Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 374: Unification of the World (Second Update)

Eastern Chin State!

Su Jie took a black car to the headquarters of the Jeko Group, where a news Q\u0026A session was held.

"The northern border has been basically wiped out, and many warlord soldiers have surrendered. Local people have joined the insect breeding industry, breaking up the economic ties of those warlords. The core leaders of those warlords have already fled in advance. According to intelligence, they ran to Yangcheng, the capital of Zen, and were protected by the CIA."

Liu Yingying was holding a document and reporting the latest situation of the Jeko Group to Su Jie.

"It doesn't matter, they will be settled soon."

Su Jie knew where those people were. Not to mention that the other party was in Zen, even if they ran to Western countries, Su Jie would send genetic warriors to clean them up.

From the moment they provoked the war with the Jeko Group, their fate was actually doomed.

"How are the preparations in the Arakan Mountains?"

"The army has been deployed and can go south to liberate the local people at any time."

Liu Yingying has been led by Su Jie for a long time, and now she speaks with the word liberation, which sounds very decent, although Su Jie is a demon cultivator.

Su Jie pinched Liu Yingying's cheek and smiled, "You've worked hard during this period. After the war is over, I'll take some time to accompany you."

"I don't care. My career is my priority."

Liu Yingying shook her head, leaned on Su Jie's shoulder, and said, "I am very satisfied with my current life. In the past, I couldn't even imagine that I could have such a wonderful experience."

From a small real estate salesperson, she suddenly became the second in command of a regional warlord. She never dared to dream of this before.

"This is nothing. You will experience more in the future."

Su Jie stroked Liu Yingying's soft hair. The two chatted like this and came to the headquarters building of the Jieke Group.

This place has been guarded. In order to prevent the G8 from bombing with missiles without martial ethics, the press conference was not held on the ground, but deep underground, in a nuclear defense-level underground conference room.

Many reporters who came to the press Q\u0026A meeting secretly complained, but some people also lamented the insight of the Jieke Group, because the United States can really do this.

"Mr. Su, regarding the latest UN resolution prohibiting the Jeko Group from researching and developing biochemical gene technology and blocking and handing over related technologies, will you follow the UN resolution?"

When the press Q\u0026A session was held, the first reporter who stood up to ask questions mentioned the UN Security Council resolution that had just ended.

Su Jie smiled and said, "UN Security Council resolution? We are not a member of the UN Security Council, and the agreements signed by outsiders have nothing to do with us. The United States likes to do this, so why doesn't it first announce its own fighter engine technology, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, chip technology, etc. These technologies are equally dangerous. Shouldn't we prohibit the United States from developing these?"

The meaning of Su Jie's words is already very clear. If you want to get your own technology for free, you'd better go to bed early.

The reporter did not give up and continued: "Mr. Su, if you conduct large-scale human biochemical genetic experiments like this, what if an accident occurs?

Many experts and professors say that genetic modification will damage the lifespan of the human body.

It will also cause the modified person to be irritable and angry, and I don't know when he will lose control and kill people indiscriminately."

"Our Jake Group's biochemical technology is safe enough. As for the experts and professors you mentioned, they know so much, so they can train similar genetic warriors for me to see, otherwise I will just treat them as nonsense."

Su Jie waved his hand and pointed out the next reporter to ask questions, and specifically pointed out the reporter from the Asahi Shimbun of Sakura Country.

"The Prime Minister of Sakura Country, His Excellency Tsushima Hisaichi, issued an order requiring the Jake Group to release our soldiers immediately, otherwise our Sakura Country will increase its troops again to eliminate and destroy the rule of the Jake Group."

The Asahi Shimbun reporter spoke with resentment. Not only did Sakura Country lose the war, but tens of thousands of soldiers were captured by the Jake Group.

This matter was reported back to Sakura Country, causing an uproar, and now there are still people marching.

"Release? Although we don't have potatoes to dig in Siberia, those mines still need a lot of labor.

Those Sakura Country captives must atone for their invasion of Zen.

Or if you, the Group of Eight, are willing to pay 10 million US dollars per person, I can buy you back at my discretion.

Of course, I like you to continue to send troops here, because our mines are short of people recently, and we are worried that we don't have enough captives."

