Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 378: The United States' Resolution (First Update)

The next day, a video of Yangcheng Airport was filmed and posted online.

When the Sakura soldiers were abandoned by the United States and fell from the sky in free fall, the Sakura netizens were immediately shocked.

‘Damn white devils, how dare they treat the soldiers of our Great Sakura Empire like this? This is a provocation to the dignity of our country. ’

‘We want to protest, break free from the various restrictive agreements imposed on us by the United States, and drive out the United States troops stationed in our territory. We don’t want to be controlled by the United States anymore. They don’t treat us as human beings at all. ’

‘Haha, let those bastards of the Self-Defense Forces die. They will be dogs for the United States sooner or later. I don’t pity them at all. ’

‘Baga, are you still a Sakura citizen upstairs? ’

‘What does it have to do with me? I’ll die. Anyway, I’m not going to join the army to lick the United States. ’

‘At first glance, you are a nerd with no sense of national honor. ’

Sakura netizens were outraged on the Internet. Many Sakura people had deceived themselves into thinking that they had an equal relationship with the United States and that the United States was an indispensable partner of the United States.

But the incident at Yangcheng Airport undoubtedly tore off this fig leaf.

Many Sakura people saw how the soldiers of the United States treated their own Self-Defense Force members.

This was simply stepping on the face of the Sakura country, and they did not regard the Sakura country as their ally at all.

For a while, the public opinion on the Internet condemning the United States increased greatly.

Many of the hatred for the Jeko Group was transferred to the United States, and a petition was launched on the official website of the Sakura country, asking the Sakura government to come forward and ask the United States to give an explanation.

However, the Sakura government was completely indifferent to this. Not to mention publicly issuing any statements accusing the United States, it did not even dare to mention the name of the United States, and wanted to deal with this incident coldly.

The families of the soldiers who died and were captured at Yangcheng Airport were not happy. Everyone gathered in front of the Tokyo Parliament Building and protested with banners.

Even the military families went to the military base of the United States to protest.

Out of helplessness, seeing that the situation was out of control, the Prime Minister of Sakura had to personally stand up and bow to apologize.

"Regarding the Yangcheng Airport incident, the aircraft capacity was limited at the time, and we had actually negotiated with the United States that the United States would withdraw in batches first, and our troops would withdraw in batches second.

But because of the blind incitement of the commander on the scene, such a bad incident eventually occurred. At that time, the United States had no choice but to do so, because if everyone was crowded on the plane, the plane would not be able to take off."

This statement was not convincing enough, but the Sakura government no longer made any more statements.

Anyway, I bowed, what else do you want.

In order to comfort its number one loyal dog, the United States also cooperated with the statement, saying that it would call on all members of the Group of Eight to donate money to give a special pension to the families of the soldiers who died and were injured in the Zen country to compensate those warriors of the Sakura country who fought bravely in the Zen country.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a means of appeasement by the United States.

But more people in Sakura Country also believed in the good deeds of the United States.

In essence, both the citizens and the government authorities of Sakura Country have a strong mentality.

Since they can't resist the dog rope of the United States, they can only pretend to be blind and deaf, and deceive themselves to regard the United States as their master.

Because Sakura Country has long been deeply bound to the United States in terms of military and economy, and it is almost impossible to decouple.

In the past, the blood feud in World War II was so deep that the mushroom bomb was ate two rounds, but Sakura Country still licked the face and flattered the United States.

It is conceivable how perverted the strong mentality is from top to bottom in Sakura Country.


With Yangcheng, the most dazzling pearl of Zen Country, being taken into the arms of the Jieke Group, the war came to an end.

The remaining states and provinces of Zen Country were all determined by the order, and before the Jieke Group's troops arrived, they took the initiative to declare their surrender to the Jieke Group.

In less than a week, the flags of the Jieke Group were planted all over the whole Zen Country.

This country, which has favorable natural conditions, a population of 55 million, a land area of ​​676,578 square kilometers, a total coastline of 2,655 kilometers, a length of about 2,090 kilometers from south to north, and a widest point of about 925 kilometers from east to west, has been completely occupied by the Jeko Group.

The change in Zen Country also shocked the international community.

