Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 515 The storm is coming

In the Kra Isthmus Canal, the Sakura Kunihiro Shinmaru sailed outside the canal. Captain Junpei Ishioka looked at the pilot who climbed up from under the ship with a depressed look. By coincidence, this pilot was the same one he met last time.

"Hey, aren't you the one from Sakura Country? I remember you. Didn't you say you would never use our canal again in the future? Why are you back now?"

When the pilot saw Ishioka Junpei, he mocked him without hesitation.


Ishioka Junpei cursed in his heart. He had left the Kra Isthmus Canal, passed through the Strait of Malacca, and pulled the goods to the Persian Gulf, and then returned from the Persian Gulf with a full ship of goods.

But who would have known that the Strait of Malacca was fine when we went there, but when we came back, the Strait of Malacca was blocked by kelp and became unnavigable, so Junpei Ishioka had to choose to take the Kra Isthmus Canal.

Because besides this canal route, taking other routes is too time-consuming and costly. Just for the extra miles, I don’t know how much it will cost in fuel.

Faced with reality, Ishioka Junpei could only run to the Kra Isthmus Canal, even though the navigation fee was twice as high as that of ships from other countries.

"Sir, I was offended a lot last time. Please give me your guidance in the future."

Ishioka Junpei put on a smile and said nothing. Even if he was ridiculed, he had to endure it. Who would let others control the shipping chokepoint of the Eurasian continent?

"I don't have time to advise you. Just hand over the money and let you go. The navigation fee for your ship, the Hongshin Maru, is US$2.45 million. Plus other expenses, the total is US$2.58 million. Please pay it."

The pilot handed a detailed payment list directly to Ishioka Junpei, with the seal of Jieke Group printed on it.

"Wait a minute, this price is wrong, isn't it? Wasn't the navigation fee previously US$1,630,000? Why did it suddenly become so high? You must have calculated it wrong."

Ishioka Junpei's expression suddenly changed, this number was too high.

"You haven't read the book. Now the supply exceeds the demand. Our prices adjust according to the market. Is it strange that the price increases?"

The pilot said gloatingly, making Ishioka Junpei very angry.

Ishioka Junpei's face turned red and he said: "How can the canal fees be increased at any time? Aren't you afraid of causing public outrage?"

"Is our Jieke Group still afraid of this? Do you want to pay the money or not? If you don't pay, don't use our Kra Isthmus Canal. Our canal is not built for you to use for free."

The pilot pointed arrogantly at Junpei Ishioka's nose. This arrogant attitude made Junpei Ishioka's face turn blue and purple.

But in the end, Ishioka Junpei could only stretch out his hand tremblingly, took the payment list, and said angrily: "Okay, we pay."

Although Junpei Ishioka really wanted to shout that he was being bullied, and then turn around and leave.

But if they do not use the Kra Isthmus Canal, their losses in shipping costs will be even greater.

Moreover, the delivery time was too long, and the failure to deliver the goods within the contracted time would lead to a breach of contract. The consequences would be disastrous. His work as a captain had been in vain for several years, and he did not know how much his salary would be deducted.

"It would be great to know each other sooner."

The pilot sneered, not having any good impressions of Ishioka Junpei.

Who makes the Sakura Kingdom always oppose the Jieke Group? During the civil war in Zen, it even sent troops to help the Zen government forces. No employee of the Jieke Group will have a good impression of the Sakura Kingdom.

After paying by swiping his card, Ishioka Junpei could only feel depressed. He obediently invited the pilot to the bridge and asked him to direct the ship through the Kra Isthmus Canal.

The Koshin Maru is traveling on a wide canal. The average width of the Kra Isthmus Canal is more than 700 meters, which is much wider than the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal. The water depth is more than 60 meters, even if a supertanker of 300,000 to 400,000 tons comes. , this canal is also large enough to carry.

On the shores of the Kra Isthmus Canal, which spans hundreds of kilometers, Ishioka Junpei saw three military bases and a warship supply port. There were armed helicopters and offshore patrol speedboats belonging to the Jacko Group, and occasionally he could hear High in the sky, the silhouette of a fighter jet passed by.

Ishioka Junpei guessed that there should be an air force base deployed near the canal.

The Kra Isthmus Canal is located at the southern end of the Indochina Peninsula. The air force base is deployed here. Johor, Java, and Temasek may have trouble sleeping and eating.

Because once a war breaks out, within a few moments, most of their land will be within the strike range of the Jieko Group Air Force.

Ishioka Junpei travels to various countries and knows that countries like Temasek that are close to the Jieko Group are very afraid of this behemoth moving south.

