"If you can go on indefinitely in arrears, what's the point? Just give you all the points for nothing."

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Xie Qian scratched his head and said with a smile: "Hey, it seems to be. Then you can tell me how much is the upper limit of default points."

"The upper limit of points that can be defaulted is not fixed."

Xiao Bai, as he spoke, put out a form in front of Xie Qian, using figures to show the amount of Xie Qian's arrears.

"As you can see, the upper limit of points that can be defaulted is changed in real time according to the total amount of your existing property. For example, if you have a fortune of about 50 million, the upper limit of points that can be defaulted is 500 points."

"Oh... But don't points have interest? What happens if I exceed my upper limit after interest is included? "

When Xie Qian thought that he would bear 12% interest every day, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"If you exceed the upper limit, your attribute points will be deducted according to the ratio of one to ten. For every ten points missing, one attribute point will be deducted. After deducting the attribute points, the life value will be deducted. "

Xiaobai said without emotion.

Hearing Xiaobai's words, Xie Qian's forehead broke out in a cold sweat.

I didn't expect that this thing was even related to my life.

Fortunately, Xiaobai reminded himself in time, and he didn't have a fever. He directly exchanged all the good things in the points store. Otherwise, he might be a corpse now.

"OK, I see. I won't spend it carelessly."

Xie Qian said, anyway, he doesn't have any special needs now, and there is still a gap between him and the limit of points that can be defaulted.

Xiaobai nodded, and then said: "there is another thing I want to remind you, that is, the task you just triggered belongs to a special task, which will only be triggered once under similar conditions."

"What, that is to say, if I enter the casino next time, I won't trigger this task?"

Hearing this, Xie Qian was a little worried.


Xiaobai nodded to confirm.

"Damn it

Xie Qian immediately looked down at his watch and saw that five minutes had passed. He was very happy.

"Go! Tang Jun, take me to exchange chips quickly

Xie Qian shouts anxiously.

"Oh, good."

Tang Jun also Leng for a while, do not understand why Xie Qian suddenly so impatient, but he did not ask what, directly with Xie Qian came to the chip exchange.

Twelve million yuan, all of which were directly converted into chips by Xie Qian.

Then he took out the spirit of the God of gamblers.

It's the soul of the God of gambling, but it's not the soul of Xie Qian's imagination. It's just a simple ring.

Time was pressing, and he didn't care what he was studying, so he directly raised his right hand and put the ring on his finger.


For a moment, Xie Qian felt that the sound of surging tides appeared in his mind, as if some long-standing restriction had been opened, and the whole person had an unprecedented sense of clarity.

At this moment, his thoughts and senses are all unprecedented clarity.

When he just entered the casino, he heard all kinds of noises. At that time, he just felt noisy and didn't have any special feeling.

But at the moment, those voices fell in his ears, even very clear.

The sound of mahjong bumping, the sound of dice rolling in the cup, the sound of game coins sliding in the game machine, and even the fierce heartbeat of gamblers, were clearly distinguished by him.

With his eyes, he can see through every big and small change on the gambling table directly. No matter it is significant or obscure, he can't escape from his eyes.

With these feelings pouring into his heart, Xie Qian was given a strong and incomparable confidence.

At this moment, for the game of "gambling", he is like a man with good eyes to participate in blind football, and has incomparable advantages.

At this moment, he has completely seen through some of the casinos.

"It feels great."

Xie Qian showed a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth and said to Tang Jun beside him, "OK, let's start."

With that, Xie Qian marched to a gambling table in front of him.

Here is a gambling table for playing dice. There are three dice in the dice cup, which can be pressed big, medium, small and leopard.

Three dice together, four to nine is small, ten to fifteen is big, nine is in.

In addition, the same three dice is leopard.

The odds for a gambler to bet big or small are two for one, five for one, and twenty for a leopard.

Now Xie Qian, because of the spirit of the God of gambling, has changed from a rookie who doesn't know anything about gambling to an unparalleled expert in gambling.

All the gambling items are at his fingertips, and the reason why he chose this table is that it is the closest to Xie Qian.

Sitting at the gambling table, Xie Qian naturally used some ideas in his mind.

He took out two pieces of chips worth 200000 from the chip basket and threw them to the rabbit girl he Guan. He squeezed her eyes.

He Guan, the bunny girl, gave Xie Qian a coy smile, took up the two chips and put them in his chest pocket.

He gave a lot of tips to the Dutch official when he went on the stage. If he changed to the usual Xie Qian, he would never do so. But at this moment, Xie Qian is possessed by the God of gambling!

When the gamblers around saw this scene, they noticed that Xie Qian had brought a large basket of chips and began to whisper.

"He's a rich man again. Look at the chips in his hand. It's at least 10 million!"

"This man is brave enough to give a reward of 200000 yuan. Damn, my monthly salary is just over 200000 yuan."

"What's the matter if such a big gambler doesn't go to the VIP area above and hang out with us..."

In addition to receiving the rich in Bingzhou City, Shengyun Casino also has a special route open to ordinary gamblers.

Those who surround Xie Qian are just ordinary gamblers with a little spare money.

They see Xie Qian holding tens of millions, but just sitting in front of the dice table in the common area, naturally have different ideas.

Of course, Xie Qian heard these words, but he didn't care. Anyway, for him, it doesn't matter what method is, just to win money.

Moreover, this kind of dice table has simple rules. It can be opened in about three minutes on average, which is more convenient for him to operate.

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