"Why, Junior Brother Su is also interested? This is a group of human slaves provided by Liuyun Villa for our entertainment. You also know that we demon cultivators always kill people and practice all kinds of weird demonic skills. Many of us are under great psychological pressure. , has special hobbies and likes to play exciting things to active his body and mind.”

Yu Wenxian saw Su Jie staring at him and extended an invitation: "If you are really interested, I can help you talk about it."

"Forget it, I won't go."

Su Jie immediately shook his head, and then saw a group of vicious Liuyun Villa guards arresting all the escaped slaves, ignoring their cries and screams, and sending them back to the house like a slaughterhouse.

"I'm really sorry that we didn't control it well. To express our apology, we will provide another twenty people for you to enjoy."

A steward of Liuyun Villa smiled and cupped his hands, expressing his apology to the inner disciples in the room.

The door to the house was closed again. The outer disciples were not even qualified to watch this kind of fun that belonged to the inner disciples. They could only listen to the faint laughter of killing people in the house.

"Miss Yu, I didn't notice that you were here. Do you need to provide some male companions?"

When the steward of Liuyun Villa saw Yu Wenxian again, his face was suddenly filled with a flattering smile.

"What kind of male companion? My good reputation is ruined by you."

Yu Wenxian's face turned cold. She didn't know if it was because Su Jie was nearby.

"Yes, yes, I said the wrong thing, I slapped you, I slapped you."

When the manager of Liuyun Villa heard this, he knelt on the ground with a panicked expression and slapped his face hard back and forth.

It wasn't until her cheeks were swollen that Yu Wenxian waved her hands.

"get out."

After all, Yu Wenxian still gave him face at Liuyun Villa.

The manager of Liuyun Villa quickly stood up and left. Yu Wenxian turned around and smiled at Su Jie: "Junior Brother Su, don't listen to his nonsense! In fact, I am quite clean and self-sufficient. I am just playing around with those men. I am their sweetheart." It’s not decided yet.”

Hearing this, Su Jie's mouth twitched slightly, wondering if Yu Wenxian had some misunderstanding about the words 'clean oneself'.

"Senior Sister Yu, come over for tea."

On the coffee table where the inner disciples were sitting, someone called Yu Wenxian back.

"Here we come, what's the rush?"

Yu Wenxian turned around and glared, then said to Su Jie: "Then I'll leave first and come over to play with my sister when I have time. I don't have many friends here with whom I can talk."

Then he saw Yu Wenxian twisting her waist and returning to the inner disciples.

Su Jie noticed that after Yu Wenxian sat down, most of the inner disciples treated her with great respect, and her status was very unusual.

Two days later!


Liuyun Villa, tonight is the day to escort the slaves back to the sect.

Early in the morning, the entire Liuyun Villa was busy.

Groups of slaves bound their hands and feet with iron chains, were driven by the guards of Liuyun Villa, and escorted into carriages.

Su Jie stood on the side of the road, counting the number of slaves. The heads were so densely packed in the darkness that it was shocking to everyone who saw them.

"I heard that there was a drought in nearby Jingzhou, and some refugees fled to Qingzhou. There were also many helpless refugees in Jiashao Prefecture. They were caught by the government and had nowhere to deal with them. Some were driven away and died of cold and starvation, and some They were taken to the black mines and never saw the light of day again. Some of them were sold as slaves by Liuyun Villa. Haha, this is the Dali Dynasty. I don’t think they are any better than us demon cultivators when they treat the people in the territory like this. "

Chen Yun's tone was full of mockery of this dynasty. She had previously browsed through the Shanmen collection and found many classics and biographies from outside the Dali Dynasty. Many books boasted and praised the Dali Dynasty. Now this first impression has been shattered.

Although Liuyun Villa restricted the scope of activities of Ghost Ridge Palace disciples in the village for fear of demonic cultivators coming in, the news still circulated.

"Most of the human slaves were captured by gangs, which formed a way to make a fortune."

Gu Weinian had seen this kind of thing a lot, so he didn't have any ridicule. He just followed orders.

"When prosperity occurs, the people suffer; when it dies, the people suffer."

Su Jie sighed leisurely and watched a personal slave pass by many disciples, stretching out his hand to ask for help.

"Please let my child go. She is only five years old. If you want to kill me, then kill me. Spare my child."

"My family is in Qiren County. My family is very rich. Take me back and I will give you money when you take me back. Really, everything I said is true."

"There are so many famous and decent sects in Guanchao Pavilion, Taiqing Mountain, and Biyuehui in our Qingzhou. They will not let you devils go. Sooner or later, you will have to die a good death."

These human slaves include men, women, and children. In the face of life and death, some beg for mercy and some scold generously.

Most of them are human slaves who feel despair about the future and have numb faces, like a living dead, moving on the verge of death.

The carriage held this group of slaves, and many disciples from Ghost Ridge Palace were escorting them on both sides.

The ignited torches lit up the night sky, like a fire dragon snaking across the earth.

The team did not head towards the official road. Such a large-scale transportation team was too blatant and it was unlikely to be transported back to Ghost Ridge Palace in this way.

The purpose of these carriages was also very clear, after traveling for more than two hours in the night.

Su Jie moved his ears and heard the sound of surging water.

A large river flows quietly under the night, with the water lapping at both sides. The moonlight is dotted with sparkling brilliance, like a black jade belt inlaid with silver.

A dozen large ships were docked here, and the guards of Liuyun Villa were patrolling back and forth on the shore.

The leader of this group of Liuyun Villa guards was a middle-aged wealthy man with a pair of dragon-patterned walnuts in his palms, sparse Mediterranean hair, and a swollen belly comparable to a pregnant woman in September. He was commanding and dispatching at this moment. He was Jia Changxun, who had been to Guiling Palace before, and one of the important figures of Liuyun Villa.

It was because Jia Changxun came to Guiling Palace that this large-scale escort took place. At the moment when Guiling Palace was short of human slaves, a large number of disciples were transferred to escort and transport.

On the river bank, the disciples of Guiling Palace escorted batches of human slaves onto the ship according to the previously determined distribution.

Because there were too many people, each ship's hold was like a can of sardines, filled with human slaves.

The turbid air, poor hygiene, and bumpy road all the way meant that they were treated like animals instead of humans.

Su Jie boarded the seventh ship. In addition to some crew members provided by Liuyun Villa, the ship was guarded by disciples of Guiling Palace.

This ship also boarded a disciple of Guiling Palace, a bearded man nearly two meters tall with a rare red beard, named Xu Yihu.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, this is a gift specially given to the master. I heard that you are good at fire skills and should not be afraid. You must keep it well."

Jia Changxun led a team of people to the ship and carried a huge box over.

"What is this?"

Xu Yihu looked surprised and didn't know what was in the box.

"Open it."

Jia Changxun winked, and a group of guards immediately opened the box and carried out a crystal as tall as a person with great effort.

What was surprising was that there was a young girl sealed in the crystal. She was wearing a light yellow dress, a blue ribbon around her waist, and a few fresh and crisp flowers on her head. At this moment, her eyes were closed, and she was curled up with her hands on her knees. Her whole body was like amber frozen in resin, firmly sealed inside.

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