"It would be terrible if the Jieko Group is allowed to continue to expand!"

Ishioka Junpei murmured in his heart that Jieke Group now dares to rip off customers so hard in the Kra Isthmus Canal. If the other party controls the island countries in Southeast Asia again, the price of the canal will probably increase further.

Because unless they want to go around to the southern hemisphere, they have to pass through the Jieko Group's sphere of influence, and they have to pay the toll.

But Junpei Ishioka didn't even think about it. Now that the Jieko Group has grown bigger, it's not easy to restrict its development.

Like Ishioka Junpei, there are many shipping ships that have to accept blackmail from the Jieko Group because the Strait of Malacca is blocked and cannot be navigable.

Even though they knew that the Jieko Group was robbing them, they still had to offer the money in tears.

With a large number of shipping vessels diverted to the Kra Isthmus Canal, Jieke Group has been reluctant to collect tolls.

A huge amount of money is earned every day. In addition to the tolls, the ships traveling through the Isthmus of Kra Canal also make huge profits by docking, maintaining and repairing ships, replenishing resources, and spending money on crew members at the canal dock. In the past, several countries in Malacca made a lot of money in this way.

Temasek is a small country with a population of several million, and its per capita GDP has reached 90,000 US dollars, which is higher than many developed countries. This is the reason.

Now that Malacca is blocked, all this money has been earned by the Jeko Group.

Without the income from shipping, the three countries around the Strait of Malacca, Johor and Java are fine. After all, the two countries have a population of more than 30 million and more than 200 million respectively, and the land area is tens of millions of square kilometers. They do not rely entirely on the Strait of Malacca for life, and there are still many industrial incomes in the country.

But Temasek is different. They have only a few million people, and their industries are relatively weak. Resources are scarce in the country, and even fresh water cannot be self-sufficient. They need Johor to supply them. It is an isolated small island country.

The prosperity of Temasek's most important industries, such as oil refining, transit trade, and cargo storage, all depend on the Strait of Malacca. Now that the Strait of Malacca is blocked, they immediately lose most of their economic income, and it is difficult to import resources from the outside.

Because they are an island country, the input of resources basically depends on sea transportation. Many cargo ships dare not approach, fearing that the propellers will be entangled by kelp. Without sea transportation, daily necessities in Temasek immediately became scarce, and food began to be cut off.

Temasek's small and barren land cannot support millions of citizens at all. The limited land is not enough for building houses and opening factories. In previous years, it relied on land reclamation to expand the land, and food relied on external imports.

As a result, after the Strait of Malacca was blocked for ten days, the prices of daily necessities such as food in Temasek began to soar, and the price of food increased by dozens of times, all relying on the supply from Johor in the north.

Temasek is located at the southernmost tip of Johor. The two countries are separated by a river. There is a long embankment in the middle, which is built directly from the seabed and is only one kilometer long. Johor's materials are transported to Temasek through this embankment.

However, Johor did not take into account that Temasek is its neighbor and a member of the Thousand Islands Strategic Alliance. It raised the price without mercy. If the price of various daily necessities is not sold at more than ten times, it would be unfair to the capitalists in Johor.

The rising prices and the blockage of the Strait of Malacca have made millions of citizens in Temasek extremely dissatisfied with the incompetence and cowardice of the government. A series of massive protest marches began to appear on the streets and soon swept across Temasek.

Under the control of those with ulterior motives, this march soon turned into atrocities. Not only civilians, but also the army began to defect.

In just a few days, the original Temasek government fell in disgrace. After the new Temasek power team came to power, it immediately began to turn to the United States.

From the perspective of politics, economy and military, it is highly dependent on the United States, and it looks like it is following its lead. It generously invites the United States army to enter the country and build a military base.

At the same time, the public opinion in Temasek, which had been suppressed, began to rise.

It was previously threatened by the Jeko Group. At that time, the Temasek government directly issued a ban, not allowing the blocking of the Strait of Malacca to be directed at the Jeko Group.

But now that the new government has come to power, all those controls have been cancelled. Temasek officials have also taken the initiative to publicly accuse the Jeko Group. The newly elected president shouted to the media: "In order to control the international golden waterway, they maliciously released genetically mutated kelp, causing the navigation of the Strait of Malacca to be paralyzed. The Jeko Group must give us justice."

Temasek dared to speak so loudly, which was definitely not the courage of a small country.

What really gave Temasek this courage was the backer behind him, the United States.

Almost at the same time, the United States also announced that it would hold a large-scale military exercise with the Kuril Strategic Alliance. Two aircraft carrier battle groups set sail and began to head towards the Indian Ocean.

