Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 19: Tooth for Tooth

"Go, go outside and have a look."

Brother Hu glared hard, pushed a younger brother, and drove him outside to check the situation despite his objections.

However, less than a second after the boy disappeared from their light, he heard a miserable howl.

A group of people saw with their own eyes that the man seemed to be dragged by something in the dark.

The cell phone that he was holding tightly also rolled and fell. It ended with a few screams, and the sound disappeared instantly.

When Brother Hu hurriedly shined a flashlight, he saw a twisted figure lying on the ground.

He was like a toy that had been dismantled, with his head folded on his buttocks from his back, his hands, feet, and limbs twisted into twists, and his eyes were still filled with fear.


A group of tattooed men were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Some of them could not hold their steel sticks and machetes, and they fell to the ground with a clang.

They have hacked people and been imprisoned. For ordinary people, they are considered very cruel thugs.

But when it comes to killing people, except for Brother Hu, who has a life on his hands, the others really have no experience, let alone such a battle!

Even Brother Tiger was furious, he had never seen such a weird thing before.

Now he somewhat believes that he and others are ghosts.

Otherwise, how could a living person become such a weird shape in just a few seconds?

"There is really a ghost, there is really a ghost, wuwu, we are dead."

"Call the police, call the police! Let the police come and save us."

A group of tattooed men had a nervous breakdown, and Brother Tiger no longer persisted. He was caught in the case of stealing some wood and setting fire to it. He would be imprisoned for a few years at most, but if he stayed here, he would die!

"Be careful, I'll call the police."

Brother Hu was also scared and wanted to call the police himself.

But before the call was answered, something was approaching quickly in the darkness.


An evil wind struck, and the Thousand-Handed Centipede's terrifying body came out of the darkness, biting Brother Tiger in one bite.

"Weird. Monster!"

The gangsters exploded and fled in fear.

But they didn't know that escaping from this unfinished building was destined to be impossible.

A dozen pale human hands under the Thousand-Hand Centipede's belly broke away automatically and escaped into the darkness. After a while, several desperate howls came from the floor, drifting far away in the silent unfinished building, and then again There was no movement either.

The Thousand-Handed Centipede squeaked twice and picked up Brother Tiger, who was still struggling in fear.

Behind him, a line of pale human hands dragged the corpse and rushed downstairs.

Downstairs in the unfinished building, Su Jie stood in front of several heavy trucks and lifted up the tarpaulin to reveal intact precious small-leaf red sandalwood logs.

"It's not good to steal from anyone. If you steal my things, everyone is like Peng Shiwen."

Su Jie sighed, he obviously just wanted to be a good person who abides by the law, why did he have to force him.

At this time, Thousand-Hand Centipede also came downstairs and brought back fourteen corpses, which were neatly placed in front of Su Jie. Finally, he dropped Brother Tiger in his mouth at Su Jie's feet like a treasure.

"So good."

Su Jie scratched Thousand-Handed Centipede's chin.

The Thousand-Hand Centipede's thick tail swayed back and forth like a puppy.

"You are a human and a ghost, you are a human and a ghost."

Brother Hu was trembling, and his heart was trembling as he looked at the corpses of his younger brothers around him.

He has never seen such a ruthless person, and the other party's methods are even more unheard of.

"Didn't you investigate who I am very clearly?"

With a smile on his lips, Su Jie walked from the darkness to the moonlight, and bent down to look at the other person.

"Yes, you are the owner of those raw materials."

Brother Hu saw Su Jie's face clearly and felt numb immediately. He also wanted to understand why Su Jie came to them. It was really not unfair.

"Now that you know it, it will be easier to handle. I want to know some information about your boss and what to say."

"I won't betray my boss. It's like that in the movies. If I do, I'll be killed and silenced by you."

Brother Hu's determined expression made Su Jie laugh.

"I can't tell you're still a tough guy. It just so happens that I have some experience in how to make people talk. I hope you won't disappoint me."

For Su Jie to act like a hero, it seems that he doesn't know the punishment methods of demon cultivators.

ten minutes later

"I've said everything I need to say. Please, please give me a happy life."

Brother Tiger, who had been unyielding before, fell to the ground, full of despair and fear, and just wanted to die.

"Really, I didn't last ten minutes. Remember to be a good person like me in the next life."

Su Jie snapped his fingers.

You are considered a good person, and the devil is not as bad as you.

This thought flashed through Brother Hu's mind, and then his consciousness was swallowed up as Yin Fire Blood Bees crawled all over his body and penetrated into his body from his mouth and nose.

