Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 18 A dark and windy night

"Are all girls so competitive?"

Su Jie, who had enjoyed a palace drama, spoke up at this time.

"No, I just can't stand Zhao Xuanmiao being so pretentious."

Liu Yingying felt a little embarrassed when Su Jie looked at her.

She also has tea art, but she thinks that her rank and moral character are much higher than Zhao Xuanmiao, at least she won't keep a big circle of fish ponds.

"Su Jie, you don't think bad of me, do you? Although I love money a little, I won't look down on others, and I haven't played with other people's feelings."

"You are honest."

Su Jie touched Liu Yingying's blushing cheeks and said, "Stay here tonight."

Liu Yingying's face became even redder, she lowered her head to play with her fingers, and hummed softly.

Su Jie smiled, holding the wine glass and looking around, and said, "Everyone has eaten and drunk well, I feel a little uncomfortable, so I'll go upstairs to rest first."

After that, Su Jie hugged Liu Yingying and left the lawn and entered the villa.

Many people in the field understood what was going on and secretly sighed that Liu Yingying had found a big leg.

With another high-pitched cry, Liu Yingying fell into a deep sleep, exhausted.

Su Jie lit a black candle, which was a soul-soothing incense that could promote the cultivation of the soul. Ordinary people who inhaled it would enter a deep sleep and wake up refreshed the next day.

After doing all this, Su Jie put on his clothes, left the villa alone in the night, and came to the dock in the backyard.


The Qingshui River connected to the backyard was surging, and the figure of the Thousand-Handed Centipede emerged from the water.

"Let's go, let's go find some people to play with."

Su Jie patted the head of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, then stepped on the back of the Thousand-Handed Centipede, letting the Thousand-Handed Centipede carry him and swim towards the East District of Linping City.

In an abandoned unfinished building in the east of Linping City, several heavy trucks were parked in this deserted place.

One of the abandoned buildings that should have been deserted was filled with a noisy sound, accompanied by shouting and yelling, and a group of tattooed men were drinking happily.

"Brother Hu, when can we go back? It's not fun to drink without girls!"

"That's right, brothers have done such a big deal, so we have to give some rewards."

A group of people got drunk and immediately showed their true nature and wanted to have fun.

The bald strong man who was nearly two meters tall, called Brother Hu by others, laughed and scolded unhappily: "After the limelight is over, I will take you to the nightclub for a month. Now stay here honestly and wait for the boss's arrangement."

"Too cautious, we did it so cleanly, what problems can there be?"

"Humph, the opponent probably has overseas connections, it's no big deal to be careful."

Brother Hu pointed at the person who had just spoken and ordered: "Lei Zi, you kid don't put your mind on your crotch all day long. This batch of goods was successfully delivered to the boss, It's enough for you to be free and easy for several years. You will have all kinds of women by then. Just bear it for a few days. "

"Okay, Brother Hu, I can't argue with you. If you say it, it's it."

Lei Zi scratched his crotch, put down the bottle and said, "I'm going to pee."

"Lei Zi, you are not going to be able to do it, are you?"

"Yes, I just drank a few bottles of horse urine! You want to pee now."

"Bullshit, I'm not a coward, wait for me to come back and deal with you one by one."

Lei Zi walked out of the house while cursing and swaying his steps without recognizing any relatives.

He didn't go far. Anyway, this was an unfinished building with bare rough concrete everywhere. He just found a corner and unzipped his pants to pee.


Suddenly, Lei Zi heard a strange and weak sound in his ears.

It was like something was crawling. In the dark environment, people's eyes can't see, but their hearing will be more sensitive, so Lei Zi heard it very clearly.

"What's that sound?"

With a start, Lei Zi pulled up his pants and took out a lighter from his pocket.

With the help of the light from the flame, he looked towards the place where the sound came from.

But he saw a huge black shadow running across the ceiling, with ferocious black and purple insect armor and pale arms crawling under its belly.

The terrifying and weird scene made Lei Zi feel like he was cast into a state of immobilization. His mouth opened wide, and his throat was so frightened that he couldn't make a sound.


Suddenly, the terrifying figure on the ceiling stopped moving and half of its body dropped.

Just like an eagle picking up a chick, it dragged Lei Zi to the ceiling in one bite, and only bursts of bone breaking sounds were heard, and then there was no sound.

Inside the house, someone in the drinking group suddenly said, "Why has Lei Zi been gone for so long and hasn't come back yet?"

"Maybe he slept outside, who can go out and check?"

"Haha, then I have to take some embarrassing photos and laugh at him later."

The two tattooed men stood up with their arms around each other and ran outside to check the situation.

Ten minutes later, someone said, "Broken Tooth Feng and Monkey are still here. They have been looking for Lei Zi for so long, maybe they are both drunk outside together."

Brother Hu, who was playing cards, frowned and said, "Something is wrong! Call them."


Just at this moment, the candles in the house were all extinguished, and it was pitch black all around.

Before the group of people who were drinking and having fun could react to what was going on, they heard several screams coming from all around.

"Take the flashlight, turn on the phone to illuminate."

Brother Hu's face changed drastically, roaring for someone to turn on the phone, and he picked up the prepared flashlight and turned it on in a hurry.

When the surroundings of the room were illuminated again, a scene appeared that shocked everyone present.

I saw that the original team of more than a dozen people had lost five people, and there were still seven people left, including Brother Hu.

"Dashahei, Ayun, Chen Mulezi, Brother Bing and Agu are all missing."

Someone's voice trembled when they counted a few people.

Within ten seconds, five people were missing, plus the three Lei Zi who had disappeared before.

The eight people were alive without being seen, and dead without being seen.

"Is there a ghost? Some workers fell to death during the construction of this unfinished building. Did we provoke something unclean?"

Some superstitious people were about to pee with fear at this time. As soon as these words came out, everyone became even more nervous and huddled up nervously, like a flock of quails.

Goosebumps appeared on Brother Hu's skin. He never believed in ghosts. He cursed loudly. He pulled out the machete, looked at the darkness that could not be illuminated by the light and cursed: "Who, who is pretending to be a ghost? Get out of here if you dare." , If I don’t chop you to death, do you think you can scare me? If my balls shrink, I will take your surname.”

There was no response. In the darkness, only the cold night breeze came in through the unsealed window.

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