Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 286 Haunted House and Horror Film Plan (First Update)

After Su Jie came back from the bathroom, he saw several mutilated and dismembered bodies on the ground, with gun parts scattered on the ground.

"Did you have fun?"

Su Jie raised his right hand, and his soul power passed by like water.

All corpses and gun parts on the ground, including blood stains, were floated and put into storage bags to avoid dirtying the cinema.

"They are not even practitioners, how dare they take action?"

Han Ruyan didn't react much. She just didn't understand, and several ordinary people came to take action against her.

Are all humans in this cave world so unafraid of death?

"Here, there is no concept of practitioners. Human beings rely on external objects to fight."

Su Jie chuckled and started educating Han Ruyan about science.

"Is it because of spiritual energy?"

"Yes, because there is no spiritual energy here, they are all ordinary people."

"too weak."

Han Ruyan was very confused about how to survive in such a world.

"The humans here have embarked on a brand new path. You can't say they are weak. The technological weapons are still very powerful."

Su Jie took out his phone from his pocket and found videos of various technological weapons.

When the nuclear bomb's light rose on the phone screen, Han Ruyan suddenly stopped talking.

"Missiles, fighter planes, aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, ground-penetrating bombs, napalm bombs, biological and chemical weapons, neutron bombs, and especially the last nuclear bomb, combined with ballistic missiles, can strike enemies tens of thousands of kilometers away, with terminal speeds reaching dozens of times the speed of sound, and the center of the explosion The temperature reaches hundreds of millions of degrees.

The most powerful Tsarist nuclear bomb ever produced in human history, the explosion produced a fireball with a radius of 4,600 meters and a mushroom cloud nearly 40 kilometers wide and about 64 kilometers high, which is more than seven times the height of the highest mountain in the world.

In addition, humans here are still researching laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, genetic weapons, particle beam weapons, nano-weapons, space weapons, anti-matter weapons, unmanned intelligent weapons, etc. We cannot say that we are weak because of this. "

In order to make Han Ruyan not to take things lightly, Su Jie gave her some popular science.

Not to mention other weapons, the nuclear bomb, the ultimate weapon of mankind, even if Han Ruyan has no entity, the huge energy released by the explosion of the nuclear bomb, hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature, optical radiation, various radioactive rays, shock waves, and electromagnetic pulses are absolutely unbearable to her. .

As for weapons like nuclear bombs, Su Jie would have wanted to get a few of them if he wasn't afraid of attracting prying eyes from the Tianyuan world.

A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. Once such a powerful weapon is used, it will never be hidden from anyone.

After all, the explosion of the nuclear bomb was too loud and loud. When the time comes, Buddhist saints and Taoist immortals from the Taoist realm, who are even a hundred times more powerful, will all look at him.

Su Jie never dared to wonder whether the powerful people in Tianyuan World could find him.

You must know that in the Tianyuan world, there are unreasonable divination and Bagua Yishu, which can make predictions about people.

As long as he does it and attracts the attention of a truly strong person, he will definitely be exposed.

On Blue Star, Su Jie has no need to use nuclear bombs for the time being.

Although he could get it and use the storage bag to steal a few coins.

But when you are weak, you should try your best to stay dormant so as not to attract too much attention.

If the nuclear bomb is really stolen, the most it can do is a warning and demonstration, and the war will still have to be fought.

Da Mao and Er Mao are examples. Da Mao cannot avoid war even if he has nuclear weapons. Those interest groups cannot be frightened by intimidation.

Unless Su Jie is crazy and really wants to detonate the explosion in the city, it will be a major event that breaks the sky. There will be no place for Su Jie in the entire Blue Star.

Therefore, nuclear bombs are dispensable to Su Jie.

His territory is so big, he doesn't need this big toy to decorate himself.

"It's a very contradictory world that is obviously weak but very strong."

Han Ruyan looked at the human weapons that appeared in those videos and had a preliminary understanding of the human combat power in this world.

In her opinion, even a strong man in the Daotai realm would be wiped out if hit by a nuclear bomb in the front.

But other weak individual weapons and ordinary soldiers are enough to give them a headache when facing a fierce ghost, even if it is only a first-grade ghost.

"So they regard you as an ordinary person, so it's not surprising that they dare to take action."

Su Jie smiled, pointed at himself and said: "I occupy a territory in this world and manage a population of about 2.8 million. At the same time, I have conflicts with some countries and forces in this world. They are actually running away from home. They came here to arrest me, but they just hit you by mistake.”

"City Lord?"

Han Ruyan used her own understanding to determine Su Jie's identity.

"You can think of me as the city lord. In the future, if my territory expands, I might even be able to become the emperor."

Su Jie took Han Ruyan's little hand and said, "Speaking of which, calling the city lord's wife sounds more exciting, doesn't it suit your status?"

"Can these people be killed? Harvest fear and resentment?"

Han Ruyan's brain circuit was not on the same channel as Su Jie's, and instead she came up with a creepy idea.

"You can't kill them. These people are all my people."

Su Jie decisively curbed Han Ruyan's crazy idea.

"Then those outside your territory"

"We can't be the enemy of the whole world, and we can't do this kind of thing casually."