Su Jie sneered. Under the rule of the Jieke Group, some rare mines located in high mountains and dense forests are very dangerous.

Because it is difficult for machines to enter and human mining is required, it is just right for these Sakura Country captives to be used as waste.

Many people can hardly survive for three to five years under such high-intensity labor and face the danger of landslides at all times.

Even if they survive by chance, they can be used as experimental consumables.

For example, the transformation of genetic warriors always requires some experimental subjects to test drugs to ensure safety.

Dead captives can also extract souls to train ghosts and strengthen their own Wanhun Banner.

For Su Jie, who was born as a demon cultivator, it is absolutely impossible to be merciful to the enemy.

Su Jie's words made the reporter of Asahi Shimbun tremble with anger.

This is simply too much. They don't take Sakura Country seriously at all. They dare to openly say that they will drive the captives to mine.

What's the price of 10 million US dollars per person? It's clear that they are unwilling to release the prisoners!

"What's the difference between what the Jieko Group does and the bandits who kidnap and extort?"

"The difference is that we are the victors, so why should we forgive the enemies who invaded us? Our Jieke Group has always believed in a principle, which is to fight tooth for tooth and blood for blood."

Su Jie looked at the Asahi Shimbun reporter, his voice mixed with murderous intent, making his face pale.

Su Jie ignored the other party, glanced at the reporters present, and locked his eyes on a reporter from the official media of the Zen government.

"You are from the official media of Zen Kingdom. What's your problem?"

Su Jie directly asked the other party to ask questions, hoping to hear what the other party would say.

“The Joint Security Council has expressed its attitude and wants to mediate a ceasefire between the Jieko Group and the Zen government.

At the same time, the Chan government also made a promise to hand over Magway State, which borders Kyrgyzstan, to the Jieco Group for management, and also provided US$2 billion for the restoration and reconstruction of East Chin State, as long as the Jieco Group agreed to the armistice request. "

This reporter said this, expressing the Zen government's intention to cease the fire and even being willing to cede territory to the Jieke Group and pay compensation.

After the battle in the Arakan Mountains, the Jieko Group had an absolute advantage, while the Zen government was now at an absolute disadvantage.

The unequal fighting power between the two sides made the Zen government want to ask for mercy.

"Want a truce?"

The corner of Su Jie's mouth curled up, his eyes showed indifference, and he sneered at such a whimsical behavior of the Zen government.

When the car hit a tree, you knew you had turned, and when the big snot flowed into your mouth, you thought about getting up and throwing it away?

When the Zen official media reporter saw that Su Jie didn't refuse immediately, he thought there was something going on and his eyes lit up.

But the next moment, Su Jie's words made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

"There is a saying in the East that it is better to chase down the poor bandits with the remaining brave men, and not to pretend to be the overlord. I can tell the Zen government now that this battlefield will not end until one side falls."

Su Jie did not have the kindness of a woman to let the tiger go back to the mountain, giving the Chan government a chance to continue struggling.

If the battle is not ended early, taking advantage of the fact that the Jieko Group has the upper hand and the Zen government is short of major generals, it will wipe out the Zen government in one fell swoop.

Are you still waiting to let the other side recuperate, retrain its army, and cooperate with the Group of Eight to make a comeback and continue to attack you?

Su Jie will not be so stupid. He will not hesitate to pursue the victory and destroy the bridgehead of the Group of Eight to interfere with him in one fell swoop.

Replaced the Zen government and officially took over all power of the Zen country.

Hearing Su Jie's extremely determined tone, the reporter from the Zen state's official media swayed, and his lips trembled and said: "You tyrant, the armistice is the will of the entire Zen state and the proposition of the international community. This war has caused too many The sooner the war ends, the sooner the people of Zen will be able to resume their peaceful lives. Do you want to ignore life and wantonly destroy people's families and leave their families behind? What Zen needs now is peace. This is also the voice of many people.”

The reporters in the audience heard this and nodded in agreement.

In the objective impression of the international community, forces that like war give people a bad impression, such as the beautiful country.

Su Jie stood up slowly, looked around the audience, and said slowly: "Of course I will continue the war. The 240,000 soldiers of the Jieke Group fought one after another, and they shed so much blood and paid so many casualties.

