"Are you always so smart?"

Shirou held a handful of magic gems in his hand, ready to use them in the assault.

"Master, please don't make such jokes at this time!"

Jeanne's heart was in a knot, and she had no intention of answering Shirou's joke.

Although she had experienced these things before, she still felt a little nervous when she returned to the scene again, even as a bystander, and even worried about herself who was about to be tied to the stake.

"Sorry, sorry, Joan of Arc, get ready, let's save her!"

Joan of Arc did not object this time. If she were to watch the scene of herself being burned at the stake again, she would probably feel severe torture again, right?


"……After verification and examination by the church, you, Jeanna Dark, are found guilty of 117 crimes, namely:……"

The church's bishops began to announce the results of the trial. Although they had no evidence to prove that Joan of Arc was guilty, they still charged her with more than a hundred crimes under various names.

"Now the sentence is announced. The prisoner Jeanna Dark will be burned at the stake for violating the church regulations. The execution will be immediate. Guards! Take the prisoner to the stake!" As the priest's voice fell, two tall and strong soldiers immediately took Joan of Arc from the nun's hands and carried her to the stake.

During this process, Joan of Arc behaved very quietly, as if she had expected this scene.

The other party obviously had planned it in advance, otherwise they would not have made all the preparations for the burning before the result of the trial came out!

Obviously, even if she was proven innocent today, she would still be executed here, so resistance was useless, and it would only satisfy the expectations of those people. They might just be waiting for her to show fear and pleading!

The soldiers took Joan of Arc gradually to the stake. Bai Zhen's heart was extremely nervous. She clenched her hands tightly together, and her body was shaking slightly.

Shirou pinched her hand and comforted her,"Since you are so worried, let's do it now!"(Dirty groping +1!)

After saying that, before Bai Zhen could react, he threw a red gem in his hand away

"Mars Stone·Fire of Fire!"

The red gem exploded on the stake in front of the soldiers, and the scorching flames instantly ignited all the materials piled here for the burning. The fire was too big and too fierce, so several soldiers around were unable to dodge and were engulfed by the flames.

This change came too quickly, and the people in the square had no time to react. The soldiers who were set on fire were like headless flies, running around the square, rolling on the ground, and making waves of creepy screams!

"Enemy attack! Guards!"

Bishop Cauchon reacted immediately and shouted to gather the nearby guards. The British knight captain also reacted at this time and immediately led his men to rush over.

"Their target is the prisoners, don't let them kidnap the prisoners!"

Pierre Cauchon's mind was clear, he knew who the other party's target was, but even if he knew it at this time, he couldn't help!

Because the scene was already in chaos!

Shirou threw out six gems in one breath, including three Mars stones, two phantom stones, and one gravity stone.

The phantom stone can make people hallucinate, attracting their attention for a short time, making them confused and unable to fight.

The gravity stone increased the huge gravity, greatly limiting the target's ability to move. Under the effect of the gravity stone, they couldn't even move, let alone attack. A whole row of British cavalry and swordsmen were trapped like this and couldn't move!

The use of 6 gems consumed a lot of his magic power. Thinking that he would have to go through a lot of fierce battles to break out of the encirclement later, Shirou did not hesitate to exchange magic potions from the system mall to replenish his magic power.

"Jeanne, go and rescue her, I'll hold the enemy back, we'll meet outside the city!"

Shirou had projected a dark red longbow, and was now using magic arrows to continuously shoot down the British archers on the roof, clearing the way for the two to escape! His bow and arrow had a 100% hit rate, and here it finally came in handy!

"Well, Master, be careful! If you can't resist, use the Command Spell to summon me back to help!"

Bai Zhen nodded, then he used two swords to split the shackles on Jeanne's body, and carried her away.

"Stop them, don't let them run away, they must be the reinforcements sent by the French!"

The British captain called out to his soldiers loudly, trying to stop the chaos on the field, but the changes on the scene happened too quickly, and Shirou threw out so many gems in one breath as if they were free. The ordinary soldiers were shocked when they saw the fire falling from the sky. In addition, they were hit hard by Shirou at this time, which made them even more panicked.

However, his call did have some effect. Some British soldiers rushed through the fire barrier and besieged Shirou, and the British archers on the roof also began to shoot arrows at him and Jeanne!

When Shirou saw that the situation was not right, he immediately began to fight and retreat. He summoned a magic shield while constantly replenishing himself with magic potions to keep the magic power in his body sufficient.

"As expected, wars are all about money. After this operation, the achievement points in the system will probably be used up!"

But this is not the time to think about these things. We must get out immediately!

Jeanne was about to rush out of the city gate. Shirou shot down several British soldiers stationed on the city wall with arrows, then set up several traps behind him, threw away the few remaining Mars stones in his hand, and artificially created a wall of fire behind him. Then he chased out and caught up with Jeanne. The

British soldiers were blocked by the wall of fire and could not catch up with them. They could only watch them leave.

"Quick, knights, follow me and mount your horses. Go around the houses on both sides and catch up with them!"

The commander of the British army was very unwilling. He had been on the battlefield and knew how much influence this woman named Joan of Arc had on the current war situation. Now that Joan of Arc had fallen into their hands, she must be killed and she must not be allowed to return to the French army. Otherwise, she would become a serious threat to the British army!

The British knights mounted their horses and marched forward without any hesitation. Although they knew very well what the consequences would be if they passed by the houses in this way, and they were afraid that a large number of civilians would be trampled to death by the cavalry, this was France, and the dead were not their own people. Even if more people died, they would not feel pity. On the contrary, they had a consensus that they must not let this enemy go. It took the

British cavalry about half an hour to finally rush out of the houses on both sides, but at this time Shirou and Joan of Arc had already gone far away.

PS:Chapter 99 has been temporarily reviewed and may be released later. Please be patient. Also, the computer version of Faloo seems to have crashed, and I can't see the comments, so I don't know what you said...

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