Although everyone knows that the Jeko Group has an absolute advantage in the battle of the Arakan Mountains, it is still beyond the expectations of the world that the entire Zen Country can be conquered so quickly.

Especially the United States just announced its end, and was driven away from Yangcheng by the Jeko Group, leaving no face for the United States.

Although the country of Zen is not well-known in the world, it is at least a country with a population of more than 50 million.

Now that it is occupied by the Jeko Group, and the situation is still against the G8, it gives people a very different feeling.

After the Jeko Group officially announced the full occupation of Zen Country, the international community also published it as a front-page headline, and the relevant news was overwhelming.


《The Zen Kingdom welcomes a new tyrant, a cold-blooded and ruthless war maniac, who will surely lead the Zen Kingdom into the abyss. 》

《From an ordinary person to controlling a country, the history of the rise of the Jeko Group. 》

《The conflict between the United States and the Sakura Kingdom, the flying man incident at Yangcheng Airport, where will the relationship between the two countries go. 》

《The Jeko Group took over Zen Country. A so-called commercial company stole the sovereignty of a country.》

The United States, New York, Black Palace.

An informal meeting is being held here.

The 48th President of the United States, Lawrence Fernando, sat behind his desk, flipping through newspapers with various headlines on the table, looking unhappy.

"Look at what you have done. Is this how you attack the Jeko Group? The more you attack others, the bigger they become. Now the entire Zen Country is occupied by them."

Opposite Lawrence, there stood two men, namely Judith, Deputy Director of the CIA, and General Panda Dzerzhinsky, Commander of the Indo-Pacific Command.

"Mr. President, our CIA has not handled it properly. The Jeko Group has grown too fast, and various black technologies have emerged one after another. We did not expect the enemy to be so difficult."

Judith lowered his head sincerely. As the Deputy Director of the CIA, he was responsible for all intelligence of the Jeko Group, but he failed to dig out enough valuable intelligence from the Jeko Group.

Whether it is various biochemical gene technologies, pharmaceutical technologies, electronic shielding technologies, 3D glasses technologies, etc. in science and technology.

Or the military distribution and defense layout of the Jeko Group. The role played by their CIA in this Zen civil war is to contact several warlords in the north and slightly interfere with part of the Jeko Group's forces, which is better than nothing.

"Mr. President, the commander of the Sakura Country is too useless. He made a big mistake of underestimating the enemy and stepped into the trap of the Jeko Group without knowing it. In addition, those genetic warriors are beyond the scope of conventional warfare, which led to the failure of this war."

Admiral Panda also spoke. The Indo-Pacific Command under his control is responsible for countries and regions including the Bear Country, Sakura Country, South Korea, North Korea, India, Australia, Hawaii and other battles near the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. He is a truly powerful general.

The war that broke out in Zen this time is also under his jurisdiction.

It's just that the United States did not end up, but drove the Sakura Country to cooperate with the Zen government to fight, and they provided logistical resources and intelligence information support.

Originally, they thought that they could destroy the Jeko Group this time, but the result was the opposite of what they expected. This time, they took the initiative to provoke a war, but they suffered a great defeat and destroyed the bridgehead of Zen Country against the Jeko Group.

"Sakura Country, humph, after the previous air strikes, they vowed that victory was in sight, but it turned out to be all nonsense. Speaking of which, how did the Jeko Group avoid the previous air strikes and bombings?"

President Lawrence was also dissatisfied with Sakura Country. He had promised Sakura Country such great benefits and was ready to loosen the dog leash around Sakura Country's neck so that this vicious dog could go out and bite people better.

In the end, he gave Sakura Country a chance and it was useless!

More than 20,000 expeditionary forces were gone just like that, which was really embarrassing.

Lawrence had forgotten at this time that the US troops had a large number of transport ships sunk in the Gulf of Bengal earlier, with two to three thousand casualties.

But Lawrence also had something to say. That failure was left by the predecessor, and he, the new one, had nothing to do with it.

"We have found out that the Jeko Group has dug and built a huge underground transportation line and base under the East Chin State and Jibang under its rule. And deliberately set up fake dummy targets and empty warehouses and empty bases when the war broke out, the purpose is to make us underestimate the enemy."