Before the military exercise began, international accusations against the Jeko Group began to surge, criticizing the Jeko Group's political system, economy and practices from all aspects.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the United States could not accept the loss of the strategic location of the Strait of Malacca, and they began to make moves.

The interests of the world's golden waterway are too interconnected. In addition to economic interests, the more important thing is the strategic benefits brought by geopolitics.

In July 1956, Egypt announced that it would take back the Suez Canal Company actually controlled by Britain and France. In October of the same year, Britain and France launched a military war against Egypt.

In 1989, when the Panamanian authorities were about to take back the Panama Canal, the United States invaded Panama under the guise of human rights and drug control, and fought a blitzkrieg called a just cause. It took only 15 hours to defeat the Panamanian army's guards and overthrow the Panamanian government, achieving the goal of occupying the canal, and was willing to shatter its own American justice.

It can be seen that the canal of the Golden Waterway is a strategic location that major powers will not hesitate to use force to fight for.

The Strait of Malacca is the largest and busiest golden waterway in the world. Now its blockage has been replaced by the Kra Isthmus Canal. This maritime lifeline is controlled by the Jeko Group, which is unacceptable to the United States.

For this reason, the United States began to actively mobilize troops, and both aircraft carrier battle groups came over, and a large number of soldiers were stationed in Luzon, Java, Johor and other countries by sea and air transport.

When answering reporters' questions, the new president of the United States, Jasmin, bluntly stated that the Kra Canal is becoming a strategic waterway under the control of the Jeko Group, which has a major impact on the defense and security situation of the entire region.

Seeing that the United States began to send troops to the field, these Southeast Asian countries also began to tremble.

With the support of the United States, they began to speak out and accuse the Jeko Group of building the Kra Canal.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the United States' aircraft carrier battle group had not arrived and the military exercise had not started, but India took the lead in starting to attack because it was jealous of the interests of the Kra Canal.

The construction of the Kra Canal forced free-navigation ships to pay high tolls, and many Chinese merchant ships were forced to pay fees. This behavior is suspected of violating my country's anti-monopoly law. This is an unfair monopoly competition. The Jeko Group is required to pay a fine of US$7.823 billion to my country within ten days. 》

On February 18, 2029, India imposed a fine of $7.823 billion on the Jeko Group on the grounds that the Kra Canal interfered with the natural resources of their Andaman Islands.

If the fine is not paid, the western entrance of the Kra Canal will be blocked, so that no ship can pass through, let alone leave.

This sudden news shocked the whole world. Although India often claims to be a "powerful and leading the world's development".

But no one expected that they would dare to directly provoke the hot-tempered Jeko Group.

Including the United States itself, they did not expect India to attack so quickly and disrupt their original deployment.

India dared to say this, and naturally they had their confidence.

From the map, the Andaman Islands is an overseas enclave of India, and its location is very important. The Strait of Malacca is located not far east of the Andaman Islands, and it is only a few hundred kilometers away from the Kra Canal, just like a natural gate blocking the canal.

In addition, because the Andaman Islands have a deep-water port, India has been strengthening the construction of military bases on the Andaman Islands for many years, forming a Far East naval fleet, establishing the first tri-service joint command in the history of India, and deploying 48 naval ships on the island.

These ships include patrol boats, missile speedboats, landing craft, etc. There are also three infantry brigades, a military airport and other military facilities on the island.

With the existence of this Indian enclave adjacent to the Malacca and Kra Canal, India has doubled its confidence and feels that the Jeko Group is very likely to agree to their demands.

If the Kra Canal is a key throat at sea, then their Andaman Islands are a sword against the throat.

The Jeko Group extorts passing ships, and they, India, extort the Jeko Group to get rich together.

Before this, India has done this a lot. Large companies such as Apple, Xiaomi, Huawei, Qualcomm, Samsung, Google, Coca-Cola, etc. have all been fined by India. By extorting and fining these companies, India has made a lot of money and eaten a lot of oil.

Now they have set their sights on the Jeko Group, which is jealous of the amazing profits of the Kra Isthmus Canal.

However, India may have forgotten one thing. Although the Jeko Group is called a group, it is the overlord of the Indochina Peninsula with powerful military power.

Other companies will pay money honestly to keep things quiet, but the commercial competition of the Jeko Group has never been "honest and dutiful".

Because of India's sudden disruption and the approach of the dual aircraft carrier battle group, the world has turned its attention to the area between the Amanda Islands and the Kra Isthmus Canal. Some people speculate that the Jeko Group will give in, or it is possible that the Jeko Group will choose to use force.

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