Two Realms: Don’t call me evil!

Chapter 81 Slave Ship (Please read on)

There are golden patterns engraved in the box. After opening it, cold air spreads from the ice crystals.

The wooden deck was crackling with frost, and several Liuyun Villa guards hurriedly avoided it.


Xu Yihu's chin bulged, like a frog's bulging chin, and firelight overflowed from his skin, resisting the approach of the frost and cold.

Jia Changxun took two steps back, shook his frozen trousers, and explained: "This woman has a special physique and her identity seems to be very unusual. We only caught her by accident, but after catching her, she froze herself. I haven’t used any methods yet. I think your sect master is well-informed and may know her origins and physique.”

"Okay, I get it."

Xu Yihu nodded, looked at the ice crystals, and casually called to nearby disciples to carry the ice crystals into the cabin.

Along the way, many disciples saw this magical scene with their own eyes, but at most they just took a few curious glances and turned around to escort the slaves again.

Working until midnight, more than twenty large ships filled with human slaves formed a huge fleet and set sail down the wide Jinsha River.

"Are you Su Jie?"

Ship No. 7, in a spacious room on the upper floor, Xu Yi Hu Da Ma Jin Dao sat on a tiger skin chair.

The majestic body made the wooden chair creak when he sat on it, making people wonder if the chair legs would break.

In front of him, Su Jie and two other outer disciples of Guiling Palace stood here.

"I've met Senior Brother Xu."

Su Jie cupped his hands, wondering what the other party meant by suddenly coming to him.

"I heard that you have a very good relationship with Senior Sister Yu. As for me, I happen to be short of manpower for management recently, so you are responsible for patrolling the third-floor cabin."

Xu Yihu said, looking at the two people standing with Su Jie: "Luo Junzhi, you are in charge of the second floor cabin, Qian Guoqiong, you are in charge of the first floor."

"Yes, please don't worry, Brother Xu."

The two outer disciples looked overjoyed. Many disciples dreamed of being able to join the ranks of inner disciples.

"Okay, step back."

Xu Yihu waved his hand, and then seemed to think of something again, and said: "By the way, go down below and find some human slaves to bring over. I want younger women. This kind of blood tastes more delicious."

Luo Junzhi was very clever and responded immediately after hearing this: "I'll look for him right now, and I'll definitely pick a young one."

Qian Guoqiong paused and couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Xu, these are all going to the sect. There are also crew members from Liuyun Villa on the ship. If we are discovered doing this, will it cause criticism?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The expression on Xu Yihu's face turned cold.

"No, I dare not."

Qian Guoqiong felt that he had said the wrong thing and trembled a few times.

Xu Yihu's face softened a little, and he said calmly: "Huh, we have been traveling hard all the way. There are so many slaves, and some of them will die from illness and exhaustion. When the time comes, just tell Liuyun Villa. As long as it does not exceed a certain limit, I understand that they will not What to say about this."

Qian Guoqiong nodded repeatedly with a flattering smile on his face: "I understand. What Senior Brother Xu said is that I made a fuss out of a molehill. I'm going to find someone right now."

After saying that, he turned around and went out to make up for his mistakes and find a human slave.

"Did I tell you to leave?"

Xu Yihu watched Qian Guoqiong approach the door with a sinister smile on his face. His jawbone was dislocated and cracked like a snake's, his chin was swollen, and there was fire surging inside.

The next moment, a ball of flaming magma spurted out, instantly covering Qian Guoqiong and igniting it into a human-shaped torch. His flesh and blood melted in the flames. The screams lasted for just two seconds and then stopped, leaving only one body. The blackened skeleton fell to the ground.

"You actually asked me to waste my time explaining. I don't want to accept stupid people as my subordinates."

Xu Yihu closed his mouth and let out a mocking laugh.

"Senior Brother Xu Xu, I will bring the slaves over immediately."

Seeing this scene, Luo Junzhi turned pale. If he had said the wrong thing just now, I'm afraid Qian Guoqiong's fate would befall him.

Su Jie's eyes were calm. He had come into contact with quite a few inner disciples, and he knew that almost none of them were easy to get along with because of their moody personalities.

"Okay, you two go down and take the body away so that it doesn't bother me."

Xu Yihu waved his hand, and Su Jie dragged Qian Guoqiong's body on the ground and walked out of the room.

"Brother Su, together?"

Luo Junzhi looked at Su Jie, wanting to go with Su Jie to get a human slave.

The main reason is that I don't dare to face Xu Yihu alone. That person is too scary and will kill people if they disagree.

"It's not my job to capture human slaves, you can do it yourself."

Su Jie glanced at Luo Junzhi, threw Qian Guoqiong's body into the Jinsha River, and let the river water lay him to rest at the bottom of the river.

"Isn't it just that I have something to do with Senior Sister Yu? What a pretense."

Luo Junzhi said sourly, not daring to delay any longer, and hurriedly went to choose a slave.

Su Jie returned to the room, found Gu Weinian and Chen Yun, and then went to the third-floor cabin that he was responsible for.

As soon as I entered here, a sour smell rushed into my nose.

In a closed environment, the turbid and stagnant air makes the smell even more severe.

As a specially modified slave ship, the lower cabin was filled with densely packed human slaves.

They sat crowded together in the dark cabin, with the sounds of children crying, the smell of seasick vomit, and their numb and desperate faces. Most of their eyes had lost the look of intelligent beings, and they were dying, waiting for death to come.

"Patrolmen, come and open a few vents, give them some food, bring some cold-weather clothes and medicines, these are the assets of Guiling Palace, if too many people die on the road, how will we explain it."

Su Jie turned his eyes and called out to several disciples who were patrolling and guarding here.

"Who are you!"

"Su Jie, I will be responsible for the third floor from now on. If you don't agree, go find Senior Brother Xu."

"Ah! It turned out to be Senior Brother Su. It's our fault that we didn't recognize the great man. We will do as you ordered immediately."

The group of disciples immediately straightened their demeanor and honestly followed Su Jie's instructions.

Several new vents were opened, and a group of human slaves crowded in, breathing the air mixed with cold wind outside, and scrambled for the simple food sent in.

They cherished every chance to live, and they would be full and satisfied even if they died.

"Thank you, thank you, sir."

"Eat quickly! I wonder if there will be such good things in the future."

"Sir, sir, please be kind and save me, I'm less than 20 years old, I don't want to die here!"

Some slaves in the cabin heard the conversation between Su Jie and his disciples. At this time, many people crowded at the railing of the vent, expressing their gratitude to Su Jie, and some begged Su Jie to let them live.

Su Jie did not respond, and told Chen Yun and Gu Weinian a few words, asking them to take turns to come to the cabin to guard and make arrangements when he was away, otherwise those disciples would definitely disobey.

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