Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 379 Innovation (2 updates, 8,000 words)

One week later.

In Yangcheng, the capital of Chan State, the chaotic storm a week ago has been eliminated. Everything seems to be the same as before, but many changes have quietly taken place.

Early in the morning, Wu Baoxian rode his tricycle with the breakfast noodles he was going to sell in the back of the car and came to Shishui Street. This place is near several schools and the business has always been good.

As soon as the shop was opened, Wu Baoxian's business came one after another.

"Hey, Lao Li, didn't you go back to your hometown to avoid the storm? When did you come back?"

Seeing an old customer appear, Wu Baoxian asked unexpectedly.

There was also a little old man opposite. When the Chan State government and the Jieke Group were fighting fiercely before, he was afraid of being affected, so he took his family back to his hometown in the countryside.

"Hi, I came back the day before yesterday. I had to come back."

Old Li had a happy smile on his face and said, "My house was bought by the Jieke Group. They said they would build a big hospital there to treat the people. The price of the house is much higher than the market price. Have you heard of it in the city?"

Wu Baoxian shook his head and said, "I really didn't pay attention. I just often saw those people wearing the uniforms of the Jieke Group writing and drawing on the streets, saying that they were doing modern urban planning. It turns out that they are doing this!"

"Yes, yes, that's it. Not only in the city, but also in the countryside, every household is now promoting the idea of ​​raising insects to get rich. My daughter and her family are going to try raising them."

"Is this reliable?"

"Jieke Group The staff said that those insects can be raised to ensure the purchase. I have calculated the price and it is much more cost-effective than farming. It is impossible for such a large group to cheat me of such a small amount of money. "

"What about your land in the countryside? Use it all to raise insects!"

"There is no need for so much land. I gave the remaining land to the agricultural subsidiary of the Jieke Group. They said they want to do some large-scale mechanized agriculture."

Old Li became happier and happier as he talked. Wu Baoxian listened with some envy and said, "Jieke Group is really good to you. It's a pity that I, an old man, have no house or land, so I can only do some small business."

The two were chatting here, and suddenly Wu Baoxian shuddered and saw several market managers in blue uniforms coming over.

His face turned black, and Wu Baoxian cursed in his heart.

But he saw these market managers began to reach out to every vendor along the street.

"Pay the money, pay the money."

"Pay the sanitation fee, what are you standing there for?"

"20,000 Zen coins for each location."

The market managers shouted in unison, Wu Baoxian fumbled to take out the money, 20,000 Zen coins were equivalent to his income for a few days, but if the market managers didn't give it, he wouldn't even be able to do this business.

Soon, the group of market managers came in front of him, and Wu Baoxian handed the money to them honestly.

"Not bad, business will be booming in the future!"

The market managers were all smiling, but at this moment, a whistle suddenly came from outside.

A team of soldiers wearing rifles and military uniforms of the Jeko Group ran over and held down the group of market managers without saying a word.

After seeing the Jeko soldiers, the group of market managers turned pale on the spot.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! We are our own people."

"Who says you are our own people? We received reports from the masses that you are extorting money here. We have just taken over Yangcheng, but we have not dealt with you parasites for the time being. You are still jumping around happily! Go to the mine and make some reforms."

Several Jieke soldiers sneered and returned the money that the market management had just collected to the vendors.

Because the entire territory of Chan State was occupied, the management of Jieke Group was somewhat chaotic. The old bureaucrats could not be cleaned up all at once, and new talents were still being trained and recruited, so Jieke soldiers could only be pulled in to maintain order.

Wu Baoxian witnessed the whole scene, and he couldn't close his mouth for a long time when he saw the money returned to his hands.

"Now I know why everyone supports Jieke Group so much."

Wu Baoxian sighed for a long time, and he finally felt the changes brought about by the arrival of Jieke Group.

Before the arrival of Jieke Group, just like the market management just now, there was no fairness and justice at all.

Those who hold some small power will use various means to plunder the people's wealth, and even the poor will be exploited.

Wu Baoxian has even become accustomed to this kind of life, but the behavior of the Jieke Group just now told him that there is still fairness and justice in this world.

