Rouen, a small city in the northwest of France, was still under the control of the British.

During the Hundred Years' War between England and France, Rouen was under the control of the British for most of the time.

In fact, France was still very weak at that time.

Not only was the north occupied by the British, but even the capital, Paris, was under the control of the British.

The Battle of Orleans, in which Joan of Arc led her army to defeat the British, was of great significance to France because Orleans was located in central France.

After losing it, the French army would lose control of most of the country, so Crown Prince Charles asked Joan of Arc to lead his army to rescue Orleans.

Even if the city was besieged for more than half a year and was besieged by the British army inside and outside, as long as it was not lost, France still had a chance!

It was precisely because Joan of Arc led her army to defeat the British army, defend Orleans, and completely rewrite the fate of France that she was regarded as a national hero by the French.

But now, this national hero has been handed over to the British by the Burgundians. The British hate her so much that they naturally cannot let her go, so they are going to put her on trial and impose some charges on her. Whether she admits it or not, the British will eventually burn her to death!

Only by completely destroying Joan of Arc physically can the British eliminate their fear of her, boost the morale of their army, and prevent the soldiers from facing such a terrible opponent.


The cavalry escorted them halfway and could not go on. Although the previous lord was French, his attitude in the Anglo-French war was neutral. According to the rules, his troops could not go too deep into the British occupied area, even if the army was small in number.

However, he gave Shirou and his men a letter of introduction and a certificate. With these things, the two of them had no obstacles along the way.

It can't be said that they had no obstacles along the way, because Joan of Arc was very famous among the British soldiers, and many people had seen her. So in order to avoid Joan of Arc being exposed, Shirou made some changes to her.

"Master, this corset is too tight!"

Joan of Arc rarely wears women's clothes. Since she participated in the battle, she has always been dressed in men's clothes. Even when she was tried and sent to the stake, she still wore men's clothes.

So Joan of Arc was not quite used to wearing such women's clothes at this time.

"Relax, take a deep breath, it's okay, put your hands down!"

"Well, let your hands hang naturally, follow me, inhale, exhale!"

"Okay, don't push your chest up too high, relax, it's okay, don't be nervous, this is not asking you to go to war……"

Shirou taught her for a long time, but Joan of Arc still couldn't learn.

Her breasts weren't too big, probably a C cup, which wasn't too prominent among Europeans.

But the dress Shirou bought her was a traditional European silk skirt, a long skirt with a tight waist and a tight chest. The skirt looked good when worn because it showed off the figure. After all, it was also aristocratic clothing, with exquisite materials, workmanship and even style.

After Joan of Arc wore this skirt, it was estimated that others would not associate her with the French national hero Joan of Arc, because the latter would not wear women's clothing.

This was why Shirou chose this skirt. Of course, as for other reasons! There must be some!

For example, this skirt was actually a low-cut dress with a relatively low V-line, so when Joan of Arc put it on, some parts would be exposed, and then Shirou could take the opportunity to feast his eyes!

"No, even if Jeanne is on the battlefield, it feels easier than this! Master, can you change your clothes? Change into something more ordinary?

Jeanne felt a little embarrassed, her hands never left her chest, and Shirou's attempt to take the opportunity to peek was declared a failure.

"Well, since you don't like it, then we can change it. However, Jeanne, this dress is really beautiful and suits you very well. Are you sure you don't want to think about it again?"

Shirou was still making a final attempt to trick Jeanne into accepting his suggestion.

He chose a set of orange-red clothes. The color was not very eye-catching, but it was very figure-flattering. After wearing it, she would feel like an elf, which was very eye-catching. Unfortunately, Jeanne didn't like it, which really disappointed him!

"No, no, just buy Jeanne any other clothes, anything will do!"

Jeanne just wanted to change out of this dress quickly, and she didn't have any other requirements.

Shirou smiled wickedly, Jeanne, are you sure?

So he picked another one for Jeanne!

""Uh, master? What is this?"

Joan of Arc had a slightly strange expression on her face after seeing the dress.

This dress is quite conservative, but it looks so weird!

The style of this dress is very simple and plain, mainly a white apron decorated with ruffles and a white collared solid dress. The color combination is very simple, there are only two colors, white and black. There is something like an apron on the front, which looks like it was specially designed to avoid dirtying clothes when doing housework.

In later generations, this dress has a very famous name, called maid outfit!

But in At that time, this thing was not very popular. After Shirou told the tailor in the store, he modified it on the spot. The modified look basically met his requirements, so Shirou was still very satisfied.

But it seemed a bit unfair to Jeanne to wear a maid outfit!

I wonder what the effect will be if this set of clothes is promoted among Saber and Black Jeanne? Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it!

Although Jeanne felt very strange, she still reluctantly accepted this dress. At least this dress covered more tightly than that one, which made her feel a little more comfortable.


In a cell on the basement level of a church in Rouen, a middle-aged man was walking down the stairs.

His fat body looked a little clumsy. In this dark and damp dungeon, not only the stairs made him feel uncomfortable, but even the air inside was so foul that he wanted to vomit. If he didn't need to see that person, he wouldn't have come here.

"Jeanne d'Arc, tomorrow is your trial day. Are you ready to confess everything to Jesus?"The exhausted female prisoner turned her head, glanced at him, and snorted slightly,"Pierre Cauchon, as a bishop of the church, you were actually bribed by the British. Are you worthy of your faith and worthy of Jesus?"

Joan of Arc struggled slightly and wanted to stand up, but she failed. She had not had a drop of water for three days and she had no strength left.

"Humph, I am certainly worthy of my faith, and I have a clear conscience, but you, you will be nailed to the stake as a sinner and burned alive! So I advise you to prepare early, maybe at tomorrow's trial if you are a little more honest, we will let you die a little more comfortably!"

Bishop Cauchon was very proud, and laughed after saying this.

"If you think this way, why do you come to see me, a dying man? I have long been prepared for death. You know, I once said: For France, I am ready to die! And you, since you know the result of the trial, why do you come to tell me? Bishop Cauchon, what are you afraid of in your heart?"

Joan of Arc's eyes were very sharp. She looked at the fat middle-aged man with some compassion and ignored him.

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