Panda coughed dryly, and then continued: "The Jeko Group came prepared, with a deliberate plan, plus the gene warriors are too strong, and they are fighting in the jungle, which is more flexible and terrifying than armored units."

"Why can't we research products like gene warriors and super soldiers? In addition to the aircraft carrier fleet, we in the United States must also have this extreme single-soldier strike force."

Lawrence knocked on the table. The gene warriors were too buggy, which led to this war falling into such an embarrassing situation. He also envied this level of military power. It would be too good to use it for special operations. Looking at the mud truck business war of the Jeko Group, you will know how useful such soldiers are.

"Now our major medical institutions have united to try to crack the secrets of super soldiers and genetic warriors, but the progress is limited and we still need time."

Judien said this, in fact, he felt that relying on medical groups and those military enterprises to copy the technology of the Jeko Group, the success rate is very slim.

Because the Jeko Group is on another track, that kind of biological military technology is completely different from the general direction of research in the world in the past, it is not easy to copy and learn from the other party.

"Now that Zen Country is fully occupied by the Jeko Group, if our relationship with the other party eases, can we learn or buy related technology from the other party?"

Lawrence asked this question, which is the awareness of being a politician.

There is nothing that cannot be discussed between countries. What if they fought to the death a while ago? It still does not prevent the two countries from continuing to cooperate in the future. There are too many similar examples.

There is a saying that there are no eternal friends and enemies between countries, only eternal interests.

"It's difficult. Apart from our previous relationship with the JECO Group, those biotechnologies and medicines are almost all the core technologies of the JECO Group. It is unlikely that the other party will spread them."

Judien shook his head. As long as the JECO Group is not stupid, it will definitely not spread its technology.

That is the foundation of the JECO Group. Once outsiders learn it, the JECO Group's advantages will disappear instantly.

"Mr. President, we can only insist on the confrontation route, but the military confrontation should be slowed down a bit. We should sanction the Jeko Group in other aspects."

Panda on the side coughed twice and made a suggestion: "The Jeko Group was just a local armed force in the past, and the population under their rule was extremely limited.

But now they have occupied the entire Zen Country, which is both their advantage and their disadvantage.

The burden of more than 50 million people, Zen Country is just a traditional agricultural country. As long as the Jeko Group makes the people there live a hard life, we may not be able to explode from the inside and create a color revolution to overthrow the rule of the Jeko Group. After all, the leader of the Jeko Group is just an outsider, and their ruling foundation is naturally weak."

"This is an opportunity."

Lawrence's eyes lit up. In the current era of globalized economy, Europe and the United States dominate most of the world's economy.

If Zen Country can be excluded from the world economic system and prevented from participating in the international economic division of labor, the human resource advantage of more than 50 million people will become 50 million hungry mouths, which will drag down the Jeko Group.

Like North Korea and Guba, they have a semi-closed economic system for a long time, and they play their own games. Although they can survive, and the planned economy and special political system make the gap between the rich and the poor very small, but if you want to say how good the people's lives there are, it depends on one's own opinion.

After all, the wages are meager, and various commodities are distributed by the state in fixed quantities. Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy things, let alone if you have no money.

"The Jeko Group is indeed very considerate, but it is easy to maintain the status quo of Zen Country, but it is absolutely not enough to develop it."

Zhu Dien calculated in his mind that the income of the Jeko Group is about 100 billion US dollars per year.

It sounds like a lot, but governing a country is the most expensive, and per capita, it is less than 2,000 US dollars.

Even if Zen Country itself has a part of the output, it is not enough to develop a poor and backward agricultural country into a high-level country.

The reason why the Jeko Group has gained so much support from the masses in Zen Country and many local people beat gongs and drums to welcome the arrival of the Jeko Group is mainly because the arrival of the Jeko Group has indeed improved the local living standards and economic income.

But if the Jeko Group is unable to govern Zen, the local people's enthusiasm for the Jeko Group will definitely diminish.

The United States is best at color revolutions, so it will be much easier to deal with the Jeko Group.

"For this matter, all departments will jointly set up an office to do it."

Lawrence has already made a decision in his mind. If it is difficult to deal with the Jeko Group militarily, then start from other aspects.

When it comes to sanctioning a country, the United States knows it too well.

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