"Let me tell you, the Jieke Group is 10,000 times better than the previous Zen country."

Lao Li looked happy, he really felt that this country was getting better.

Wu Baoxian nodded repeatedly: "I hope the Jieke Group can stay here forever, so that everyone can live a good life."


In the evening, Wu Baoxian finished a day's work and hurried back home.

The so-called home is actually just a small courtyard rented from someone else, which is very old and dilapidated.

As soon as he entered, Wu Baoxian saw his grandson burning firewood to cook. His tender little face was dark. He was only nine years old, but his movements of cooking were already very good.

Wu Baoxian was widowed at an early age. His son suffered from a leg disease and could no longer work in the fields. His daughter-in-law left home with five children and never came back.

Wu Baoxian supported this large family with his meager income.

Wu Baoxian moved his nose after entering the yard and smelled the aroma of meat for the first time.

He was surprised to see that there was chicken in the pot cooked by his grandson, and there was also a fish on the side.

You know, his family was too tight, and the daily meals were basically porridge with some pickles.

Sometimes business was bad, there was no porridge, and they could only live on coarse grains such as sweet potatoes, especially the grandchildren, who were at the age of eating and drinking, and they were often hungry. Now it was not a festival, why were they so extravagant today.

"Grandpa, there are guests at home, please go in and take a look."

The grandson saw him, with a happy smile on his face, and ran over to pull him into the house.

Wu Baoxian entered the house and found several bags of rice, flour, grain, oil and various daily necessities piled in the corner. Two young men and women wearing the uniforms of the Jieke Group were talking to his bedridden son.

And his grandchildren, each holding a lollipop, surrounded the two strangers, calling them uncle and aunt very sweetly.

"Dad, come here, this is an employee of the Jieke Group."

When his son saw him, he immediately waved and introduced himself. It was obvious that he had a good chat with the two Jieke Group employees before.

"You must be Mr. Wu, my name is Xu Run, and this is my colleague Zhang Lannong."

The two Jieke employees also turned around and stretched out their hands to him.

"Hello, hello, I know about Jieke Group. Why are you here..."

Wu Baoxian was very nervous and asked carefully.

"It's like this. Since Mr. Wu's family is in financial difficulty and has reached the assistance standard of our Jieke Group, we are here this time to express our condolences to you on behalf of Jieke Group and give you some material assistance."

Xu Run laughed and explained his purpose.

Wu Baoxian was stunned. He had grown up and lived for decades, and this was the first time he heard that an official would give him free food.


Wu Baoxian couldn't believe what he heard. This Jieke Group was actually going to give him food.

"We, the Jieke Group, are not the kind of people who cheat. We are currently promoting this work throughout the Chan Kingdom."

Xu Run was quite proud as he introduced this initiative to him.

"General Su said that the Jieke Group did not come here to destroy, but to make sure everyone is well fed and clothed. This is the original intention of our Jieke Group that will not change."

Wu Baoxian felt as if he was listening to a myth. Anyway, when the Chan Kingdom government was in power, not to mention sending them supplies, they never stopped all kinds of exorbitant taxes, and used different methods to empty the few coins in their hands.

Zhang Lannong, who was standing next to him, also spoke up at this time: "Uncle Wu, I see that your grandchildren have reached school age, but they haven't gone to school yet. This is not okay. We have a rule in the Jieke Group that compulsory education must be attended."

Wu Baoxian waved his hands in embarrassment: "School, no, no, no, I don't have that much money to pay for tuition, they can't afford to go to school."

"You don't have to pay, the tuition is free, this is the rule of our Jieke Group."

Zhang Lannong explained with a smile that the Jieke Group has a special education grant, which is different from the Zen government's stingy and thrifty. The Jieke Group is rich and powerful, and it directly implements compulsory education in one step.

"By the way, there is one more thing. We just checked your son's legs and found that his leg muscles have not atrophied much. If he goes to a large hospital for treatment, there is a possibility of recovery. We can help you apply for special medical assistance for the poor and take him to the hospital for treatment. We also don't charge you."

