Xie Qian failed to send a message to Xu Jiaojiao.

When she saw the circle of friends, she would know that I was alive and could return to the blue planet after completing the mission.

Soon, the system will release the task, and let it be.

The tea tastes good.

"Xie Xiaoyou, do you know why the sisters next door often dream of the same world?"

"You know?"

Zhuang Zhou felt his beard and was elated.

"Mr. Zhuang Zhou, please don't play tricks and tell Xiaoyou."

"Cough, it's because of your system. Your memory is also erased by the system. When the time is ripe, it will show. As for why the system does this, I don't know. I think it's reasonable."

"Over the years, the system has brought you a lot of benefits, and I don't think it will harm you."

Think of Xiaobai's words, the system let you come to the parallel world, because it asked you to perform tasks, as for what kind of tasks, when the time is ripe, it will naturally tell you.

"What kind of tea is this?" Xie Qian digs the subject.

"This is wild tea. I picked it myself and made it with 12 processes. How does it taste?"

"Can't you drink it on a blue planet?"

"Not really."

I want to bring some of these teas back to the blue planet, so that my friends and relatives can have a taste of them. It's rare and expensive. If you sell them, you can get the top price.

"What do you think? When it's hot, it's not good when it's cold. "

"What's your plan?"

"Step by step, step by step."

"By the way, Mr. Zhuang Zhou, what kind of world is this?"

"This is a mysterious and mysterious world."

"What is the mysterious and mysterious world?"

"A mysterious and mysterious world is a very mysterious world."

"Mr. Zhuang Zhou, can you speak more clearly?"

"Keke..." Zhuang Zhou patted his belly and touched his beard. "Tao can be called Tao, extraordinary Tao, name can be called, extraordinary name, Wu, the beginning of heaven and earth, and you, the mother of all things. Tao can't be said. Do you understand, Xie Xiaoyou?"

Xie Qian scratched his head and said, "Tao can be changed into Tao. Tao means that the real Tao cannot be expressed in words. Heaven and earth start from nothing, and all things start from being."

Zhuang Zhou Dynasty Xie Qian thumbed up, "Xie Xiaoyou, you are really much smarter than I thought. Now you know what kind of world this is? It's a world that can't be expressed in words. "

Hearing this, Xie Qiangang almost sprayed Zhuang Zhou's face with a mouthful of tea.

"Xie Xiaoyou, it's getting late. Are you still on your way?"

"I have no home to go to, so I'm not on my way."

"How about a night's rest in the cottage if you don't dislike it?"

"It couldn't be better."

At night, the moon came out of the dark clouds, and countless wild animals howled. Xie Qian tossed and turned on the straw. On the blue planet, anyone who still sleeps on the straw sleeps in a quilt with a lot of hair, not to mention how comfortable it is.

It's very hot, and there is no fan to blow. Countless mosquitoes are singing nearby. After a while, they kill a few, and there are more singing.

Singing all night, Xie Qian is about to collapse.

In the morning, the chicken crowed, no chicken, where did the chicken come from?

Zhuang Zhou pushed the door open and stretched himself to move his muscles and bones.

"How did Xie Xiaoyou sleep? Wow, why do you have a lot of red spots on your face? "

"There are too many mosquitoes to bite."

"Maybe your blood is good, so mosquitoes like to bite you."

"Do you see any red spots on my face? No, I have a good sleep. "

"My blood is bad, so they never bite me."

"You have chickens?"

"No, why did you say that?"

"I hear chickens crow."

Zhuang Zhou said with a smile, "it must be pheasants reporting the time again. There are some pheasants behind the house. They report the time on time every day. You will get used to it if you stay in this world for a long time."

"It's sunny today. I'll show you an old friend."


"Old ear."

"It's not the old guy who wrote in the book that can be very Taoist, is it?"

"That's the old ear. You can't call him old guy face to face. He will be angry."

"By the way, there is a green cow in his family. Don't make trouble with it. The cow is spiritual. When I met him, the young man scratched me with his horn. I was very grateful and touched his face. Unexpectedly, he was angry. He kicked me far away and lay in bed for half a month. For this reason, Lao Er apologized and gave lectures to others to earn money. He bought medicine for me to drink in the shop."

"You and Lao Er were not born in the same era. Didn't Lao Er die?"

"Xie Xiaoyou, who is Lao er's immortal character? How can he be limited by people's life? He has long been in the immortal class and will never die."

"It's said that Lao Er went out of Hangu pass on a green ox. where did he go?"

"When Lao Er left Hangu pass in the west, he lived in seclusion in a beautiful place with spring flowers blooming and facing the sea."

"I can't understand Lao er's temper. You should be careful when you speak in front of him. If you make him unhappy, you will be swept out of the house and make him happy

"How far is it from here to Lao er's house?"

"That's a long way to go. We have to cross a hundred mountains and thirty-six rivers."

"So far away, when can we get there?"

"Hey, hey, no words, no words."

Zhuang Zhou cleaned the inside and outside of the house, carved a few words on the bamboo slips, and then moved a homemade bamboo reclining chair to lie on the reclining chair, lazily basking in the sun.

Xie Qian had nothing to do, so he went around here and there. When he got into the forest and saw the red chicken, it should be the chicken that was crowing.

Take food from the mall and throw it.

It flapped its wings and ate.

I heard a rustle.

Xie Qian's scalp is numb, because if the judgment is correct, it should be a snake.

Looking around, there is a green snake on the ground in front of the right, spitting out the letter, with triangular eyes staring at himself and the red chicken.

Maybe red chicken will be its food.

This snake is at least thigh thick.

Xie Qian wanted to run. He felt that his feet were fixed and could not move. The green snake opened a big basin of blood and ate the red chicken in an instant.

His stomach was undulating, and his cold triangular eyes were staring at Xie Qian, as if laughing, as if saying, soon you will become my food.

To be honest, I haven't seen such a big snake on the blue planet.

When he looks back, he stretches his neck, opens his mouth and pours on himself.

Take out the dagger from the mall and aim it at seven inches.

I feel I can't breathe because I'm entangled by snakes.

The snake's blood sprayed all over his face and all over his body. Fortunately, his attack was accurate and he could not survive.

Struggle out, suddenly wave a dagger, cut it to pieces.

I felt that there was someone nearby. Looking up, it was Zhuang Zhou. There seemed to be golden light around his body.

"Yes, your accomplishments have improved, but it's not enough for you to protect yourself in this world. I'll pass you a spell to protect yourself."

After Zhuang Zhou's words fell, Xie Qian felt that his chest was full of gold. After he disappeared, Zhuang Zhou said, "no matter how powerful the enemy you are facing, I can keep your life."

"When the opponent attacks, just use this move to immobilize him. Of course, the more energy he consumes, the longer he will immobilize him."

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