Su Jie then opened the ancient mirror he brought over and threw the body and the small leaf red sandalwood logs in. This kind of corpse destruction was absolutely clean.

After sorting everything out, Su Jie disappeared into the night.

He wants to find the real mastermind, and what he is killing now is just someone else's chess piece.

"What are you talking about? Ahu didn't answer the phone. Where are Leizi and the others?"

In a luxuriously decorated high-end villa area in Linping City, Cui Yunchun, wearing pajamas, stood up while listening to Ma Lanfei's report.

"Dr. Cui, you asked me to call Ah Hu every three hours. I did as you asked. But half an hour ago, no one answered my call. People answer.”

Malanfei said nervously, it was not yet 12 o'clock in the evening, her phone calls were not answered, and she came over immediately to make a report.

"Could it be that Ahu and the others are interested in making money and want to steal this batch of goods?"

Malanfei hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but make a guess.

"Impossible. Ahu is an orphan I adopted and grew up. He is loyal to me. Something must have happened to them. Let someone investigate immediately. The focus is on the person named Su Jie."

Cui Yunchun was furious, his eyes were cannibalistic.

Malanfei was frightened and was about to make a call when suddenly a voice sounded in the room.

"Boss Cui, you are so anxious to find me!"

This voice sounded outside the door, and the two people in the bedroom were startled.

"Who are you? Wait, Mr. Su. You are Mr. Su, right?"

Cui Yunchun was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing.

"I did something wrong this time. I am willing to apologize to you. How about paying you 100 million yuan to compensate for your losses? If it is not enough, I can add more."

As expected of someone who had experienced strong winds and waves, Cui Yunchun quickly gave in.

Since Su Jie was able to enter his house quietly, it meant that he could threaten his life.

"One hundred million yuan is a big deal, but it's nothing! It's too late to say this now."

Following a sneer, footsteps came from outside the bedroom. When the door opened, a figure stood in the moonlight, very scary.

Cui Yunchun and Ma Lanfei took a closer look and exclaimed at the same time: "Ahu!"

It turned out that the man standing at the door was none other than their own Ahu.

"Why are you here? Have you really betrayed me? You are so brave."

Cui Yunchun seemed to have figured out something, and looked at Ahu in shock and anger.

"Brother Hu, how could you do this? Dong Cui has been so kind to you, but you actually colluded with outsiders to take advantage of him."

Malanfei was equally angry, but at the same time she was secretly relieved.

Considering the friendship we have had for so many years, Brother Hu at least won't kill anyone.

However, facing Cui Yunchun's anger, Ahu reacted very strangely. He raised his hands stiffly, with a look of despair in his eyes:

"Save me, Mr. Cui, save me"

Before he finished speaking, the flesh on Ahu's face twitched, as if something was moving under the skin, and he made a hoarse and stiff voice: "Tsk, the heat is still too low, just an ordinary person can't control it. . In this case, Boss Cui, you seem to like setting fires, so I’ll give you a big fire. Let’s retaliate, it’s fair, right?”

Only then did the two realize that something was wrong. The Ahu in front of them seemed to be controlled by something.

Cui Yunchun and Ma Lanfei didn't know about Gu Masters, otherwise they would have known that this was a skill used by Gu Masters to use their spiritual power, and it was a newly acquired skill by Su Jie during his insect control field practice.

It's just that Su Jie's strength is still far behind. In addition, this move has its own shortcomings. It has time limit and distance limit. Just like the signal fluctuation, the victim will break out of control from time to time, just like just now.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su, we can still negotiate. You can give me whatever price you want."

Cui Yunchun, who felt very strange and uneasy, shouted nervously, but Ahu didn't respond this time. His skin cracked, and Yinfire Blood Bees emerged from it and covered the two of them.

The bloody and terrifying scene almost frightened the two of them. They wanted to beg for mercy, but it was already too late.

In the bedroom, dots of fire began to burn, and the Yin Fire Blood Bees from Tianyuan World sent a vigorous and grand fire here.

A few hundred meters away from the villa, Su Jie stood on a treetop, admiring the flaming building.

"Not bad, not bad. The flames are very spectacular. No wonder bad guys always like to kill people and then set fires. It really makes people feel happy."

With a smile on his face, Su Jie took one last look at the flames rising into the sky, turned around and left.

"I've been out for two hours. It's time to go back and rest. I can finally have a good sleep tonight."

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