Su Jie emphasized again that he didn't dare to say it to death.

"Anyway, don't kill people randomly here. If you want to absorb fear and become stronger, I will provide you with new methods."

Han Ruyan looked at Su Jie quietly and seemed to have no reaction.

Seeing this, Su Jie pointed to the screen where the movie was still playing: "What do you think of these movies?"

"Too false."

Han Ruyan said coldly, no matter how realistic the movie was, from the perspective of Han Ruyan, a real ghost, it was just like that, and it was difficult for her to have too many psychological fluctuations.

Su Jie pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "If it were you to be the protagonist of a movie, would you be willing?"


Han Ruyan's empty eyes moved slightly, and she obviously didn't understand.

"Yes, make a movie."

Su Jie nodded and expressed his thoughts.

"Look, don't evil ghosts need fear to improve their level? This kind of movie is a very good carrier. After it is filmed, it can not only be broadcast in the territories managed by me, but also be broadcast all over the world. Through Yuan Lingzhu absorbs the fear and gives it to you to use."

The source of this inspiration is the operation of Tianhun Sect in Nanyang City.

Tianhunmen imprisoned an entire city and turned it into his own granary of fear.

Every night, a hundred ghosts will appear in the night, causing panic and fear among the people.

Then use Yuan Lingzhu to absorb the fear of the people in the city and complete rounds of harvesting.

Su Jie also planned to do this.

However, Su Jie didn't plan to do the Night Walk of One Hundred Ghosts, which would attract too much attention.

Su Jie is not strong enough now and does not want to expose supernatural powers.

Therefore, if you choose a sufficient fear carrier, horror movies are a good choice.

Today's movie playback is based on hard disk playback.

The distribution company hands the hard drive to the cinema, and after the movie is released, the hard drive will be mailed back to the distribution company, or sent to a higher-level theater chain, and then returned.

And this gave Su Jie room to operate.

The movie-level hard drive is larger than a power bank.

With such a large volume, it is more than enough to stuff a Yuanling Pearl the size of a fingernail.

When the movie is played, as the hard disk is inserted and played, the Yuan Lingzhu will also be activated, and the entire cinema will be covered.

The fear that people have when watching movies will naturally be absorbed into the Yuan Ling Bead.

Of course, this requires a lot of operations, such as how to disguise the Yuan Lingzhu and combine it with the hard drive.

How to complete sufficient theater coverage, how to ensure that his movies can be played enough and attract more audiences, these all need to be handled by Su Jie.

Hearing Su Jie's words, Han Ruyan fell silent, neither agreeing nor rejecting.

Seeing that Han Ruyan did not refuse, Su Jie knew that the other party was interested and continued:

"Didn't you say that these movies are too fake? In that case, you can star in it and show the world what real ghosts are like, and you can also harvest fear. It's like killing two birds with one stone."

Su Jie's simple provoking method was really useful for Han Ruyan.


Han Ruyan said one word and agreed to participate in Su Jie's horror ghost film project.

When Su Jie heard this, his face showed joy.

The population under his rule is larger than that of Nanyang City, not to mention the potential of billions of people, and the amount of fear he can provide will be massive.

However, even if Han Ruyan stars in horror movies, people can't watch them every day. Su Jie has new ideas.

Randomly, Su Jie continued: "In addition to filming movies, I also plan to use other methods to absorb fear, which requires your ghost men.

In this world, there is a kind of amusement park called a haunted house.

In order to pursue sensory stimulation, people will go in and take risks. The haunted houses are filled with fake ghosts played by real people.

But we can do the opposite and use real ghosts to play the role to ensure sufficient stimulation and a constant flow of fear. "

Su Jie talked about another plan, which was to open a haunted house.

Although movies cover a wide range, they can reach millions of people watching movies.

But usually after a movie is played once, people who watch it won’t watch it again for the first time.

Even if someone brushes twice or three times, the fear threshold will be greatly increased.

After all, you already know which places will be scary, and with mental preparation, your fear will be reduced a lot.

The haunted house is different. As long as there is enough traffic every day, the fear will be constant, and there will be no gaps like when movies are released.

Furthermore, watching on a screen brings a completely different sense of fear than entering a haunted house in person.

Ordinary haunted houses may look fake at first glance and won't be too scary.

But the haunted house that Su Jie is going to open is going to have real ghosts participating in it.

Su Jie was afraid that the fear it brought would be too frightening, causing people to pee or have heart attacks.

Although the number of haunted houses cannot reach more people than movies, their quality is high, and the two sides can perfectly complement each other.

"It's a bit troublesome, so it's up to you."

Han Ruyan felt that the trouble was far less convenient than killing people directly.

But Su Jie wouldn't let her kill people randomly, so she could only use this method to gather fear.

Anyway, the one who ended up working was also the devil under her, so she naturally had no reason to refuse.

Nowadays, Han Ruyan needs the energy of fear to improve her level. Next time she encounters a sixth-level ghost, she doesn't want to run away.

Su Jie needs Han Ruyan to become stronger and a sixth-grade wedding ghost. If he meets Zou Minzun again, Su Jie will be confident enough to defeat him.

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