Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 373 United Security Council (First Update)

《Shocked, the 150,000-strong Sakura-Chan coalition was completely wiped out in the Arakan Mountains, with 40,000 dead and wounded, and 110,000 surrendered.》

《A brand-new cyborg, the Jeko Group disregards human ethics and performs biochemical transformation on the human body.》

《Is it a symbol of human evolution or the root of human self-destruction? Is the Jeko Group's research on biochemical human body transformation a blessing or a curse?》

《The human technology tree may have been wrong, and the human body's potential is beyond imagination.》

《The arrogant Sakura army paid the price for its recklessness and plunged into the trap set by the Jeko Group in the Arakan Mountains, leading to such a tragic ending.》

The next day, news media around the world almost unanimously reported the results of the battle in the Arakan Mountains and the story of the genetic warriors on the largest pages.

The battle in the Arakan Mountains refreshed the world's understanding of human potential because of the terrifying combat power of the genetic warriors.

Whether it is governments or ordinary people, seeing the gene warriors, the battlefield images taken and uploaded by the victims, and the images taken by reconnaissance aircraft and satellites, the world is dumbfounded and has caused widespread discussion.

"The official website of the Jeko Group has just announced that the soldiers who appeared in the Rakhine Mountains are officially called gene warriors."

"It sounds like it is related to human genetic modification. The biochemical and medical level of the Jeko Group is simply too terrifying."

"Baga, the Jeko Group actually used this evil technology to modify the human body and attack our troops. They must be severely punished."

"Our country has fallen behind in the research and development of new biochemical troops. As the overlord of Blue Star, we must also have our own biochemical gene troops."

"What conditions are required for this kind of genetic modification? Can you give me one? I am willing to pay a high price."

"The movie has come into reality. It turns out that this kind of genetic modification really exists. The Jeko Group is awesome! In terms of biochemical modification technology In terms of technology, it is 20 years ahead of the world. "

"Flesh and blood are weak, and machines ascend? Maybe we took the wrong evolutionary route."

"All 150,000 troops were eaten. Tsk, that's 150,000 pigs. It would take a day for the Jake Group to catch them all!"

"The Sakura Country had previously vowed to destroy the military power of the Jake Group, but now their invading troops have been annihilated. I wonder if they are embarrassed."

"The evil Jake Group, the evil biochemical gene technology, such a company, I support the G8 to completely eliminate it."

"They are still destroying others, but now they are being beaten and running away."

Netizens argued fiercely, and they all said that my friends and I were shocked by the genetic warriors of the Jake Group.

Just from the battlefield videos automatically shot by the sports cameras on their heads by the victims of the Sakura Country and Zen Country soldiers at the scene, those genetic warriors are really too buggy.

They wear powerful biological colonization suits and protective clothing that can defend against ordinary rifle bullets. They also have such abnormal combat capabilities, and their abilities are rich and diverse.

There are insect exoskeletons that cannot be penetrated by heavy machine guns, biological invisibility that can be concealed and difficult to detect with the naked eye, and compound eyes like insects that can easily snipe and kill any enemy within the range of the entire field...

It can be said that the appearance of genetic warriors is like the mutants with superpowers in the movie, and the shock to the world can be imagined.

For the outside world, it is just a spectator, but for the Sakura government and the Zen government, they are already facing a collapse-like situation after the battle in the Arakan Mountains.

In addition to those who were killed, several troops of the Sakura country also had 10,000 people taken prisoner and became prisoners of the Jeko Group.

Since World War II, the Sakura country has not suffered such a loss of troops.

Not to mention anything else, the anti-war marches in the country alone have made the authorities and the government anxious.

They originally thought they had a sure win, but they never expected this situation to happen. Not only did the troops they sent fail to penetrate East Chin State and Ji State, but their own people were completely annihilated.

Now, the Sakura Kingdom’s troops in Zen are only a few thousand people, and they are no longer able to effectively confront the Jeko Group.

As for the Zen government, it is even more miserable.

The Zen government has more than 300,000 troops, and the army only has more than 200,000, excluding the air force and navy.

But the current situation is that after the Jibang War, 60,000 to 70,000 troops were killed, wounded or captured, and the battle in the Arakan Mountains lost more than 100,000 people.

Now the Zen government’s troops are only less than 100,000, of which there are still tens of thousands of soldiers surrounding the Twin Peaks, and the remaining soldiers defend the vast southern core area of ​​Zen. It can be said that the Zen government’s troops have been wiped out by the Jeko Group.

In such a situation, the Zen government went crazy and began to recruit soldiers nationwide, and it was compulsory. Many young people of military age were captured.

