Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 287 Laboratory (Second Update)

To the northwest, it borders the neighboring country of Zen, the capital of Siam, Manchester.

A heavily guarded private base is located here, patrolling back and forth are soldiers holding military dogs and armed with live ammunition, and checkpoints and monitors are all around.

At the same time, it is very close to the beautiful country's garrison in Siam. It only takes half an hour for ground troops to move in, and the air force's support is even faster.

This is the location of the CIA's Jieko Affairs Bureau. Its full name is the "Jieko Group Intelligence Research and Reporting Office". It is directly responsible for the CIA. The funds, manpower and material resources invested are on the same level as the original Al Qaeda organization. Everyone who joins this bureau They are elite soldiers and strong generals.

In the office, a man with rich flaxen blond hair and a shrewd look in his deep eyes is working here. This man is Moritz, the director of the Secretariat.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Moritz sighed: "Did the C5 field team fail?"

Standing in front of Moritz was a man in his fifties with a straight hooked nose.

"Smith and the others missed the call. They have been out of contact for 4 hours and 20 minutes now. They probably died."

Mahat Butler's face was a little heavy. He was the leader of the field team, and he was the one who directed the arrest of Su Jie in the cinema.

Unfortunately, after the four elite agents entered the cinema, they seemed to disappear from the world, and no information was ever transmitted.

Mahat Butler, who has been in this business for many years, certainly knows what this means.

"According to our intelligence, there was no Jieko security guard around the target at that time, only a woman. Now that the operation failed, we suspect that the strange woman who appeared next to Su Jie was a super soldier."

Mahat's eyes looked a little painful and sad when he spoke.

Smith had been old friends with him for many years, but he didn't expect to sacrifice like this.

Four such elite agents died at once, which was a huge loss. It was very difficult to train such experienced agents.

"Mahat, we should have been mentally prepared a long time ago. After all, what we are facing is an extremely crazy and terrifying organization. If we can catch the opponent so easily, our affairs bureau will not need to be established."

Moritz turned his pen, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Mahat was about to say something when suddenly there was a knock on the office door and an assistant hurried in.

"Director, please come over to the laboratory."

Moritz turned away and asked, "Did you find anything?"

"Yes, Professor Rory Sanchez has discovered something new."

"Okay, I'll go there now."

Moritz stood up and said to Mahat: "Come with me to see what was found in the laboratory. I hope they can bring us good news today and comfort Smith and their souls who have ascended to heaven. "

Several people walked out of the office and came to a large laboratory.

It is fully equipped with all kinds of high-end instruments, and the researchers are also elites from major medical and life science research centers.

In the Jack Bureau, in order to better conduct research on super soldiers, cooperation with major pharmaceutical companies has been launched.

Among them, Asder Pharmaceuticals is the leader in sponsoring this research and development project.

Generally speaking, military-like projects like this are led by the government and the military in other countries.

But in beautiful countries, capital is king, and even many of their national defense arms are outsourced to the military-industrial complex for production and research and development, becoming defense contractors who work with the country.

The pharmaceutical industry also has huge interests. Jieke Company has risen with the help of Tianyuan Hair Growth Liquid, and now there are non-human beings like super soldiers, which has aroused great interest from major pharmaceutical groups, and they want to get involved at any cost to get a share of the pie.

After putting on protective clothing and going through layers of disinfection procedures, Moritz walked into the laboratory.

In the laboratory, Moritz saw several soldiers exercising here.

Some of them are holding heavy barbells with one hand. With just the strength of one arm, they can lift a barbell weight that others cannot even bench press with both hands.

Some soldiers were conducting a speed test and ran faster than Bolt while carrying a weight of 30 kilograms.

Some soldiers were conducting a marksmanship test. While blindfolded, they identified the position by listening to the sound, and their enhanced five senses allowed him to hit the shaking bell.

These soldiers are all super soldiers who swallowed the body-building pill.

Surrounding them were scientific researchers wearing white coats, recording various parameters, and exclaiming loudly from time to time. It was obvious that the physical strength of the soldiers shocked them.

On the battlefield, the beautiful country also seized some strengthening pills.

Now he is letting his soldiers take it to test the effect of this body-building pill.

Moritz did not stay long and moved on, finding the person in charge of the super soldier research project, Professor Rory Sanchez, the chief scientist of Asder Pharmaceuticals and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

"Director Moritz."

Professor Luo Rui stood up and stretched out his hand to shake Moritz's hand.

"Professor Luo Rui, how is the progress of your research?"

Moritz asked bluntly. Regarding the super soldiers of Jieko Company, it has always been something that the beautiful country wanted to study clearly.

"plz follow me."

Professor Luo Rui led Moritz toward the laboratory further inside, explaining as he walked: "We dissected the corpse of the super soldier and the body-building pill you sent. Through the dissection, the super soldier's physique is still normal. People line up, but after swallowing the body-building pill, very miraculous changes can occur.

As for the drug Qiangshendan, we have conducted many pharmacological analyses, but it is still difficult to analyze some of its ingredients and we do not know how to make and synthesize it. "

"that's it?"