Hearing this, Wu Baoxian's pupils trembled, tears of excitement flowed on his face, and he knelt on the ground all of a sudden.

"Thank you, thank you, you are really good people in the Jieke Group!"

"No, no."

Xu Run and Zhang Lannong hurriedly helped the man up.

Wu Baoxian held his excited son and pulled his grandchildren over, saying: "Jieke Group, I will definitely support you in the future. When my grandchildren grow up, I will let them work for your Jieke Group. Xiaobao, you guys, when you grow up, go to work for the Jieke Group, okay?"

"Yes, yes, Auntie just said that there are a lot of candies at her workplace."

"I also want to be a soldier of the Jieke Group, super impressive, and can fight bad guys."

"Grandpa, what is the Jieke Group, is it delicious?"

The youngest granddaughter made everyone laugh, and there was laughter in the room.

Similar scenes happened everywhere in Zen.

After taking full control of Zen, the Jieke Group began to implement its own measures, and the force was very strong, almost changing the various malpractices of Zen from top to bottom, giving the entire Zen a new look.

By doing this, the Jieke Group will naturally touch the bottom line of a large number of vested interests, mainly landlords and gentry.

Although the Jieke Group did not confiscate their land, everyone went to raise insects, and no one helped them to plant, so they could only leave it there.

In this way, the Jieke Group easily recovered most of the state-owned land and carried out large-scale intensive planting.

These people wanted to make some noise, but the Jieke Group directly took thunderous action and carried out a half-month cleansing operation, directly arresting and killing a group of people, and eliminating all opposing voices.

As long as the people who raised the problem are solved, then all problems will naturally not be a problem.

The Jieke Group's actions are very simple and rough, but the effect is very good.

All the landlords and gentry who were causing trouble would basically be greeted by the soldiers of the Jeko Group, and their property would be confiscated and thrown into prison.

There were also several of the largest local landlords in Zen who relied on their own private soldiers, but the soldiers of the Jeko Group did not come because they were genetic warriors.

A team of three genetic warriors could defeat the private armies of thousands of big landlords, and then directly arrest them for trial.

The Jeko Group was able to repel the Group of Eight, and deal with the small private soldiers of the gentry like a cannon hitting a mosquito, almost like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, clearing away all struggling resistance.


Yangcheng Golden Pagoda.

This is the most famous attraction in Zen. This golden pagoda was built in 585 BC. It is 112 meters high and the base is 115 square meters.

The tower body is covered with more than 1,000 pure gold foils, and the gold used weighs more than 7 tons. There are more than 15,000 gold and silver bells hanging around the tower. The wind blows the bells, which are crisp and pleasant, and the sound spreads to all directions.

Su Jie was traveling with Liu Yingying at this time. Now that the war in Chan Kingdom has stopped, he also took time to accompany Liu Yingying to play.

"Su Jie, I have arranged the celebration in three days. Some countries will send representatives to attend."

Liu Yingying took Su Jie's arm and snuggled with Su Jie at the top of the pagoda.

Although she has been traveling recently, she is afraid that the people below are not doing good things, so she often asks in person.

After all, from that day on, the Jieke Group will truly step onto the international stage and deal with hundreds of countries and regions around the world.

"Didn't we agree not to talk about work!"

Su Jie pinched Liu Yingying's face to tell her not to work so hard.

"Yeah, I just can't rest assured. You see, such an important matter concerns the face and foundation of our Jieke Group. At that time, the media from all over the world will come. If we lose face, it will be lost to the whole world.

Liu Yingying covered her butt and said to Su Jie unhappily: "You still have leisure time. Have you memorized the speech for that time? "

"Your man doesn't need to memorize that, he can just give an impromptu speech."

Su Jie held Liu Yingying on his lap and asked with a smile: "By the way, have you sent the invitation to the G8? How did they respond?"

"They said they would come, just as you guessed. I thought they wouldn't come."

"Haha, after the normal operation, they probably wanted to test our strength."

Su Jie narrowed his eyes. The bright image at that time would surely let the whole world see the new power of the Jieke Group.

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