At the same time, the Zen government began to jump up and down. On the one hand, it united with warlords in other parts of the country, and on the other hand, it began to accuse the Jeko Group in the United Nations Security Council and request international support.


February 25th.

The east side of Manhattan in New York City, the United States.

The headquarters of the United Nations Security Council is located here, including the Secretariat Building, the Conference Hall Building, the General Assembly Hall and the Hammarskjold Library.

Today's United Nations Security Council is very lively. An ad hoc meeting was held here. All 193 member states around the world attended the resolution meeting.

"This ad hoc meeting is about the Zen civil war. We need to listen to everyone's ideas and opinions."

After the chairman announced the topic of the conference, among the representatives from various countries sitting in a circle, the representatives of the Zen government immediately raised their hands and stood up.

I saw this representative holding a document and several pictures in his hand, and said with tears: "Representatives of various countries, the war caused by the invasion of the Jieko Group has brought terrible humanitarian disasters, destruction and collective disasters to the territory of the Zen Kingdom. It also poses a threat to international peace and security and has a serious impact on public order.

I hope that the United Nations Security Council will take action to resolve the Zen war and use international armed forces to achieve lasting peace. "

After hearing this, representatives from various countries whispered to each other.

To many countries, Zen is just a small country and has never had much of an international presence.

If it hadn't been for the civil war that caused a wave of disgrace, and the actions of the Jieko Group against the Group of Eight, and the various black technologies they developed that made them famous, people in many countries would not even know that this country existed.

Therefore, when faced with Zen's proposal, most countries did not take it seriously.

Many people know that the Zen government is only a supporting role in this war, and it is the beautiful country, the Blue Star overlord, who provokes this war.

Therefore, everyone secretly looked at the representative of the beautiful country, and they were not disappointed. The representative of the beautiful country leaned forward and spoke in support: "I agree with the proposal of the Zen government. The Jieke Group has done all kinds of evil and plunged the Zen country into war. We must punish him immediately."

"I object."

Brother Mao Xiong immediately stood up and said with a sneer: "The civil war in Zen is their own business. We must respect the wishes of the local people. If the Zen government cannot lead the country's 50 million people, then change to a better leader. Team, we in the United Security Council have no reason to interfere in the affairs of other countries.”

The Jieke Group is a major arms purchaser in the Mao Xiong Country. The arms purchased from Mao Xiong every year far exceed the procurement volume of other countries, making it the top one on the list.

Besides, the arms purchased by the Jieco Group are used to deal with the Group of Eight headed by the Beautiful Country. This is very popular for the Bear Country. As long as it goes against the Beautiful Country, the Bear Country will definitely help.

"Non-interference in other countries is the original intention of the United Nations. Let the Zen countries resolve their internal affairs on their own."

Representatives of the Chinese government also spoke.

"It's ridiculous. The Jieko Group blatantly created wars, causing a large number of people to be displaced and devastated. As a member of the international family, how could we ignore the situation and ignore it?"

The representatives of France held high their flags in support of the beautiful country.

"The behavior of the Jieko Group seriously violates the basic norms of the international community. What if our domestic rebel forces follow suit in the future?"

Representatives of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets also spoke up, siding with the beautiful country.

The five permanent countries exported one after another, and a confrontation formed on the scene.

The representatives from the remaining countries looked at each other in disbelief. The pro-Western countries naturally sided with the beautiful country, while the others basically had an indifferent attitude.

Only the representative of the Sakura Kingdom stood up and said with tears: "We, the soldiers of the Sakura Kingdom, are kind-hearted in maintaining the political stability of the Zen Kingdom, but the Jieko Group ignores our good intentions, brazenly kills our soldiers, and imprisons a large number of our innocent soldiers.

I am here to speak out and hope that everyone will unite and cannot tolerate the Jieko Group to continue to grow, which will lead to the world falling into chaos and darkness. We, the Sakura Country, agree to send peacekeeping forces. "

Hearing this, many people present rolled their eyes.

You, the Sakura Kingdom, still have the nerve to say this, and send troops into the Zen Kingdom to act as pawns for the Beautiful Kingdom.

In the end, the flattery failed, and a few teeth were chipped by the Jieke Group. Now you have the nerve to ask everyone to make the decision for you. What a beautiful thought.

"Haha, if you want to send international armed forces, I, the Bear Country, will not accompany you."

The representative of the Bear Country refused directly without thinking. There is a necessary condition for sending peacekeeping troops, which must be unanimously agreed by the five permanent countries.

If even one of the five permanent countries disagrees, this will not happen.

"Bear Country, do you still have the responsibilities of an international power? Peacekeeping is everyone's business. If you say this, you might as well give up your position as a permanent country."