Moritz frowned. In the last war with Jacko Company, they also killed some super soldiers and collected corpses and strengthening pills. These were used for secret research in the hope of cracking the secret of the super soldiers. .

Once the beautiful country has a body-building pill and can cultivate such inhuman soldiers in large quantities, coupled with the beautiful country's world-leading high-tech weapons, the combat effectiveness will soar to a new level.

"I'm sorry, we also want to crack the Strengthening Pill, but there is no further progress yet."

Professor Luo Rui shook his head. He didn't know that the essence of the Strengthening Pill was actually the Blood Evil Pill. It was made using blood marrow crystals. He could detect and copy it so that it would be a ghost.

"However, we discovered a new secret of the super soldiers this time. Director Moritz told me that super soldiers are divided into first class, second class and third class. Thanks to Mahat, he captured a first class alive. Super soldier, we discovered a big secret in him."

Professor Luo Rui sounded excited as he walked to a laboratory protected by bulletproof glass.

There was a man lying motionless in the laboratory, with a typical Asian appearance.

Mahat frowned when he saw the other party: "You killed him? This is a first-class super soldier named Ruan Qianguang. It is not easy for us to catch him."

A week ago, Mahat organized a secret operation.

Through intelligence, elite field agents were sent to arrest Ruan Qianguang, a first-class super soldier of Jieke Security who left the military camp and went home to visit relatives.

The other party's name was Ruan Qianguang. He went home to visit because his mother was seriously ill. This news was discovered by the CIA.

Because the Mander area of ​​Zen Country was the territory of Jieke's security, the CIA was very vigilant in its operations. However, even though they were fully prepared, the other party did not bring heavy armor when visiting relatives and did not have time to swallow the body-building pills. The operation still resulted in the death of two elites. The agent was killed.

The opponent showed a strong physique and fighting ability. It felt that just by physical strength alone, without swallowing the body-building pill, he could rival an ordinary third-class super soldier.

In the end, enough anesthetic and electric shock were used to anesthetize the tiger, and the tiger was successfully captured alive.

Professor Luo Rui shook his head and said: "How could we kill such a precious material? The other party was just under anesthesia. This guy always struggled when he woke up. Your agents did not persuade the other party to cooperate with us. Now we are just doing some blood draws and tests , during a more detailed physical examination, we made new discoveries.”

He took out a stack of chest X-rays, enhanced CT, MRI and other medical data and photos from the table.

Pointing to one of the chest .

We judge that it is a living parasite that absorbs nutrients from the body's blood and remains dormant during normal times. It feeds back to the host during battle, providing the host's body with bursts of energy and nutrients.

This is why the other party can still have such a terrifying physique without swallowing the Strengthening Pill. "


Moritz stared at the X-ray photo. A white spot the size of a glass ball was vaguely an oval structure, and the shadow outlines on both sides did indeed resemble the limbs of an insect.

"Yes, a parasite, an unprecedented parasite, a parasite that strengthens the human body."

Luo Rui's eyes under the lenses were full of excitement. In human perception, parasites are harmful.

But today, the first-class super soldiers trained by Jieko Company told him with actual cases that parasites can also become beneficial and help humans gain physical strength.

"So this is the secret of Jieke Company! No wonder the other party is raising so many poisonous insects in the Mander area, probably just to do research on this kind of biological insects."

Mahat was thoughtful and thought of many weird behaviors of Jieco Company, and now he has a very reasonable explanation.

"Director Moritz, I want to apply for more first-class super soldier materials, and at the same time perform surgery on this super soldier and catch this parasite. This way we can conduct better research and maybe be able to decipher the true secret of Jieko Company." secret."

As soon as Rory said this, before Moritz could speak, Mahat frowned.

"Professor Luo Rui, do you think these first-class super soldiers are cabbage? You can pull one out of the ground if you want. You also know how powerful the opponent's body is, and it is in the Mander area. Once our personnel are exposed, They will be surrounded and attacked by a large army.”

Mahat had just killed four elite agents today. When he heard this unreasonable request, he immediately became furious.

"I allow you to perform the operation, but you must try to ensure Ruan Qianguang's life. We only have one such material now. As for other living super soldiers, we at the CIA also have difficulties and cannot provide more for the time being."

Moritz said that he knew that Luo Rui represented the interests of domestic pharmaceutical groups.

With such a new discovery, even if he wanted to prevent the other party from performing the surgery, it would be impossible because the country would put pressure on him.

"Then please ask Director Moritz and Team Leader Mahat to watch here. We will perform the operation now. We will do our best to ensure Ruan Qianguang's safety."

This is what Luo Rui was waiting for. He clapped his hands and a large number of doctors immediately entered the bulletproof glass laboratory to perform the worm removal operation.

Luo Rui also put on medical gloves and masks and performed the operation himself with a scalpel.

In order to prevent accidents, soldiers with live ammunition were dispatched nearby to be on guard to ensure the safety of the operation.

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