"Have you found out clearly? Is the trial today?"

Shirou took Jeanne out early in the morning. In fifteenth century Europe, the conditions of the hotels here were really bad, with all kinds of lice, fleas, mosquitoes and flies flying everywhere. Shirou was annoyed and had to use his magic power to condense a magic shield around him. Although doing so might expose his position, Shirou did not hesitate, as long as he could have a good sleep.

But he underestimated the power of this hard bed, and his whole back and buttocks were hurt, so he woke up early in the morning.

This made Jeanne's favor for him deepened a lot: it seems that the master is a very hardworking person! And he gets up so early, and he seems to care about his own affairs!

Jeanne's heart was slightly touched.

"Yes, it is indeed today. I remember it correctly, and I have also asked others about it. The time is correct. Master, look over there, isn't there a high platform? After the trial is over, the burning will be carried out here!"

When Joan of Arc said this, her expression was slightly gloomy. After all, this was the scene where she was burned to death. If anyone came back here and saw that they were about to be burned to death, they would not turn a blind eye!

"So, what do we need to do?"

The goal of this mission is to resolve the curse on Black Jeanne, but what is the curse on her?

Jeanne didn't say it before, so Shirou was a little confused at this time.

"After I was burned at the stake, I was burned again by another priest. After the second burning, they scattered my ashes in the Seine to prevent anyone from collecting them.……"

Shirou took a deep breath. The British white pigs were really cruel!

These guys really did something ruthless!

"Jeanne, don't worry, I will stop all this!"

Shirou put his hand on Jeanne's shoulder and said to her solemnly

"Master, in fact, the Black Jeanne that Jill summoned from the Holy Grail was not created on my body, because my body can no longer be found. Moreover, before the second burning at the stake, a priest cursed me. He was not an ordinary person, but the incarnation of a dragon. Master, have you heard of the dragon slayer?"

Jeanne's thinking is really very jumpy. If Shirou hadn't reacted quickly, he really couldn't keep up with her rhythm.

"Are you talking about Siegfried the Dragon Slayer?"

Siegfried's full name is Siegfried, a famous dragon slayer in Europe. Shirou had seen a movie about him in his previous life, so he had some impression of him.

"Well, the dragon he killed was named Fafnir, and the dragon cast a curse on him, and this curse flowed throughout his body along with the dragon's blood, but it missed just one spot, which eventually became the cause of his death!"

Shirou nodded and scratched his head. Wasn't he talking about the curse of Joan of Arc? How did it have something to do with this dragon slayer again?

As if she had guessed his thoughts, Joan of Arc paused and said,"It's like this, when that person was executing the second burning at the stake, he stabbed my body with the cursed magic sword Balmung, and the dragon's blood has affected me, so Joan of Arc has the power of the dragon, but I don't!"

Well... after hearing what Jeanne said, it seems to be true!

Black Jeanne's ability is indeed very strong, and she even has several incredible abilities, such as the breath blocking ability that only Assassin has. I'm afraid her ability is even better than Assassin's, otherwise Gilgamesh wouldn't have been attacked without any preparation.

In addition to this, she also has the ability to act alone that only Archer has, and her magic power recovers very quickly. It is said that it is because of the power of the magic dragon in her body that she can have such a rapid magic power recovery ability.

And these do not seem to exist in Jeanne.

From this point of view, it seems that Jeanne's explanation is feasible!

"So, what should we do? How about rescuing you and running away?"

Anyway, this is a dream copy, and as long as the mission is completed, what happens here will not change history or anything, so Shirou has no psychological burden. However, it seems a bit difficult to rescue directly. There seem to be too many British soldiers on the street, especially their longbow archers, which seem to be too threatening. If there are only two of them, it is still not easy to succeed.

"This is feasible, but will it be too difficult? If we stop that person after I am burned to death, it may be easier!"

When Joan of Arc said that she was burned to death, her brows slightly frowned. Shirou observed her expression and saw that although Joan of Arc said this, she had experienced the painful experience of being burned to death, which made her feel very uncomfortable. If she were to watch it again on the spot, it would probably make her collapse!

"Don't worry, leave it to me, and Joan of Arc, you are very powerful too, believe me, believe in yourself, the two of us can complete this task. But before that, we have to replenish our magic and make a plan before the trial begins, otherwise it may be difficult to get away!"

""Magic replenishment?"

Jeanne blinked and looked at Shirou in confusion.


The streets of Rouen were heavily guarded. In order to prevent someone from robbing the execution ground to save people, the British army deployed a large number of troops in Rouen. They mobilized a large number of elite archers to occupy the advantageous terrain nearby, forming direct fire coverage on the streets and houses. In this way, if an unexpected situation occurs, they will quickly control the situation, at least in terms of firepower intensity!

On the streets, there are also many spearmen and swordsmen to maintain order.

Shirou roughly counted and found that the number of British troops was about 300-500 people. With so many troops, it would be difficult for someone to get close to the execution ground, let alone robbing the execution ground.

Under the strict guard, a large group of representatives of the church and the British army finally arrived at the trial site.

Afterwards, the tired and weak Joan of Arc was also brought up by the British soldiers.

Two nuns from the church took Joan of Arc from the hands of the British soldiers and asked her to stand aside for interrogation.

"Jeanne d'Arc, you are suspected of violating many regulations of the church. We will try you here today. Do you have any objection?"

Without waiting for Joan of Arc to answer, the bishop continued,"I heard that during the war, you preached to the French soldiers that France would win, and said that this was told to you by God. Do you feel that you have been blessed by God?"

It is normal and common to carry out propaganda during war and say some inspiring words to keep the soldiers' morale high and thus improve their combat effectiveness!

For example, the phrase that European armies like to say most before going to war is: God bless us! God is on our side!

These are all such intentions. The bishop asked this question, actually using a common question to set a trap for Joan of Arc. If she answered yes, then she would prove herself to be a heretic, because now even the church cannot prove the existence of God and communicate with him!

But if she answered no, then she admitted that she was guilty, because as people dedicated to the church, Jesus and God, they cannot lie!

This question is a trap. Whether she answered yes or no, she would be charged with various crimes, and then proved guilty, and then executed.

Joan of Arc seemed to see through their conspiracy and said with a smile,"If I have not received God's grace, I hope God can give it to me; if I have received it, I hope God will still give it to me."

When this was said, the church members present were stunned, because the other party did not answer as they had imagined. This answer was beyond their expectations!

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