"One in three minutes, about twenty in an hour."

Looking at the beauty he Guan, Xie Qian exclaimed confidently: "Chen Daozi used to win 38 million yuan with 20 yuan. Today, I'm Xie Qian with 20 pieces, winning 100 million yuan. It shouldn't be a problem!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

The dice rolled in the dice cup, making a clear sound.

These sounds spread to Xie Qian's ears. Xie qian can clearly outline the movement rules of dice in his mind.

As long as he knows what the dice look like before they start to shake, he can roughly guess which side is up.

However, because Xie Qian had just sat over, he could not accurately identify the situation in the dice cup, so he could only take out a million and throw it to the big position.

A moment later, the dice cup stopped.

Go! Two, two, three, little.

Xie Qian's one million dollars was immediately taken away by the beauty lotus official. When she took the chips, the beauty lotus official also showed an apologetic look at Xie Qian.

Around the gambler reaction is different, some win happy, some lose sigh.

However, most people are happy to see that Xie Qian has also lost.

"Good guy, he's a big loser again."

"Yes, it's really profitable to open a casino. After all, the most important thing in the world is this kind of injustice."

"It's good to have money. If you lose a million, you lose."

Gamblers are noisy, mostly schadenfreude words.

Some people even cursed Xie Qian secretly. At first, they seemed to be very powerful, so they took the same option with Xie Qian, and lost money.

In these cases, Xie just smiles and shakes his head.

It doesn't matter. It's just the beginning.

Hua La, die cup rings again here.

Xie Qian continued to bet a million dollars.

Go! Two three four, it's small again!

Xie Qian lost again.

Lost again, the words of gamblers around are more unbearable, some people even openly insult Xie Qian.

"Damn it, you stupid fool. If you don't have the ability, you can pretend that you will lose money."

"That's to say, at first, I thought he was a character, but I didn't expect that he was a silver gun and a candle head. He didn't have the ability to pretend."

"He looks so young. I think he's gambling with all his family. He's a black sheep."

Xie Qian touched the ring he was wearing on his right hand, and the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"It's a little bit small."

He thought in silence.

In fact, just as the dice rolled in the dice cup, Xie Qian had already heard the final count.

He knew that the number of points was small in the end, but he chose big.

The reason is his intuition, which is also the intuition of the God of gambling.

The first three don't win.

This seems to be a default rule of God of gamblers. When Xie Qian put on the ring of God of gamblers, this rule naturally came to mind.

Although I don't know why, Xie Qian is not ready to violate it.

Later, the Dutch official took away the chips, and Xie Qian continued to take out a million and put them on the table.

All of a sudden, the gamblers around him immediately lost their chips in the small pool.

On the whole gambling table, the only big position is Xie Qian's one million chips, and the other chips are all small.

A moment later, the dice cup opened and Xie Qian lost again.

The others took the chance to win.

"Ha ha ha, it's true. Now I've won back all the money I lost. It's cool."

"Yes, this black sheep also has his role. Let's follow him and bet against him. Can't we keep winning?"

"That's right. Ha ha, looking at his bad luck, it's estimated that ten million is not enough for him to lose several times."

Listening to the taunt of the people around him, Tang Jun behind him looks a little anxious. He just wants to say something, but Xie Qian suddenly raises his hand to stop him.

"Go and play, too."

Xie Qian took up three million chips and put them in Tang Jun's hands.


Tang Jun hesitated, but seeing Xie Qian's firm eyes, he finally didn't say anything. He just took the chips silently and went to the gambling table next to him.

After so many years as a lawyer, he naturally knows what to say and what to do.

After Tang Jun left with 3 million yuan, Xie Qian had only 6.8 million chips left.

It used to be a big basket of chips, but now it's only half of them. It looks thin.

Rabbit girl beauty lotus official apologized to Xie Qian smile, worried that Xie Qian will blame his luck.

Of course, Xie Qian didn't blame her. He even took out 800000 chips and threw them to the beauty he Guan. At the same time, he took the beauty he Guan's hand and put it on his mouth and gave it a kiss.

Then he said with a smile, "I believe you are my lucky goddess today."

The beauty lotus official immediately blushes, at the same time like Xie Qian made an ambiguous hint action.

There is no doubt that if Xie Qian wants to, he can take this beautiful lotus official to leave and do whatever he wants.

But now Xie Qian only has money in his eyes, and he just follows the feeling of God of gamblers.

After finishing these things, the beautiful lotus official calmed down and began to shake the dice cup again.

Xie Qian looked at the six million in his hand and said with a smile: "ha ha, sure enough, I prefer integers."

With that, he pushed the chips forward and put them all in the middle position.

If you win, it will increase by five times, and Xie Qian's six million will immediately become 30 million.

When people around saw this scene, they burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, there's no limit to the losers. I've played more than 20 games here, and I haven't played any of them. They're all big and small."

"Yes, but now we have a headache. We don't know whether we should bet big or small. We can't win everything."

"Six million, just throw it away. We really can't understand the world of the rich."

The other gamblers, while making a noise, threw their chips on the big or small, which was the same as before. Except for Xie Qian's six million, they didn't have any chips.

This one, Xie Qian has suoha, if he lost again, he lost the possibility of turnover.

The eyes of the gamblers around all fell on the dice cup. At this moment, not only the gamblers, but also the beautiful lotus officials were a little nervous.

After all, Xie Qian rewarded her so much money. From the bottom of her heart, she also hoped that Xie Qian would win.

Finally, I'm sure I'll leave. Let's go!

Above the dice cup, two red four, one red one.

"One four four! 9 o'clock! "Yes

At this moment, there was silence around the table, and all the gamblers were staring at the dice.

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