychological defense.

"I want to kill."

Before he finished speaking, a ghost passed through his body and appeared strangely behind him.

Affected by the ghost, his heart pain became more severe, and he fell to the ground, trembling and reaching for medicine in his arms.

"Tsk tsk, if your heart is not good, don't be so greedy, why bother."

Su Jie squatted down and took the medicine bottle from Yu Duanchong's hand in the desperate eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll send you down to find your son and wife right away, so that they won't be lonely, and the family must be complete.

Of course, don't think you can leave easily, this ghost was bred from the Pugang breeding farm, it seems to like you very much, and intends to accompany you on this last journey."

Yu Duanchong's pupils continued to expand, and he watched Su Jie turn around and leave.

Behind him, the ghost showed a strange and inexplicable creepy smile, and in Yu Duanchong's terrified eyes, it approached him little by little, torturing and playing with his soul.

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