The Sun Never Sets representative slapped the table with a look of indignation on his face.

Because the beautiful country has promised a lot of benefits, the sun will never set on the beautiful country.

Peacekeeping forces are international armed forces of the United Security Council. Their mission is to supervise ceasefires, truces, truces and withdrawals, observe and report on the situation in conflict areas, isolate parties to the conflict, assist in restoring security or maintaining order in conflict areas, transport and protect Humanitarian aid, monitoring general elections or referendums, etc.

And if peacekeeping forces can be sent to the Zen Kingdom, there will be reasonable and legal means for the Group of Eight to get the Zen government and the Jieko Group to sign an armistice agreement.

Of course, whether others recognize this is another matter. Anyway, you can stand on the moral high ground.

"If you are responsible, you can send your domestic lobster soldiers there! Just don't let the lobster soldiers be beaten to death by then.

Besides, peacekeeping forces have been dispatched for a long time and have been dispatched for a long time. But they are dispatched at this time. Do you think everyone doesn’t understand why? If you want to wipe the butt of the Group of Eight, go do it yourself. "

The eyes of the representative of the Bear Country were filled with sarcasm and ridicule.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that with the end of the battle in the Arakan Mountains, the Jieke Group has gained an absolute advantage in the Zen civil war and may swallow up the entire Zen territory at any time.

At this time, sending peacekeeping troops to create a truce should not be too obvious.

When you bombed the Jieko Group, you did not send peacekeeping forces. Now it is the Zen government's turn to be at a disadvantage. It eagerly came to the United Nations Security Council to convene a conference, trying to sideline the Jieko Group and make the Jieko Group stop. This kind of licking beautiful countries The furry bear country doesn't bother to deal with the butt groove thing.

"You guys are a bunch of Slavic fools. If our domestic soldiers attack a local warlord, they can easily be wiped out. However, this goes against the peaceful purpose of the international community. This does not mean that we are afraid of the Jieko Group."

"The sun never sets" yelled on behalf of the fierce inner scum, which sounded inexplicably guilty.

Nowadays, the Empire is no longer the world hegemon that colonized the world and had unbridled fleets in the last century.

The current empire on which the sun never sets has an extremely declining military strength. The army only has 110,000 people, the navy has 50,000 people, and the air force has 40,000 people. Counting overseas garrisons and reserves, the total strength is 4 to 50,000 people.

With such little military power, it would be strange if he went on an expedition to the Zen Kingdom to fight against the Jieko Group, unless he was out of his mind and was not beaten all over by super soldiers and genetic warriors.

The Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is not stupid, and there is no need to block the bullet for the beautiful country.

The representative of the Beautiful Country turned dark, knowing that the sworn enemy of the Bear Country was having trouble getting anything done. He snorted coldly and said: "Then let's move on to the next topic. In order to maintain its reign of terror in the Zen Country, the Jieko Group illegally conducts human genetic modification experiments. , this move creates an extremely high risk of contamination of the human gene pool.

I call for the imposition of sanctions on the Jieco Group and prohibit the Jieco Group from conducting relevant illegal biochemical genetic experiments. The Jieco Group must immediately stop relevant modifications and submit all relevant information to the Joint Security Council for review and sealing.

Now everyone is asked to vote by a show of hands. Those who agree will raise their hands. The minority shall obey the majority. "

Swishing, swishing, one by one, their arms were raised.

In terms of genetic modification, everyone stands unequivocally with the beautiful country.

Because the Jieko Group is too advanced in the field of biochemical genes, everyone is coveting the technology of the Jieko Group, and they are also afraid that the Jieko Group will continue its research and produce even more terrifying soldiers.

After all, the Jieke Group's dump truck business war was well known by everyone present. The assassination by genetic warriors was so powerful that everyone was afraid if it continued to escalate.

Although many countries have expressed opposition, including the Bear Country and the Chinese Country.

But what the beautiful country needs is just an excuse for public opinion, and it doesn’t care about anything else, because the beautiful country itself knows that even if this resolution is passed, it will be of no use to the Jieco Group.

Meiliguo looked at Lin Li's arm and said with a smile on his face: "Okay, it seems that most people agree with me. We need to work together to prohibit Jieke Group from continuing to develop biochemical genetic technology, and seal and hand over the relevant technology within three days. "United Security Council."

"This guy is making unilateral announcements again."

The representative of Brother Mao Xiong curled his lips, knowing that the beautiful country was just looking for an excuse.

The changes in the situation in the Zen Kingdom made the beautiful country unable to sit still and found excuses to participate in the civil war in Zen.

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