You only see this war in your eyes. You only see this war and our Jieko Group is unwilling to let it go and regards me as a murderous tyrant, right?

No, our war only lasted for one year, while the Zen Civil War lasted for a full 77 years.

77 years! It has never stopped for a day. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, warlords have been separatist, the political situation is chaotic, opium is rampant, and various illegal and criminal activities are rampant.

Ask every local in Zen country, who would like their country to become like this?

Relying on the Zen government can make Zen better, but isn't it because people died in the war?


Can the country become rich and strong by relying on those warlords and their cultivation of opium?


Can people live a good life by relying on those evil forces, kidnapping, fraud, and extortion?


Only I, only the Jieke Group, am the only savior of the Zen Kingdom. I, Su Jie, can do what the Zen Kingdom government cannot do.

What the warlords cannot do, I, Su Jie, can do.

Only when the world is truly unified can the world truly be at peace. "

Su Jie's voice was calm and resolute as he expressed his thoughts.

The reporters in the audience seemed to be shocked when they heard Su Jie's domineering declaration of war. The whole audience was silent, and they felt that Su Jie's whole person was radiant and majestic.

Compared with those hypocritical politicians, Su Jie's declaration is undoubtedly more in line with people's personal impression of Su Jie.

"This is my answer. Are you satisfied?"

Su Jie looked at the Zen official media reporter. He would not stop because he was afraid of the casualties caused by the war.

The pain caused by this war is only temporary, and long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Allowing the Zen government's ceasefire request will only cause greater casualties in the future.

The Zen official media reporter opened and closed his mouth several times, but no sound came out. He seemed to have lost his energy.


Liu Yingying, who was sitting with Su Jie, had her heart beating loudly. She looked at Su Jie's profile with a dazed look.

It is impossible to hide the gaze of someone you like, and the man she likes is indeed something that no one can do.

There were also many officials from Jieke Group present at the press conference to provide other answers to the press conference.

They are all locals born and raised in Zen, and they know what Su Jie is talking about.

Since the day of its founding, Zen has been mired in civil war and has never had real peace. It is still divided by warlords.

"Unify the country and the world will be peaceful. I will really see this day in my lifetime."

A white-haired official shed tears on his face, muttered to himself, and was so excited that he couldn't express it in words.

Only those who truly love this country will say such words.

"Such a man is really exciting"

A beautiful reporter from the United States with blond hair and blue eyes and a proud figure blushed and looked at Su Jie with a brilliant look.

If Su Jie is willing, as long as he hooks his finger, I am afraid that this female reporter can take the initiative to wash and send herself to Su Jie's bed.

Of course, her gaze was soon noticed by Liu Yingying on the stage, who glared at her and cursed her as a slut.

"A strong man has descended from the sky. Zen has also produced a strong man! This may be an inevitable choice of history."

A reporter from the Bear Country sighed with emotion. When a country is in trouble, a strong man will often come to the world and lead the country to revival.

For example, Napoleon of France, Kemal, the founding father of the Ottoman Empire, and the heroes who have worked for the country in modern China.

Such a strong man can turn the tide and save the country from danger.

"He reminds me of someone."

Next to the Bear Country reporter is a French reporter.

"Who is it?"

The Bear Country reporter asked curiously.

"Little mustache, also not a native, also good at giving speeches to incite public opinion, and also likes to use war to solve problems."

The Bear Country reporter was stunned, and looked at each other with the French reporter, and shuddered together.

These two countries hate the devil who stirred up the Second World War.

The former created a great joke of 3 million troops surrendering after 42 days, and the latter also caused the most brutal and bloody war in the history of the European continent with the army of the devil.

"You two stop talking nonsense, it makes me think that the guy on the stage is going to start the S3 season, but that is impossible."

On the other side, the reporter of the British Empire who heard the conversation between the two shook his head and shook off the absurd idea in his mind.

As for the strength of the Jieke Group, although there are some biochemical black technologies, even if it occupies the entire territory of Zen, it is only a small country with a land area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, which can't stir up too much wind and rain.

Su Jie ignored the excitement in the press box. After answering a few questions, he handed the rest of the work to Liu Yingying and other officials, and he went to arrange the next war of unification.

The third update is being written, it will be very late, everyone will get up tomorrow morning to read it.

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