"Give it a try."

Xie Qian tried. The leaves that were still floating were fixed in the air. It took a few seconds for them to land.

"Wash your face and clean up the blood on your body. Let's go. We'll be there in the afternoon."

"How can it be so fast?"

"You'll know later."

Xie Qian cleans up and comes to the house. He sees the boat Zhuang Zhou has moved from somewhere.

"Shall we take this“

Zhuang Zhou nodded.

"How to climb the mountain?"

"You'll know how to translate later."

Lock the door, check it, stand in the boat, "what are you still doing? Come on up."

When Xie Qian went up, Zhuang Zhou read the bird's voice that Xie Qian couldn't hear, and suddenly felt that the boat had moved.

What's the situation? When I was on the blue planet, I never saw a ship move by itself.

The boat coasted forward.

Xie Qian closed his eyes. He was afraid of turning. He felt a little bumpy and didn't turn.

Open your eyes, the boat is flying on the field. The distance between the boat and the field is about three meters, and then it gets higher and higher, five meters, ten meters, one hundred meters, several thousand meters. It flies over the top of the mountain and over the river.

The speed is faster and faster. Sometimes it's bumpy, which makes Xie Qian's liver tremble.

After a few hours, he dived down and stopped at the middle of a mountain. Zhuang Zhou said, "come down."

Xie Qian came down.

Zhuang Zhou's fingers moved, and the ship disappeared out of thin air.

"Remember what I said first. Don't offend that green cow. That green cow has a way. If you offend it, it won't let you go."

"By the way, this season is the season for qingniu to be in heat. This qingniu is male and has no mother. When he sees you, he may be hungry and beg for love from you."

Xie Qian is sweating. He can't imagine the action of qingniu and people.

Looking around, the scenery is beautiful, but there is no room for one person and one cow. I don't know where Lao Er is now and what he looks like?

With a wave of Zhuangzhou's hand, a golden light appeared in front of him. There was a door in the center of the golden light, which made people feel ethereal.

Zhuang Zhou picked up his long gown and walked in.

See his look dignified, Xie Qian's look also some dignified.

Walk in and feel the energy surge around your body.

Zhuang Zhou went to the door, put his ear on the door, and after a while pushed it away to another world.

The sky is blue, and the pear and kapok trees are red and white. There are several rooms in the middle.

After they went in, the door closed automatically and the golden light disappeared. There were many flowers and trees in the original place.

It seems that there was no door there just now.

Xie Qian saw an old man with white hair hoeing in the pear forest. Maybe he was Lao er.

Two people went to the side, Zhuang Zhou clasped his hands and said: "old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time

Sure enough, it's Lao er.

Xie Qian didn't speak. He also clasped his hands and looked respectful.

When I was on the blue planet, I had heard of Lao er's name for a long time. This is a fairy like figure. If I offend him, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It turned out that Lao Er had been living in seclusion here since he left Hangu pass.

I didn't see what Mr. Zhuang Zhou said.

Hearing the voice, Lao Er looked up and saw Zhuang Zhou and Xie Qian. He put down his hoe and ignored Xie Qian. He also said to Zhuang Zhou, "old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still coquettish."

"Cough, old friend, how can you say such a thing? I've been searching for the road all my life. Where can I start the word" coquettish "

"Where's your green ox?"

The old ear said: "it's the season of estrus recently. Qingniu is reluctant to do anything in estrus. I'm trying to find a mother for her and let her love her." Speaking of this, looking at Xie Qian, he looks strange.

As soon as Xie Qian's heart was tight, Lao Er knew little Jiu Jiu in his heart.

"Who is this?" Lao Er asked Zhuang Zhou.

Zhuang Zhou said, "he is my good friend."

Old ear looked up and down at Xie Qian. His eyes were like a deep sea and sharp as a knife. It seemed that he wanted to see through Xie Qian's soul.

"As far as I know, you don't have such friends. I don't think he's like a person in our world. "

"Old friend, this is a secret. Don't let it out. The way can be different. The name can be different..."

Lao Er poked Zhuang Zhou's chest with a smile, holding hands, just like lovers who have been loving for many years.

Stop commenting in front of the pear blossom, stop next to the kapok tree, touch the trunk, pull out a few pieces of bark, smell under the nose, and talk about something, as if there was no Xie Qian.

Xie Qian doesn't care.

A few hours later, I was still holding hands and commenting. Sometimes I laughed, sometimes you poked me and I hit you twice.

Sometimes they quarrel fiercely and spit wildly. Sometimes they sit side by side on the ridge of the field and look at the mountains in the distance, the river at the foot of the mountain and the green cattle in the river.

Xie Qian was also sitting on the ridge of the field, looking at the green cattle and grass. He felt like a buffalo on the blue planet.

When qingniu saw Xie Qian, he went ashore and ran in the direction of Xie Qian. Soon he came to Xie Qian. The air from his nostrils was very strong and arched Xie Qian.

"Van Gogh, what are you doing? You don't eat grass yet." Old ear gave a loud drink.

Qingniu ran away.

The original name of qingniu was Fangao. Isn't that the name of a foreign painter? All his life, he was poor and insane. At the age of 37, he shot himself to death.

Does ear have the power of prophecy? Then he asked, "Mr. ear, why do you call it Fangao?"

The old ear stroked the white beard and said with a smile, "this is the secret of heaven. Don't let it out. Do you know the meaning of" Tao can be very Tao "and" name can be very name "

Seeing that Lao Er wanted to test himself, he replied, "Tao can be very special. Tao means that the real Tao can't be expressed in words."

Hearing this, Lao Er immediately laughed like a chrysanthemum, "you are so smart. I want to give you a big compliment." Give Xie Qian a thumbs up.

"This sentence is my original creation. I've asked countless senior people in the world. Only you can understand what they like."

"Talk freely about whether I have things or not, life and death, high and low, right and wrong, favor and disgrace." Then he looked at Xie Qian.

When Xie Qian remembered how Mr. Kong had answered Lao Er, he just couldn't remember the words, so he started the system. When he saw the answer, he said, "I feel like a magpie, flying in the branches, I feel like a fish, swimming in the rivers and lakes."

Hearing this, Lao ER was overjoyed. He felt relaxed and happy. He didn't expect that at a young age, he would know that he was thirty, forty and fifty.

At the moment, holding Xie Qian's hand, "you are the most intelligent person I have ever met. Do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

Being held by the old man, Xie Qian feels goose bumps. Moreover, Lao er's hands are too rough, and there is a smell of dung.

But he couldn't show it face to face, so he could only bear to say: "thank you for your love. I'm just a babbling. If you have any offence, please don't let me know."

"How can I see out? Brother Zhuang, you have made a good friend. I like it very much“

At the moment, I am in charge of the kitchen, and the fragrance is overflowing.

Sitting opposite Zhuang Zhou Dynasty, Xie Qian frowned and winked, which made Xie Qian feel embarrassed.

"The old man likes you."

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